Events Calendar

Now viewing: November 6–19, 2011

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
6 November 7
  1. All day
    West Coast LL.M. Job Fair - Register Now

    The West Coast International LL.M. Job Fair is a recruitment venue for employers who are interested in enlisting international legal talents and for internationally trained lawyers who are currently enrolled in an LL.M. program at a participating law school. UCLA School of Law serves as the event's organizer and host while a consortium of 19 campuses participate in the program. Interested employers will have the opportunity to pre-select LL.M. candidates from a collective pool of high caliber students who represent many countries in Africa, Asia, Europe, Latin America and the Middle East. The 2012 West Coast International LL.M. Job Fair will be held on February 24 at UCLA School of Law.

    Full event information:

  2. 11:30am 2011-11-07T13:30-06:00
    Lives in the Law

    “Lives in the Law,” Karen Lash, Senior Counsel for Access to Justice, U.S. Department of Justice, Nov. 7, ’11, 11:30 am – 1:30 pm, Sheffield Room, co-sponsored with the Career Services Office

    Lash will speak from 11:30 to 12:30 about the Obama Administration’s Access to Justice Initiative and her work at the federal level to close the justice gap. From 12:30 to 1:30 Lash will speak about her life in the law and offer tips for students considering public service careers. Lunch will be served at 11:30 and 12:30. Audience members may attend one or both sessions.

    Full event information:

8 9 10 November 11
  1. 5:00pm
    ABA JC Program - Application Deadline

    Dean Sager has generously agreed to sponsor airfare, hotel and program registration for four UT Law students to attend the American Bar Association's Judicial Clerkship Program "Judges and Law Students: Building Relationships that Work," which will occur during the 2012 ABA Midyear Meeting in New Orleans, LA on February 2-4, 2012. This program is designed to increase diversity in the judiciary and is an excellent opportunity for students who may be considering judicial clerkships to learn about what it is like to be a judicial clerk. Programming will begin at 11:15 a.m. on Thursday, February 2, and will conclude at 2:00 p.m. on Saturday, February 4. The law school will pay hotel accommodations for two nights (February 2-3).

    1Ls and 2Ls are eligible to apply, as long as you have not already secured a judicial clerkship and have not previously attended this conference. Because this program is designed to encourage diversity in the judiciary, students should demonstrate a knowledge of or involvement in racial and ethnic minority communities.

    The ABA's Judicial Clerkship Program gives students the opportunity to network with judges and former law clerks from across the country. The program simulates the clerkship experience, exposes students to what judicial clerks do on a daily basis, broadens your career options, shows how to apply for a judicial clerkship, and demonstrates the benefits of clerking. Students will have the opportunity to interact with federal and state judges in a series of panels and small group discussions as well as at scheduled social events. This program is a great way to make important connections that can lead to a clerkship after graduation. You can learn more by reading the brochure from last year's ABA Judicial Clerkship Program.

    To apply, please submit a copy of your resume, law school transcript (2Ls only), and a one-page essay that describes why you want to attend the conference and why you think it would be beneficial to you, by 5 p.m. on Friday, November 11, to Rémi Ratliff, Director of Judicial Programs, at

    Full event information:

13 14 November 15
  1. 5:30pm 2011-11-15T18:30-06:00
    LSftA guest speaker on entertainment law

    If you have an interest in the music industry or entertainment law more generally, please join us November 15 at 5:30. Joe Stallone, a partner at Oaks, Hartline & Daly, LLP, will be speaking about both his career in entertainment law as a music attorney and the Entertainment Law Initiative (ELI). The ELI is part of the Grammy Foundation and has an upcoming essay contest for law students which Mr. Stallone will tell us more about.

    Full event information:

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