April 2, 2014
In the spring of 2014, the Clinic partnered with the Texas Fair Defense Project to compile information on national and state standards and best practices relating to criminal representation of juveniles with mental health issues or intellectual or developmental disabilities. TFDP used the research to propose guidelines for the use of social workers at all […] -
December 2, 2013
In the fall of 2013, the Clinic co-counseled with attorneys at the Texas Civil Rights Project and the Human Rights Defense Center (HRDC) to represent Prison Legal News, a project of HRDC that publishes a monthly legal journal for prisoners. The lawsuit, filed in federal court in San Antonio, alleged that Comal County Jail violated […] -
October 7, 2013
Students travel all over the world on behalf of Human Rights Clinic
During the fall semester of 2013, eight students travelled on behalf of the Human Rights Clinic. The Clinic sent three students to Brownsville, Texas to visit the U.S.-Mexico border, three students to Panama, and two students to Argentina. The students who visited Brownsville and the U.S.-Mexico border went there to meet with (among others) Dr. […] -
September 2, 2013
In the fall of 2013, the Clinic partnered with the ACLU of Texas to research legal questions, including Fourth Amendment protection for searches and seizures at the border and First Amendment rights to film law enforcement officers. Using this research, Clinic students drafted know-your-rights materials. -
July 2, 2013
The Clinic is partnering with the ACLU of Texas to conduct legal and fact research relating to legislative efforts relating to deployment of the Texas Department of Public Safety and other state law enforcement officers along the international border with Mexico. -
October 25, 2012
Guatemala: Access to information for Human Rights abuses in Guatemala
The HRC worked with the Open Society Justice Initiative conducting legal research on the balance between the right to access to information on human rights abuses, the right to privacy, and the presumption of innocence. -
October 24, 2012
The Clinic, in collaboration with the National Security Clinic, challenged the detention of Mr. Obaidullah, who is detained in Guantanamo. The Clinic researched and prepared a brief which was submitted to the UN Working Group on Arbitrary Detention. Two students who worked on the petition travelled to Geneva to file the brief. On June 12, […] -
October 24, 2012
The Clinic is participating with a network of universities throughout the Americas studying the implementation of the Inter-American Commission’s decisions. The Clinic students conducted an analysis to determine how decisions of the Inter-American Commission are implemented in the United States. A preliminary report was presented at a conference in Bogota, Colombia. -
September 24, 2011
In cooperation with the Due Process of Law Foundation, the Clinic produced several policy papers and legal reviews on how to establish state responsibility for the actions of transnational corporations operating abroad. -
April 25, 2011
The Human Rights Clinic submitted an amicus brief in the case of Teodoro Cabrera García and Rodolfo Montiel Flores vs. the United Mexican States. Cabrera García and Montiel Flores were environmental defenders who were detained by the Mexican military. The brief argued that their rights under the American Convention on Human Rights had been violated […]