Events Calendar

Now viewing: January 14–27, 2024

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
14 15 16 January 17
  1. 5:30pm 2024-01-17T19:00-06:00
    Mentoring Program Kickoff Reception

    Mentoring Program Kickoff Reception

    Full event information:

18 January 19
  1. All day
    Texas Law Review Symposium

    Professors Jennifer Laurin and Lee Kovarsky will be organizing the Texas Law Review Volume 102 symposium on the topic of mercy.

    Full event information:

January 20
  1. All day
    Texas Law Review Symposium

    Professors Jennifer Laurin and Lee Kovarsky will be organizing the Texas Law Review Volume 102 symposium on the topic of mercy.

    Full event information:

21 January 22
  1. 11:50am 2024-01-22T12:50-06:00
    Trump Indictment Panel

    Please join the Texas Federalist Society, Texas Law Review, and the American Journal of Criminal Law for a fantastic panel discussion on the indictments facing former President Donald Trump. Exploring the sufficiency of the charges, we are honored to host Professors Susan Klein, Lee Kovarsky, Stephen Vladeck, and Theodore Rave. Free lunch is provided!

    Full event information:

January 23
  1. 12:00pm 2024-01-23T13:15-06:00
    Ex Libris - Kristine Cherek

    The Center hosts our first Ex Libris event of 2024 at 12 pm CT, Jan. 23 with Kristine Cherek, author of Tread Loudly. Cherek will share her experiences as a female professional in a male-dominated culture. Over her two-decade journey as an attorney, corporate executive, and college professor, Cherek will share wit, wisdom, and insight to inspire and move you to action in your careers and life.

    Tread Loudly publishes on Jan. 16, and we’re excited to have Ms. Cherek join us soon after its release.

    Full event information:

24 25 26 27