Sanford V. Levinson
- W. St. John Garwood and W. St. John Garwood, Jr. Centennial Chair in Law
- Professor
Sanford Levinson teaches and writes in the areas of constitutional law, legal history, and foreign and international law. An expert in his field, Professor Levinson has authored approximately 450 articles, book reviews, and commentaries in professional and popular journals, as well as seven books. In addition to teaching at Texas Law, he is a professor in the Department of Government at the University of Texas and is a recipient of the Lifetime Achievement Award from the Law and Courts Section of the American Political Science Association.
Featured Work
Sanford Levinson, who holds the W. St. John Garwood and W. St. John Garwood, Jr. Centennial Chair in Law, joined the University of Texas Law School in 1980. Previously a member of the Department of Politics at Princeton University, he is also a Professor in the Department of Government at the University of Texas. Levinson is the author of approximately 450 articles, book reviews, or commentaries in professional and popular journals--and a regular contributor to the popular blog Balkinization. He has also written seven books: Constitutional Faith (1988, winner of the Scribes Award, 2d edition 2011); Written in Stone: Public Monuments in Changing Societies (1998, 2d ed. 2018); Wrestling With Diversity (2003); Our Undemocratic Constitution: Where the Constitution Goes Wrong (and How We the People Can Correct It)(2006); Framed: America's 51 Constitutions and the Crisis of Governance (2012); An Argument Open to All: Reading the Federalist in the 21st Century (2015); Democracy and Dysfunction (with Jack Balkin) (2018); and, with Cynthia Levinson, Fault Lines in the Constitution: The Framers, Their Fights, and the Flaws that Affect Us Today (2017, 2d ed. 2019, graphic novel ed. 2020). Edited or co-edited books include a leading constitutional law casebook, Processes of Constitutional Decisionmaking (6th ed. 2015, with Paul Brest, Jack Balkin, Akhil Amar, and Reva Siegel); Nullification and Secession in Modern Constitutional Thought (2016); Reading Law and Literature: A Hermeneutic Reader (1988, with Steven Mallioux); Responding to Imperfection: The Theory and Practice of Constitutional Amendment (1995); Constitutional Stupidities, Constitutional Tragedies (1998, with William Eskridge); Legal Canons (2000, with Jack Balkin); The Louisiana Purchase and American Expansion (2005, with Batholomew Sparrow); Torture: A Collection (2004, revised paperback edition, 2006); The Oxford Handbook on the United States Constitution (with Mark Tushnet and Mark Graber, 2015); and Constitutional Democracy in Crisis? (with Mark Tushnet and Mark Graber, 2018). He received the Lifetime Achievement Award from the Law and Courts Section of the American Political Science Association in 2010.
He has been a visiting faculty member of the Boston University, Georgetown, New York University, and Yale law schools in the United States and has taught abroad in programs of law in London; Paris; Budapest; Jerusalem; Auckland, New Zealand; and Melbourne, Australia. He has also been a regular visitor at the Harvard Law School since 2004. He was also affilated between 1984-2016 with the Shalom Hartman Institute on Jewish Philosophy in Jerusalem. He was a Fellow at the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton in 1985-86 and a Member of the Ethics in the Professions Program at Harvard in 1991-92. A member of the American Law Institute, Levinson was elected to the American Academy of Arts and Sciences in 2001. He is married to Cynthia Y. Levinson, a writer of children's literature, and has two daughters and four grandchildren.
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Book Review
What Do We Talk About When We Talk About the Constitution?
Sanford V. Levinson, What Do We Talk About When We Talk About the Constitution?, 91 Texas Law Review 1119 (2013) (with Akhil Reed Amar) (reviewing America's Unwritten Constitution: The Precedents and Principles We Live By, by Akhil Reed Amar and Framed: America's 51 Constitutions and the Crisis of Governance, by Sanford Levinson). -
Divided Loyalties: The Problem of "Dual Sovereignty" and Constitutional Faith
Sanford V. Levinson, Divided Loyalties: The Problem of "Dual Sovereignty" and Constitutional Faith, 29 Touro Law Review 241 (2013). -
Book Review
"Constitutional Myths" and "Democratic" Politics: Two Takes on the American Constitution
Sanford V. Levinson, "Constitutional Myths" and "Democratic" Politics: Two Takes on the American Constitution, 49 Tulsa Law Review 377 (reviewing Constitutional Myths: What We Get Wrong and How to Get It Right, by Ray Raphael) (2013).
Reconsidering the Hanoverian King
Sanford V. Levinson, Reconsidering the Hanoverian King, 36 Harvard Journal of Law & Public Policy 63 (2013).
