March 18, 2015
Participation in the clinic has allowed me to dramatically build my legal skill set while working on cases that actually matter to clients and learning substantively about issues that I’m really interested in. I came to law school to be able to do this type of work—and I’ve gotten to do it already. I really […] -
March 18, 2015
I came into the clinic with little knowledge of civil rights law and left with a solid understanding of the substantive law and really useful litigation experience. In fact, I enjoyed working on the case so much; I came back for a second semester! -
March 18, 2015
The Clinic has been an excellent opportunity to learn substantive civil rights law and apply it to a real-world situation. It gives you a perspective on the law that regular law school classes don’t. -
March 2, 2015
The Clinic is co-counseling with a San Antonio based civil rights and immigration attorney to represent three detained asylum-seekers from Central America, along with a proposed class of detained asylum-seekers detained in the Karnes County family detention facility. The plaintiffs allege that facility personnel employed by The GEO Group, Inc. and officers from the Department […] -
December 2, 2014
In 2013-14, the Clinic co-counseled with criminal defense attorneys to represent a journalist named Barrett Brown who was being prosecuted in federal court in Dallas on a variety of charges, including computer crimes, obstruction of justice, and internet threats. The case involved First Amendment rights to engage in journalism research using internet sources and methods, […] -
October 20, 2014