Events Calendar

Now viewing: August 25–31, 2024

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
Sunday 25 Monday 26 Tuesday 27 Wednesday August 28
  1. 11:50am 2024-08-28T12:50-05:00
    Law School 201

    Welcome back and what's next (academics, careers, bar exams) for 2Ls

    Full event information:

Thursday August 29
  1. 11:50am 2024-08-29T12:50-05:00
    Annual Safety Training - Orgs/Journals

    Students will have the opportunity to learn safety protocols to maintain in their journal or organization. Any orgs or journals that are frozen should attend this meeting to become active.

    Full event information:

Friday August 30
  1. 11:00am 2024-08-30T14:00-05:00
    Texas BLE Office Hours

    The Board of Law Examiners staff will be holding virtual office hours for students with questions about their Declarations of Intention to Practice Law, which are due October 1.

    Zoom Meeting ID: 842 9935 3506

    Full event information:

Saturday 31