Tag: Environmental Clinic: Cases and Projects

  • Clinic students and client examine water treatment facility in Toyah, TX.
    Students worked with Safe Drinking Water for the People (SDWP) to force repairs at the city of Toyah’s drinking water plant so that a 4-year boil water requirement could be lifted. Students and SDWP documented Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA) violations, submitted public information requests, met with state and federal agencies, drafted a SDWA notice […]
  • clinic report cover image
    Clinic students drafted a report identifying publicly accessible sources of air pollution data and how that data could be used by communities to improve air quality.  Students planned and hosted a webinar with the release of the report, which was attended by over 65 individuals. 
  • Clinic students are working with People Organized in Defense of Earth and Her Resources (PODER) and technical experts at UT to examine the cause of excessively hard and colored water in Austin’s Colony.  Students assisted with sampling and surveying in a neighborhood, drafted comments for the Public Utility Commission proceeding where the water provider was […]
  • The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers plans to deepen a ship channel in Matagorda Bay through an area that includes a mercury-contaminated Superfund site. Students are conducting research, working with experts, asking the U.S. EPA to intervene, and commenting on the Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement for the project.
  •   Environmental Clinic students worked alongside the Environmental Integrity Project on a citizen suit in federal court against an East Texas wood pellet manufacturer. The manufacturer violated its air permits and illegally emitted hazardous air pollutants, endangering the community and environment surrounding the plant. Clinic students were integral to the trial team and involved in […]
  • Screenshot of public notice requirements
    Environmental laws require that the public be given the opportunity to participate in environmental permitting and rulemaking. One of the many barriers Texans face in attempting to engage in environmental advocacy for themselves and their communities is the limited access to information in languages other than English. Clinic students worked with Earthjustice in representing Texas […]
  • The Formosa plastics plant illegally discharged plastic pellets and residue into local streams and bays for over a decade. Clinic students worked with Texas RioGrande Legal Aid on a Clean Water Act (CWA) enforcement action challenging the illegal discharge of such pellets on behalf of clients, including Texas Injured Workers and Commercial Oystermen of Texas. […]
  • The Clinic worked with Earthjustice, the City of Houston, and the Harris County District Attorney’s office to draft amicus briefs to the Fifth Circuit supporting the district court’s finding of violations in an enforcement action for illegal air emissions, including emissions of hazardous air pollutants, at a Houston area petrochemical plant.
  • The Clinic filed an amicus brief on behalf of the Turtle Island Restoration Network supporting the authority of Texas cities to enact single-use plastic bag bans.
  • The Clinic drafted a memo for a local government exploring the use of riparian corridors to prevent flooding and protect water quality.  Students reviewed riparian corridor ordinances in cities across the country, identified best practices, and researched potential legal claims against cities that have created such corridors.