Category: Perspectives

  • In talking to the workers, knowing about the international labor situation helps. They are very interested in comparing the U.S. system of protections to other countries. It helps them see they are not the only exploitable workforce…It is very helpful for us as students too, because seeing the global picture makes it easier to separate […]
  • My work at the EJC and the Clinic has been the most rewarding experience of law school thus far. Aside from the practical skills I acquired, I learned that the practice of law is not nearly as terrifying as I had imagined. The best thing about the Clinic is that one is given the opportunity […]
  • The Mental Health Clinic was one of the most rewarding experiences of my law school career. I was an avid mock trialer throughout law school, but being able to use my advocacy skills to represent clients in  probable cause and commitment hearings against seasoned prosecutors while still in school was exhilarating and extremely rewarding.  I […]
  • I didn’t win very many cases in the Mental Health Clinic, but I did have one electrifying lawyer moment. The doctor was about to introduce some inadmissible – and very damaging – hearsay, and I objected. The judge sustained my objection, took the case under advisement, and released my client the next week. But I […]
  • In the summer following my time with the Clinic, I served as a law clerk on U.S. Senator John Cornyn’s Judiciary Committee Staff. The lessons and skills of the Legislative Lawyering Clinic were extremely pertinent and useful in that job, and I believe they will continue to be for many years to come.
  • Participating in the Legislative Lawyering Clinic was one of the best decisions I made while at Texas Law. Through the clinic, I had the opportunity to work with a legal services organization to research and draft legislation that will improve the lives of elderly and low-income Texans. I also gained a strong foundation in the […]
  • One of the most important skills I learned because of the course came from an exercise that seemed utterly ridiculous at the time. We held a mock interest group meeting to discuss a piece of proposed legislation. Like a high school drama class, Professor Brady cast each of us in roles as elected officials, as […]
  • I was a bit apprehensive about being among the first students to participate in a new clinic. However, I found Professor Brady’s Legislative Lawyering Clinic to be one of the highlights of my time at Texas Law. The clients were diverse and interesting, the work was rewarding, and the course’s classroom component supplemented our projects […]
  • The Juvenile Justice Clinic taught me the crucial importance of patience and persistence as an advocate.  While at times it was frustrating to work with clients as they continued to make mistakes, it was worth the effort when I won a child the right to remain at home with his family and in his community.  Learning to […]
  • The study of law and the practice of law are very different, and I think that the Juvenile Justice Clinic was one of my most valuable experiences in law school specifically because it facilitates the transition from the study to the practice of law.  At the start of the Clinic, it was unclear what to […]