Events Calendar

Now viewing: February 25–March 2, 2024

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
Sunday 25 Monday February 26
  1. 12:00pm 2024-02-26T12:50-06:00
    Info Session: CIA

    Please RSVP by Sunday, February 25, on Symplicity. Zoom link will then be sent before the event.

    Learn more about the exciting opportunities available with the Central Intelligence Agency's Office of General Counsel. The CIA's OGC provides legal advice and policy counsel to the Director of the CIA and other CIA officers on a variety of legal issues relating to the operations and management of CIA. Join this information session to learn about the exciting and varied practice areas available within the CIA, as well as internship and permanent employment opportunities.

    Full event information:

  2. 12:00pm 2024-02-26T12:30-06:00
    SBA Election Infosessions

    All interested candidates must come to one of the six infosessions during the week of 2/26 to be eligible to run for an elected SBA position! Infosessions are on Monday (2/26), Wednesday (2/28), and Thursday (2/29) at 12:00 and 12:30 in the SBA office. Please email Morgan Johnson at with any questions!

    Full event information:

Tuesday February 27
  1. 8:00am 2024-02-27T17:00-06:00
    STM Conference

    The Space Security, Safety, and Sustainability (SSSS) Program at The University of Texas at Austin’s (UT) Strauss Center for International Security and Law and the Cockrell School of Engineering, in partnership with the International Academy of Astronautics (IAA) and MITRE, will hold the 10th annual Space Traffic Management Conference, “Inflection Points of Change: Civil, Commercial & Security” for space operations. Additional support is provided by NorthStar Earth and Space, Aerospace Policy Solutions, LLC, Embry Riddle Aeronautical University O’Maley College of Business, and Runways to Space LLC.

    The conference will take place on February 27-28, 2024, hosted at The University of Texas at Austin, USA. Experts from all over the world will gather to discuss and exchange knowledge on Space Traffic Management. Technical sessions will be devoted to several topics like Changing Legal and Regulatory Frameworks, Airspace/Orbital Space Integration, Space Safety and Sustainability, Security, and Related Issues.

    For more information, including to register (1 euro for students), the agenda, paper access, and more, see the website. Breakfast, lunch, and a networking reception are included.

    Full event information:

  2. 11:45am 2024-02-27T12:45-06:00
    Careers in Enforcement/White Collar Law

    Please RSVP by Monday, February 26, on Symplicity.

    Learn more about pathways in white collar law and enforcement from attorneys who have practiced in these fields in both the government and private sectors. Pizza will be served.

    Panelists include: Ephraim (Fry) Wernick ‘03, Partner – Government Investigations & White Collar Criminal Defense, Vinson & Elkins (Washington, D.C.), former federal prosecutor and supervisor of the U.S. Department of Justice’s Criminal Fraud Section

    Rebecca Fike, Partner – Shareholder Litigation & Enforcement, Government Investigations & White Collar Defense, Vinson & Elkins (Dallas), former Securities and Exchange Commission Senior Counsel

    G. Zachary Terwilliger, Partner – Government Investigations & White Collar Criminal Defense, Vinson & Elkins (Washington, D.C.), former Senate confirmed United States Attorney for the Eastern District of Virginia

    Full event information:

  3. 11:45am 2024-02-27T12:45-06:00
    Legal AI: An Introduction

    Make room, ChatGPT! Artificial intelligence is coming to familiar legal research platforms. Lexis+ AI is available, and Westlaw is not far behind. How good are these tools? What can you do with them, and how can you make the most of them while minimizing their risks? Check out Legal AI: An Introduction, prepared for 2Ls and 3Ls and brought to you by the Beck Center faculty and the Tarlton Law Library. Tuesday, February 27, 11:45-12:45. Pizza will be provided.

    Full event information:

  4. 12:00pm 2024-02-27T12:45-06:00
    Women's Law Caucus Snack Hour

    Join Women's Law Caucus for cookies and fun! Sponsored by our generous supporters, Katten.

