Tag: Environmental Clinic: Cases and Projects

  • Client makes an announcement in a church
    The Clinic co-counseled with Texas RioGrande Legal Aid on a Civil Rights Act Title VI complaint challenging the construction of a new highway through a low-income neighborhood already burdened with pollution sources. Clinic student conducted legal research and drafted the complaint.  A settlement was reached that provides a voluntary relocation program for up to 450 […]
  • Surface water in Texas is allocated to users through a permit system.  As part of obtaining a permit, Texas wholesale water providers are required to submit a water conservation plan and the means for implementing and enforcing that plan. Wholesale providers must also ensure that their contracts with customers require those customers to develop and […]
  • The Clinic co-counseled with a local law firm to represent Galveston Baykeeper in its challenge to the filling of wetlands by a Houston area developer without a permit.  Clinic students sent the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers a request for a jurisdictional determination, drafted a Clean Water Act notice of intent to sue, and provided […]