Pro Bono Pledge

The Mithoff Program hopes every Texas Law student will sign a voluntary Pro Bono Pledge (online pledge form or downloadable pdf).

By signing the Pro Bono Pledge, students acknowledge the legal profession’s ethical obligation of pro bono service and indicate their personal commitment to increasing access to justice. Signing the Pro Bono Pledge also enrolls students in Texas Law’s pro bono listserv so they can receive early notice of new pro bono opportunities.

Students who enroll as first year students in Texas Law’s J.D. program are asked to pledge to provide at least 50 hours of pro bono service by the time they graduate law school. Transfer students, LL.M. students, and visiting students are asked to pledge to perform 20 hours for every year they are enrolled at Texas Law.

Students are encouraged to sign the Pro Bono Pledge at orientation. After orientation, students may make the Pro Bono Pledge by returning a completed Pro Bono Pledge form to Sarah Sedgwick in CCJ 1.324 or at Students also may sign the Pro Bono Pledge online.

Students are not required to take the Pro Bono Pledge in order to participate in pro bono projects.