Robert M. Chesney
- John Jeffers Research Chair in Law
- Honorable James A. Baker III Chair in the Rule of Law and World Affairs
- Professor
- Dean, School of Law

Robert (Bobby) Chesney is the dean of the University of Texas School of Law, and also holds the James A. Baker III Chair in the Rule of Law and World Affairs. Before becoming dean, he was Texas Law’s associate dean for academic affairs for 12 years. Dean Chesney founded and continues to guide the Integrated Cybersecurity Studies program at UT’s Strauss Center for International Security and Law.
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Bobby Chesney is the Dean of Texas Law and holds the James A. Baker III Chair in the Rule of Law and World Affairs.
He was previously the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs (2011-2022) and director of the Robert S. Strauss Center for International Security and Law (a University-wide research unit bridging across disciplines to improve understanding of international security issues). He has served the university in a variety of other capacities, including co-chairing several university-wide strategic planning processes.
Dean Chesney's scholarship focuses on U.S. national security and cybersecurity. His articles may be downloaded from SSRN here. He teaches a variety of courses, including: Cybersecurity Law and Policy; Law of the Intelligence Community; Constitutional Law; National Security Law; Evidence; and Counterterrorism Law and Policy. For Dean Chesney's free eCasebook on Cybersecurity Law, Policy, and Institutions, click here.
Dean Chesney is a co-founder and contributor to, the leading source for analysis, commentary, and news relating to law and national security. In addition to his blogging at Lawfare, those interested in national security law should consider following Dean Chesney on Twitter (@bobbychesney), listening to the National Security Law Podcast (which he co-hosts with his colleague Steve Vladeck), and viewing his contributions to the National Security Law Lectures series (which he co-founded with Matt Waxman).
In 2021, Dean Chesney was appointed to the Cybersecurity Advisory Committee for the U.S. government's Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency. In 2009, Dean Chesney served in the Justice Department in connection with the Detention Policy Task Force created by Executive Order 13493. He also previously served as an associate member of the Intelligence Science Board and as a member of the Advanced Technology Board, both of which were advisory to the Office of the Director of National Intelligence. He has been a member of the American Law Institute since 2007.
Dean Chesney is a magna cum laude graduate of both Texas Christian University and Harvard Law School. After law school he clerked for the Honorable Lewis A. Kaplan of the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York and the Honorable Robert D. Sack of the United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit. He then practiced in the litigation department of Davis Polk & Wardwell in New York City, before launching his academic career with Wake Forest University School of Law. There he received a teacher of the year award from the student body in one year, and from the school's dean in another. In 2008 he came to the University of Texas School of Law as a visiting professor, and then joined UT on a permanent basis in 2009. He is from San Antonio.
No publications or activities matching the current search and filters.
Adapting to the Cyber Domain: Comparing US and UK Institutional, Legal, and Policy Innovations
Robert M. Chesney. “Adapting to the Cyber Domain: Comparing US and UK Institutional, Legal, and Policy Innovations.” In Aegis Series No. 2103, (May 25, 2021). View online.
The Domestic Legal Framework for US Military Cyber Operations
Robert M. Chesney. “The Domestic Legal Framework for US Military Cyber Operations.” In Aegis Series No. 2003, (July 29, 2020). -
Cybersecurity Law, Policy, and Institutions (v.3.0)
Robert M. Chesney. Cybersecurity Law, Policy, and Institutions (v.3.0) (March 17, 2020). View online.
Deep Fakes: A Looming Challenge for Privacy, Democracy, and National Security
Robert M. Chesney, Danielle Citron. “Deep Fakes: A Looming Challenge for Privacy, Democracy, and National Security.” In 107 California Law Review, Page 1753 (October 15, 2019).
Deep Fakes and the New Disinformation War: The Coming Age of Post-Truth Geopolitics
Robert M Chesney, Danielle Citron, Deep Fakes and the New Disinformation War: The Coming Age of Post-Truth Geopolitics, Foreign Affairs (January/February 2019)
Robert M. Chesney, Postwar, 5 Harvard National Security Journal 305 (2014).
