Amelia Ruiz Fischer

Without exaggeration, the Immigration Clinic has transformed my law school career and changed my life. Working directly with underserved and vulnerable people who desperately needed our help both filled me with purpose and reminded me why I went to law school in the first place. Practically speaking, the Immigration Clinic provided me with so much lawyering experience and taught me skills (how to write legal and court documents well and persuasively, how to analyze complex legal issues and craft creative legal arguments, how to stand up in a courtroom and fight for my client) that are crucial to every aspect of any future legal career. And working with Barbara Hines and Denise Gilman, the co-directors (and immigration law legends), has been an honor and privilege. The Clinic requires a lot of your dedication, time, and hard work, but I can say with no hesitation whatsoever that taking the Immigration Clinic was the best decision of my law school career and one of the best decisions of my life.

Category: Perspectives