This was a non-renewal of tenancy of a forty-eight year old client with multiple sclerosis. She had relocated to Austin after being displaced by the Bastrop fires. She moved into an apartment complex built with City bond money. Following an incident at the premises in which her car was vandalized, management claimed she had been disruptive and gave her notice that it would not renew her tenancy. Because her apartment is leased at a rate considerably under fair market rent, she did not want to move. But on the face of the lease, it appeared the landlord was within its right to refuse to renew her lease. The student assigned to the case interviewed the client.
Through on-line investigative research, the student discovered that the landlord had received bond money and had agreed that it would not refuse to renew a tenant’s lease except for good cause. The tenant set out the legal position in a letter and requested a meeting. Management finally agreed to meet. It subsequently signed a lease with the client for another year.
Student’s research allows displaced client to renew lease
Category: Cases and Projects