    Full event information:

  5. 12:00pm 2024-02-27T12:50-06:00
    Student Organization Fundraising Debrief

    Join the Texas Law Development Team to debrief the student organization fundraising process and provide insight into the experience. Lunch will be provided!

    Full event information:

  6. 12:00pm 2024-02-27T12:50-06:00
    Alternative Curriculum #4

    Presented by Law Student for Black Lives and ACS, this series explores standard doctrinal law classes from an anti-racism perspective and considers perspectives often absent from the standard law school curriculum. Professor Mechele Dickerson will discuss: what does race have to do with a "race-neutral" area like civil procedure? And how have due process rights been threatened in majority-Black communities?

    Lunch will be provided.

    Full event information:

  7. 6:00pm 2024-02-27T00:00-06:00
    Jonathan Haidt and Jonathan Rauch

    Join Jonathan Haidt (NYU) and Jonathan Rauch (Brookings) for a discussion of the role of the modern university in the formation of knowledge, the importance of heterodox views in that process, and the many modern obstacles in the way.

    Visit the link for more information about our speakers and to RSVP to reserve a seat. We hope you join us!


    The Athanaeum

    The Civitas Institute

    Full event information:

Wednesday February 28
  1. 8:00am 2024-02-28T17:00-06:00
    STM Conference

    The Space Security, Safety, and Sustainability (SSSS) Program at The University of Texas at Austin’s (UT) Strauss Center for International Security and Law and the Cockrell School of Engineering, in partnership with the International Academy of Astronautics (IAA) and MITRE, will hold the 10th annual Space Traffic Management Conference, “Inflection Points of Change: Civil, Commercial & Security” for space operations. Additional support is provided by NorthStar Earth and Space, Aerospace Policy Solutions, LLC, Embry Riddle Aeronautical University O’Maley College of Business, and Runways to Space LLC.

    The conference will take place on February 27-28, 2024, hosted at The University of Texas at Austin, USA. Experts from all over the world will gather to discuss and exchange knowledge on Space Traffic Management. Technical sessions will be devoted to several topics like Changing Legal and Regulatory Frameworks, Airspace/Orbital Space Integration, Space Safety and Sustainability, Security, and Related Issues.

    For more information, including to register (1 euro for students), the agenda, paper access, and more, see the website. Breakfast, lunch, and a networking reception are included.

    Full event information:

  2. 11:45am 2024-02-28T12:45-06:00
    TBLS Lunch

    Enjoy a delicious lunch while connecting with lawyers from Wilson Sonsini Goodrich & Rosati!

    Full event information:

  3. 12:00pm 2024-02-28T12:50-06:00
    Is Trump Disqualified?

    Please join the Texas Federalist Society at 12:00 on Wednesday, February 28 in TNH 2.139 for a timely debate on whether one of the nation's leading presidential candidates is even constitutionally qualified to hold the Presidency.

    Full event information:

  4. 3:45pm 2024-02-28T16:30-06:00
    Society Program Info Session # 2

    Interested in becoming a Dean's Fellow, Society Coordinator or Academic Success Fellow for the 2024/25 academic year?

    Come to an info session and hear from SAO + current Society Program members. Get your questions answered before applying.

    Attendance at an info session is a pre-requisite to applying.

    Full event information:

Thursday February 29
  1. CANCELED 2024-02-29T12:45-06:00
    Info Session: U.S. Navy JAG Corps

    THIS EVENT HAS BEEN CANCELED. If in doubt, verify with the web-based events calendar.

    Please RSVP by Wednesday, February 28, on Symplicity. Zoom link will then be sent before the event.

    As a member of the Navy Judge Advocate General (JAG) Corps, you will experience the most diverse legal practice available to an attorney. Working in locations around the world, you will get hands-on experience in everything from international law to civil litigation and military justice. Join this information session to learn more about the exciting employment and internship opportunities available through the U.S. Navy JAG Corps.