The Dangerous Thirteenth Amendment
Sanford V. Levinson, The Dangerous Thirteenth Amendment [Symposium: The Thirteenth Amendment: Meaning, Enforcement, and Contemporary Implications], 112 Columbia Law Review 1459 (2012) (with Jack M. Balkin). -
How I Lost My Constitutional Faith [Symposium: Constitutional Redemption & Constitutional Faith]
Sanford V. Levinson, How I Lost My Constitutional Faith [Symposium: Constitutional Redemption & Constitutional Faith], 71 Maryland Law Review 956 (2012). -
Jack Balkin as the Picasso of Constitutional Theorists [Symposium: Jack Balkin's Constitutional Text and Principle
Sanford V. Levinson, Jack Balkin as the Picasso of Constitutional Theorists [Symposium: Jack Balkin's Constitutional Text and Principle], 12 University of Illinois Law Review 711 (2012). -
Judicial Engagement in Enforcing Limits on Government Power
Sanford V. Levinson, Judicial Engagement in Enforcing Limits on Government Power, 19 George Mason Law Review 973 (2012). -
Framed: America's 51 Constitutions and the Crisis of Governance
Sanford V. Levinson, Framed: America's 51 Constitutions and the Crisis of Governance (New York: Oxford University Press, 2012). -
Book Review
The Gay Case
Sanford V. Levinson, The Gay Case, Texas Monthly at 62 (March 2012) (reviewing Flagrant Conduct: The Story of Lawrence v. Texas, by Dale Carpenter). -
Is Dred Scott Really the Worst Opinion of All Time? Why Prigg is Worse than Dred Scott (But Likely to Stay Out of the “Anticanon”)
Sanford V. Levinson, Is Dred Scott Really the Worst Opinion of All Time? Why Prigg is Worse than Dred Scott (But Likely to Stay Out of the “Anticanon”), 125 Harvard Law Review Forum 23 (2011).
So Much to Rewrite, So Little Time…[Symposium: The United States Constitution (Rev. Ed.): How Much Would You Rewrite the United States Constitution?]
Sanford V. Levinson, So Much to Rewrite, So Little Time...[Symposium: The United States Constitution (Rev. Ed.): How Much Would You Rewrite the United States Constitution?], 27 Constitutional Commentary 515 (2011). -
Who, If Anyone, Really Trusts “We the People”?
Sanford V. Levinson, Who, If Anyone, Really Trusts “We the People”? [Kormendy Lecture Series], 37 Ohio Northern University Law Review 311 (2011). -
Has the Obama Presidency Vitiated the "Dysfunctional Constitution" Thesis?
Sanford V. Levinson, Has the Obama Presidency Vitiated the "Dysfunctional Constitution" Thesis? [Symposium: Is Our Constitutional Order Broken? Structural and Doctrinal Questions in Constitutional Law], 43 Connecticut Law Review 985 (2011). -
Courts as Participants in "Dialogue": A View from American States
Sanford V. Levinson, Courts as Participants in "Dialogue": A View from American States [Symposium: State Constitutional Law Steps Out of the Shadows], 59 University of Kansas Law Review 791 (2011). -
Other Activity
Sanford V. Levinson. “Co-Organizer” at Conference on Federalism and Its Future (January 31, 2011). -
Compromise and Constitutionalism
Sanford V. Levinson, Compromise and Constitutionalism, 38 Pepperdine Law Review 821 (2011). View Article -
Afterword: Full of Sound and Fury but Signifying Relatively Little?
Sanford V. Levinson, Afterword: Full of Sound and Fury but Signifying Relatively Little? [Symposium: Proposed Amendments], 78 Tennessee Law Review 867 (2011). -
To What Extent is Judicial Intervention Against Torture a "Hollow Hope"? Reflections on the Israeli and American Judicial Experiences Since 2001 [Symposium: Justice Aharon Barak]
Sanford V. Levinson, To What Extent is Judicial Intervention Against Torture a "Hollow Hope"? Reflections on the Israeli and American Judicial Experiences Since 2001 [Symposium: Justice Aharon Barak], 47 Tulsa Law Review 363 (2011).
Contingency v. Structures in Explaining Judicial Behavior
Sanford V. Levinson, Contingency v. Structures in Explaining Judicial Behavior, 1 Journal of Law (1 Law & Commentary) 191 (2011).
spring 2025
- Const Law II: The Theory and Practice(s) of American Federalism
- SMNR: Comparative Constitutional Law and Politics
- SMNR: Sovereignty in Political Theory and Law