Students take the lead in arranging their field placements in government or nonprofit organizations, often in consultation with the faculty instructor. We seek placements and supervisors committed to approaching internships as important educational experiences for students.
Each student explores placement possibilities, secures an offer from a potential placement, and applies to the faculty instructor for approval of the proposed placement and supervisor. The instructor contacts the proposed supervisor to discuss the program requirements and invite the supervisor to participate. Once the placement and supervisor are approved, the student is authorized to register for the course. While students are encouraged to arrange their internships as early as possible, we recognize that some students may not secure placements until shortly before the semester begins. We will make every effort to accommodate students.
There are many ways to identify potential field placements:
- The recommended approach is to consult with the faculty instructor, Nicole Simmons. She is committed to helping each student find a placement to meet their individual goals.
- Search on TEX for postings for unpaid positions that may qualify for academic credit.
- To get ideas for possible host organizations, review Recent Internship Placements in Austin Area.
- Consult with the Career Service Office. Contact Ryan Gersovitz, the counselor for the government sector or Mary Murphy, the counselor for the nonprofit sector.
- Conduct online research to find government or nonprofit organization offices doing law-related work related to your interests.
Once a potential placement has been identified, a student should contact the office directly to inquire about interning there in connection with this course.