Victor Ferreres
- Visiting Professor

Victor Ferreres is a visiting professor of constitutional law from Pompeu Fabra University in Barcelona. He also has taught a seminar exploring constitutional law and global politics. Professor Ferreres’ work has focused on constitutional courts, fundamental rights, European supranational structures, and arbitration. He is on the editorial board of the International Journal of Constitutional Law and is a member of the organizing committee of SELA (Seminario en Latinoamerica de Teoría Constitucional y Política), an annual event that brings together scholars from the Yale Law School and from Latin American universities.
Featured Work
Victor Ferreres Comella, Professor of Constitutional Law, Pompeu Fabra University (Barcelona) obtained his JSD at Yale Law School, with a thesis on Judicial Review and Democracy (1996). His work has focused on constitutional courts, fundamental rights, European supranational structures, and arbitration. His most recent books are Constitutional Courts and Democratic Values. A European Perspective (Yale University Press, 2009), The Constitution of Spain: A Contextual Analysis (Hart Publishing, 2013), and The Constitution of Arbitration (Cambridge University Press, 2021). He has also written two books in Spanish: Justicia constitucional y democracia (Centro de Estudios Políticos y Constitucionales, 1997), which won the "Francisco Tomás y Valiente" Prize, and El principio de taxatividad en material penal y el valor normativo de la jurisprudencia (Civitas, 2002). As a visiting professor, he has taught at New York University School of Law (2001, 2003, and 2007), and at the University of Texas School of Law (2005, 2009-2022). For ten years (2001-2011) he taught at the Spanish Judicial School, where judges in Spain are trained. He is on the editorial board of I.CON, International Journal of Constitutional Law, and is a member of the organizing committee of SELA (Seminario en Latinoamerica de Teoría Constitucional y Política), an annual gathering at the Southern Cone that brings together scholars from the Yale Law School and from Latin American universities.
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Amending the National Constitutions to Save the Euro: Is This the Right Strategy?
Victor Ferreres, Amending the National Constitutions to Save the Euro: Is This the Right Strategy?, 48 Texas International Law Journal 223 (2013).