Computer Network Operations and U.S. Domestic Law: An Overview
Robert M. Chesney, Computer Network Operations and U.S. Domestic Law: An Overview, 89 International Law Studies 218 (2013). -
Beyond the Battlefield, Beyond Al Qaeda: The Destabilizing Legal Architecture of Counterterrorism
Robert M. Chesney, Beyond the Battlefield, Beyond Al Qaeda: The Destabilizing Legal Architecture of Counterterrorism, 112 Michigan Law Review 163 (2013).
Military-Intelligence Convergence and the Law of the Title 10/ Title 50 Debate
Robert M. Chesney, Military-Intelligence Convergence and the Law of the Title 10/ Title 50 Debate, 5 Journal of National Security Law & Policy 539 (2012).
Who May Be Held? Military Detention Through the Habeas Lens
Robert M. Chesney, Who May Be Held? Military Detention Through the Habeas Lens, 52 Boston College Law Review 774 (2011) [Reprinted in International Law and the Changing Character of War, (Newport, RI: Naval War College, 2011) (Pedrozo and Wollschlaeger, eds.)]. -
The Supreme Court, Material Support, and the Lasting Impact of Holder v. Humanitarian Law Project
Robert M. Chesney, The Supreme Court, Material Support, and the Lasting Impact of Holder v. Humanitarian Law Project, 1 Wake Forest Law Review Forum 13 (2011). -
Iraq and the Military Detention Debate: Firsthand Perspectives from the Other War
Robert M. Chesney, Iraq and the Military Detention Debate: Firsthand Perspectives from the Other War, 2003-2010, 51 Virginia Journal of International Law 549 (2011). View Article
The Courts' Shifting Rules on Guantanamo Detainees
Robert M. Chesney, The Courts' Shifting Rules on Guantanamo Detainees, Washington Post, February 5, 2010, at A17 (with Benjamin Wittes). <>
Book Chapter
National Security, Litigation, and the State Secrets Privilege
Robert M. Chesney, National Security, Litigation, and the State Secrets Privilege, in Legal Issues in the Struggle Againsts Terror 113 (John Norton Moore & Robert F. Turner eds.; Durham: Carolina Academic Press, 2010). -
Book Chapter
National Security, Litigation, and the State Secrets Privilege
Robert M. Chesney, National Security, Litigation, and the State Secrets Privilege, in Legal Issues in the Struggle Againsts Terror 113 (John Norton Moore & Robert F. Turner eds.; Durham: Carolina Academic Press, 2010). -
Book Review
Bad Advice or Bad Laws? Allocating Responsibility between Lawyers and Laws in the Context of National Security Policymaking
Robert M. Chesney, Bad Advice or Bad Laws? Allocating Responsibility between Lawyers and Laws in the Context of National Security Policymaking, 45 Tulsa Law Review 591 (2010) (reviewing Bad Advice: Bush's Lawyers in the War on Terror, by Harold H. Buff). View Article
Detention Debate Falsely Depicted
Robert M. Chesney, Detention Debate Falsely Depicted, Atlanta Journal-Constitution, September 23, 2009, at A21. <> -
A Detention Debate in Black and White
Robert M. Chesney, A Detention Debate in Black and White, Washington Post, September 10, 2009 at A23. <>
National Security Fact Deference
Robert M. Chesney, National Security Fact Deference, 95 Virginia Law Review 1361 (2009). -
Book Chapter
Optimizing Criminal Prosecution as a Counterterrorism Tool
Robert M. Chesney, Optimizing Criminal Prosecution as a Counterterrorism Tool, in Legislating the War on Terror: An Agenda for Reform 98 (Benjamin Wittes ed.; Washington, D.C.: Brookings Institution Press, 2009).