School-to-Prison Pipeline
- Semester: Fall 2010
- Course ID: 371V
- Credit Hours: 3
Unique: 28475
Course Information
Registration Information
- Upperclass-only elective
Meeting Times
Day | Time | Location |
FRI | 9:00 am - 12:00 pm | SRH 3.316 |
Evaluation Method
Type | Date | Time | Location |
Paper |
A variety of educational, juvenile justice and criminal justice policies influence the number of children and youth who end up in secure correctional settings. This course analyzes policies and practices in elementary, middle, and high school that impact the success of youth - especially children of color and children with behavioral health challenges - in educational and disciplinary placements. It will also examine those aspects of the juvenile and adult criminal justice systems that intersect with the educational system and create a so-called pipeline for these youth to enter the criminal justice system. It will examine the disproportionate impact of these policies on children of color and those with special education needs and explore means to promote better outcomes for these youth. To enhance students' understanding of these issues, the seminar includes site visits to a variety of settings including juvenile court and a juvenile detention facility. The course will cover such topics as: behavioral health issues in children and youth; prevention and early intervention; special education; school discipline; use of seclusion and restraint in schools; dropouts and alternative educational placements; juvenile court involvement; and the local and state juvenile correctional systems. These topics increasingly are central to policy discussions both nationally and in Texas, where it is the focus of current legislative study. We will take advantage of any legislative hearings to advance our understanding of the ties between school policies and the juvenile justice system in the state. The class is being team-taught by Professor Lynda Frost, an expert in mental health and education policy, and Professor Michele Deitch, an expert on juvenile justice and criminal justice policy. We will also bring in as guest speakers several stakeholders who are helping shape policy and practice on these issues in Texas. The course will be highly interdisciplinary, and students will come from at least three departments, including the Department of Educational Administration, the LBJ School of Public Affairs, and the Law School. Requirements: This class will be conducted seminar-style and it is dependent upon an informed and lively discussion. Students are required to attend all classes, do all the reading, and participate in class discussions and virtual discussions on Blackboard. Class attendance and participation will be considered in grading. Writing assignments will include a 12-15 page research paper, a policy brief or memo, a fact sheet, and short reflection papers. In an effort to serve the community and to offer students projects that are both practical and useful, the instructors will work with community-based organizations and government agencies to identify projects that will be of use to them in their efforts, and we will shape some of the specific writing assignments around the needs of these stakeholders. NOTE: DOES NOT SATISFY WRITING SEMINAR REQUIREMENT.Instructors