Events Calendar

Now viewing: February 18–24, 2024

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
Sunday 18 Monday 19 Tuesday 20 Wednesday 21 Thursday February 22
  1. 12:00pm 2024-02-22T13:15-06:00
    Animal Law Workshop

    Drawing on her work in human and animal research ethics, Dr. Hope Ferdowsian will discuss how starting from clear ethical principles has informed human research policy, and how a similar approach could better inform research policy surrounding the use of animals in research—resulting in improvements in medicine, science, and ethics and greater protections and benefits for people and animals. Join us in-person in TNH 3.125 or online via Zoom ( Meeting ID: 921 5597 9467 Passcode: 242422

    Full event information:

Friday 23 Saturday February 24
  1. All day
    TILJ Annual Symposium and Banquet

    The Texas International Law Journal's Annual Symposium and Banquet will be held on February 24, 2024, and is titled “Current Challenges to the Effectiveness and Future of the International Criminal Court.” The event will consist of three panels, united by a common focus on the International Criminal Court (ICC) and a focus on its efficacy and future. Our event promises to be the preeminent venue for fruitful discussion and disagreement, with new ideas and approaches presented and analyzed from different viewpoints.

    Full event information: