Abraham Lee Wickelgren
- Fred and Emily Marshall Wulff Centennial Chair in Law
- Professor

Abraham Lee Wickelgren is the Fred and Emily Wulff Chair with expertise in antitrust law and economics. He is the co-editor of the Journal of Law, Economics, and Organization and the former co-editor of the American Law and Economics Review. He has also served on the editorial boards of the Journal of Industrial Economics and the International Review of Law and Economics and was a former member of the board of directors of the American Law and Economics Association.
Featured Work
Dr. Abraham L. Wickelgren is the Fred and Emily Wulff Chair at the University of Texas Law School. Dr. Wickelgren specializes in antitrust and law and economics. He is the co-editor of the Journal of Law, Economics, and Organization and the former co-editor of the American Law and Economics Review, has been on the editorial boards of the Journal of Industrial Economics and the International Review of Law and Economics and is a former member of the board of directors of the American Law and Economics Association.
Dr. Wickelgren received an A.B. from Harvard College, a J.D. from Harvard Law School, and a Ph.D. in economics from Harvard University. Dr. Wickelgren was an assistant professor at Northwestern and has been a visiting professor at Duke and Yale. He has published numerous articles in both law reviews and peer-reviewed journals.
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A Framework for Understanding When Simple Rules Make Sense and When They Don’t
Abraham Lee Wickelgren, A Framework for Understanding When Simple Rules Make Sense and When They Don’t, 49 Journal of Corporation Law 101-109 (2024).
Ex Post Review: An Under-used Tool in the Antitrust Enforcement Toolkit
Abraham Lee Wickelgren, Ex Post Review: An Under-used Tool in the Antitrust Enforcement Toolkit (with D. Daniel Sokol), 1 CPI Antitrust Chronicle 1-6 (2023).
Deterrence of Orchestrated Cheating: Group versus Individual Punishment
Abraham Lee Wickelgren, Deterrence of Orchestrated Cheating: Group versus Individual Punishment (with Shmuel Leshem), 39 Journal of Law, Economics, & Organization 586-614 (2023).
Agency Objectives, Organizational Change, and Optimizing Enforcement
Abraham Lee Wickelgren, Agency Objectives, Organizational Change, and Optimizing Enforcement (with D. Daniel Sokol), 11 Journal of Antitrust Enforcement 272-277 (2023).
How Should We Enforce Patents: A Simulation Analysis
Abraham Lee Wickelgren, How Should We Enforce Patents:A Simulation Analysis (with Ezra Friedman), 98 Texas Law Review 1283-1305 (about 50-50)
The Impact of Access to Consumer Data on the Competitive Effects of Horizontal Mergers and Exclusive Dealing
Abraham Lee Wickelgren,
The Impact of Access to Consumer Data on the Competitive Effects of Horizontal Mergers and Exclusive Dealing (with Jin-Hyuk Kim and Liad Wagman), 28 Journal of Economics and Management Strategy 373-391 (2019).
Effects of Admissibility
Abraham Lee Wickelgren, Third Party Litigation Funding with Informative Signals: Equilibrium Characterization and the Effects of Admissibility (with Ronen Avraham), 61 Journal of Law and Economics 637-675 (2019).
Against Simplicity in Antitrust
Abraham Lee Wickelgren, Against Simplicity in Antitrust, 14 I/S A Journal of Law and Policy for the Information Society 353-366 (2018).
A Novel Justification for Legal Restrictions on Non-Compete Clauses
Abraham Lee Wickelgren, A Novel Justification for Legal Restrictions on Non-Compete Clauses, 54 International Review of Law and Economics 49-57 (2018).
Who (if anyone) Should be Liable for Injuries from Generic Drugs
Abraham Lee Wickelgren, Who (if anyone) Should be Liable for Injuries from Generic Drugs (with Ezra Friedman ), 33 Journal of Law, Economics, & Organization 541-77 (2017).
Cost of completion versus diminution of value damages for deliberate breach: an economic analysis
Abraham Lee Wickelgren, Cost of completion versus diminution of value damages for deliberate breach:an economic analysis, 173 Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics 4-17 (2017) (Lead article).
Book Review
Responding to the North Carolina Dental Decision: A Primer for State Regulatory Board Counsel and Board Supervisors, Primer for the State Center to advise state regulatory boards, their counsel and board supervisors,
Abraham Lee Wickelgren. “Responding to the North Carolina Dental Decision: A Primer for State Regulatory Board Counsel and Board Supervisors, Primer for the State Center to advise state regulatory boards, their counsel and board supervisors,.” (2017). Review of A Primer for State Regulatory Board Counsel and Board Supervisors, Primer for the State Center to advise state regulatory boards, their counsel and board supervisors. -
Book Review
Explaining the Standard of Proof in Criminal Law: A New Insight
Abraham Lee Wickelgren, "Comment on: "Explaining the Standard of Proof in Criminal Law: A New Insight"", 25 Supreme Court Economic Review 123-127 (2017).
An Economic Analysis of Arbitration versus Litigation for Contractual Disputes
Abraham L. Wickelgren, An Economic Analysis of Arbitration versus Litigation for Contractual Disputes, 59 Journal of Law & Economics 393 (2016). -
The Necessary Complexity of Predatory Pricing Analysis: A Comment on Richard S. Markovit's Treatment of Predatory Pricing in Economics and the Interpretation and Application of U.S. and E.U. Antitrust Law
Abraham L. Wickelgren, The Necessary Complexity of Predatory Pricing Analysis: A Comment on Richard S. Markovit's Treatment of Predatory Pricing in Economics and the Interpretation and Application of U.S. and E.U. Antitrust Law, 61 Antitrust Bulletin 186 (2016).
Robust Exclusion Anti-Competitive Market Division Through Loyalty Discounts
Robust Exclusion Anti-Competitive Market Division Through Loyalty Discounts (with Einer Elhauge) 43 International Journal of Industrial Organization 111-121 (2015).
Third-Party Litigation Funding – A Signaling Model
Abraham L. Wickelgren, Third-Party Litigation Funding – A Signaling Model, 63 DePaul Law Review 233 (2014) (with Ronen Avraham).
The Effect of Settlement in Kaplow's Multistage Adjudication
Abraham L. Wickelgren, The Effect of Settlement in Kaplow's Multistage Adjudication, 126 Harvard Law Review Forum 145 (2013). -
Detailed Analysis, not Catechism: A Comment on Crane's "Bargaining Over Loyalty"
Abraham L. Wickelgren, Detailed Analysis, not Catechism: A Comment on Crane's "Bargaining Over Loyalty," 92 Texas Law Review See Also 1 (2013).
Determining the Optimal Antitrust Standard: How to Think About Per Se Versus Rule of Reason
Abraham L. Wickelgren, Determining the Optimal Antitrust Standard: How to Think About Per Se Versus Rule of Reason, 85 Southern California Law Review Postscript 52 (2012).