Deferred Action for Labor Enforcement (DALE) Workshop with Workers Defense Project

Students will help workers fill out requests for deferred action and employment authorization based on eligibility for the Deferred Action for Labor Enforcement (DALE) program. DALE is a form of temporary immigration relief available to undocumented workers who cooperate with the U.S. Department of Labor in investigations into abusive employer practices. DALE can help individuals obtain protection from deportation, as well as authorization to work legally, for a period of four years. Students who volunteer at the clinic are invited to stay for a community barbecue after the clinic.


Workers Defense Project

Workers Defense Project is a member-led organization that organizes for immigrant and worker justice based on the priorities and guidance of those most impacted. WDP has locations in Houston, Austin, and Dallas.

Project Details

Project Date

Saturday, November 9

Project Time
Approximate hours of work requested
5 hours, including training
Thursday, November 7, 6:45pm-8pm (Zoom)
Skills used
Client interviewing/intake; document/preparation review
Project location
Workers Defense Project, 5604 Manor Road
5604 Manor Road, Austin, TX 78723
Number of student volunteers requested
Class year preference
1L, 2L, 3L, LLM
Required skills
Spanish helpful but not necessary
To Apply
Register at