Owen L. Anderson
- Lecturer

Owen Anderson is an expert on energy law and the law of oil and gas. Professor Anderson has authored over 100 articles and is a member and past vice president of both education and model contracts of the Association of International Petroleum Negotiators. A member of the American Law Institute and a trustee of the Energy and Mineral Law Foundation, he is an arbitrator and consultant on oil and gas law and policy.
Featured Work
Owen L. Anderson is a Professor and Distinguished Oil and Gas Scholar at the University of Texas School of Law in the Kay Bailey Hutchison Center for Energy Law & Business. He is the Eugene Kuntz Chair Emeritus and the George Lynn Cross Research Professor Emeritus at the University of Oklahoma. He regularly teaches at the University of Melbourne, the University of Sydney, and the University of Dundee.
Professor Anderson has lectured at numerous other universities and venues on six continents and throughout the United States. He has authored over 100 articles. He is a co-author of International Petroleum Law and Transactions, Hemingway Oil and Gas Law and Taxation, Cases and Materials on Oil & Gas Law, and A Student’s Guide to Estates in Land and Future Interests. He is a co-author of the supplements to Kuntz on Oil and Gas Law. He is editor in chief of the Texas Title Standards. He served as an editor of the Oil and Gas Reporter from 1989 to 2017. He was co-author of Volume 2 of the treatise Waters and Water Rights and of the annual supplements from 1993 to 2017.
He is a member and past Vice President of Education and past Vice President of Model Contracts of the Association of International Petroleum Negotiators. He serves as form and style editor of AIPN Model Contracts. He serves on the Academic Advisory Board of the Institute for Energy Law, as Faculty Adviser to the Texas Journal of Oil, Gas and Energy Law, on the Editorial Advisory Board of the Oil and Gas, Natural Resources, and Energy Law Journal (ONE J), and was a charter member of the Executive Committee of the Journal of World Energy Law and Business. He is a member of the Texas, Oklahoma, and North Dakota bars; a life member of the National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws; a member of the American Law Institute; an honorary lifetime trustee of the Rocky Mountain Mineral Law Foundation; and a trustee of the Energy and Mineral Law Foundation. He is an arbitrator and consultant on oil and gas law and policy.
No publications or activities matching the current search and filters.
International Petroleum Law and Transactions
John S. Dzienkowski, Owen Anderson, Jacqueline Weaver, John Lowe, Keith Hall, and Frederic Sourgens, International Petroleum Law and Transactions (Rocky Mtn. Min. Law Fdn. 2020).
Oil and Gas Law and Taxation
Ernest E. Smith III, John S. Dzienkowski, Owen L. Anderson, Robert J. Peroni, J. Lowe, D. Pierce. Oil and Gas Law and Taxation ( West Academic Publishing, 2017).
South of the Border, Down Mexico Way: The Past, Present, and Future of Petroleum Development in Mexico, Part I
Owen L. Anderson, South of the Border, Down Mexico Way: The Past, Present, and Future of Petroleum Development in Mexico, Part I, 56 Natural Resources Journal 257 (2016) (with J. Jay Park).
Oil and Gas Law: Cases and Materials
Ernest E. Smith III, Owen L. Anderson, David E. Pierce, Christopher S. Kulander, John S. Lowe, Eugene O. Kuntz. Oil and Gas Law: Cases and Materials ( West, 2013).
Lord Coke, the Restatement, and Modern Subsurface Trespass Law
Owen L. Anderson, Lord Coke, the Restatement, and Modern Subsurface Trespass Law, 6 Texas Journal of Oil, Gas, and Energy Law 203 (2011).
Materials on International Petroleum Transactions
John S. Dzienkowski, Ernest E. Smith, Owen L. Anderson, John S. Lowe, Bruce M. Kramer, & Jacqueline Lang Weaver, Materials on International Petroleum Transactions , Denver: Rocky Mountain Mineral Law Foundation (Denver: Rocky Mountain Mineral Law Foundation, 3rd ed. 2010 (with Ernest E. Smith, Owen L. Anderson, John S. Lowe, Bruce M. Kramer, & Jacqueline Lang Weaver); 2nd ed. 2000; 1st ed. 1993 (with Ernest E. Smith, Owen L. Anderson, Gary B. Conine & John S. Lowe)
Geologic CO2 Sequestration: Who Owns the Pore Space?
Owen L. Anderson, Geologic CO2 Sequestration: Who Owns the Pore Space?, 9 Wyoming Law Review 97 (2009).
Forms Manual to Accompany Oil and Gas Law
Owen L. Anderson, Forms Manual to Accompany Oil and Gas Law (St. Paul: Thomson/West, 9th ed. 2008) (with John S. Lowe, Ernest E. Smith & David E. Pierce).
Hemingway Oil and Gas Law and Taxation
John S. Dzienkowski, Owen L. Anderson, Robert J. Peroni, Ernest E. Smith, John S. Lowe, David E. Pierce, Hemingway Oil and Gas Law and Taxation, St. Paul: Thomson/West (4th ed. 2004)