Advanced Litigation in Real Life: Problems and Strategies

Course Information

Registration Information

Meeting Times

Day Time Location
THU 8:35 - 10:20 am TNH 3.127

Evaluation Method

Type Date Time Location
Final exam (administered by Exam4 in Open Laptop mode) April 28, 2023 1:30 pm A-Z in 3.125


This two-credit course studies problems faced by litigants in complex matters, including challenges presented by the “American Rule,” evolving class action procedures, joint and several liability rules, attorney and jury bias, electronic data, and statistical evidence.  Time permitting, the class will host guest lectures on practical aspects of managing and conducting litigation.

The goal of this course is to promote strategic and tactical thinking about how to use (or resist) rules governing complex litigation, anticipate complex litigation issues before they arise, and explore other tools that can further client objectives. 

Grading:  Your final course grade will be based on class participation (on-call and volunteer discussion), and a final exam.  Class will be lecture and questions and answer; students will be notified of on-call status prior to the next class.  Students can earn additional credit for constructive class participation and thoughtfulness.  Conversely, students can earn demerits for being unprepared and for non-participation.   The final exam may cover every issue on the syllabus, even if not addressed in class.

Attendance:  Attendance for each lecture is expected.  Repeated, unexcused absences will adversely affect final grades.

Textbooks ( * denotes required )

See Instructor/Syllabus For Course Materials


Headshot of Hawxhurst, Jerry Hawxhurst, Jerry
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Important Class Changes

Date Updated
03/22/2023 Exam information updated
11/02/2022 Course title updated
11/02/2022 Grading status changed