    Panelists include:

    Lt. Ariel Sarandinaki, Staff Judge Advocate

    Full event information:

  2. 12:00pm 2024-02-29T12:50-06:00
    Women's Law Caucus Mid-size Firm Panel

    Join the Women's Law Caucus as we discuss what life at a mid-size law firm is like. We will have a panel of current attorneys from various firms. Lunch provided!

    Full event information:

  3. 12:00pm 2024-02-29T12:50-06:00
    TLR Bluebooking Session

    Please join members of Volume 103 of the Texas Law Review to learn more about Bluebook rules in preparation for the write-on Bluebooking exam. Lunch will be provided thanks to our sponsor, Beck Redden!

    Feel free to email any questions to

    Full event information:

  4. 12:00pm 2024-02-29T13:15-06:00
    EmPOWERed for Public Interest Group

    This event is part of the Justice Center initiative designed to support students whose lived experiences intersect with the legal systems they seek to challenge in their careers. For example: students who have themselves or had family members become entangled in the criminal legal system who are interested in public defense work; immigrant students, or students who are the children or family members of immigrants seeking to challenge the immigration system; low-income students seeking to challenge laws and policy that further marginalize poor people such as predatory lending, cash bail, etc.

    EPI gatherings serve as a space for dialogue, mentorship, and resource-sharing tailored to the particular needs and strengths of students whose public interest work as attorneys may be directly tied to their lived experiences and/or those of their loved ones. This lunch will be a unique opportunity for students to meet with Texas Law faculty over lunch to discuss navigating law school and public interest legal careers.

    Full event information:

  5. 3:45pm 2024-02-29T17:30-06:00
    Business Law Workshop - Gordon Smith

    Gordon Smith presenting an original paper in the Business Law Workshop

    Full event information:

  6. 4:00pm 2024-02-29T17:30-06:00
    Why Reparations are Not Enough

    In 2021, the California State Legislature approved a reparations scheme for victims of forced sterilization carried out from 1909-1979. As the window for victims of state-sanctioned forced sterilization to apply for reparations comes to a close in December 2023, an evaluation of the efficacy of the initiative can now be undertaken. One way of evaluating the reparations scheme’s efficacy is through the lens of transitional justice – a theory in international law describing the process and mechanisms through which a state seeks to reform and repair relations with its citizens following a mass human rights abuse, conflict, or political regime change. The California State Legislature is therefore engaging, to a certain extent, in transitional justice by creating the reparations scheme and attempting to address the historical injustice caused to its citizens. In her talk, Helen Jennings will evaluate the extent to which this engagement has been successful, and will suggest lessons from transitional justice that can be applied to California’s reckoning with the legacy of eugenics.

    Full event information:

  7. 7:00pm 2024-02-29T09:00-06:00
    A&F Show Night 1

    Assault & Flattery's annual musical

    Full event information:

Friday March 1
  1. 9:00am 2024-03-01T17:00-06:00
    TIPLJ Symposium

    Join the Texas Intellectual Property Law Journal for its 23rd Annual Symposium on Friday, March 1. Location TBD.

    Full event information:

  2. 1:30pm 2024-03-01T18:00-06:00
    1L Society Games

    Annual Society Games at the IM Fields! Law students dedicate an afternoon to engaging in a variety of field day activities in a fun, spirited environment while bonding with their fellow Society mates.

    Full event information:

  3. 7:00pm 2024-03-01T09:00-06:00
    A&F Show Night 2

    Assault & Flattery's Annual Musical

    Full event information:

Saturday March 2
  1. 10:00am 2024-03-02T12:00-06:00
    Texas Law Day

    Open house event for prospective students.

    Full event information:

  2. 7:00pm 2024-03-02T00:00-06:00
    A&F Show Night 3

    Assault & Flattery's Annual Musical

    Full event information: