Texas Law Expunction Project—Work Session (Petition Drafting)

Students will use court records and information provided at expunction intake sessions to draft petitions and orders for expunction or nondisclosure of criminal records. Students will conduct additional research on county records as needed. An expunction destroys all criminal records related to an eligible offense, and a nondisclosure seals the records so that applicants no longer have to disclose their criminal history on background checks.


Mithoff Pro Bono Program

The Expunction Project is an internal project of the Richard and Ginni Mithoff Pro Bono Program.

Project Details

Project Date

Tuesday, October 18

Project Time
Approximate hours of work requested
3 hours, including training
Volunteers will be trained in the first 30 minutes of the work session
Skills used
Document preparation/review; legal writing and research; legal records review; government communication and records collection
Project location
Law School TNH 2.124
Number of student volunteers requested
Class year preference
1L, 2L, 3L, LLM
Required skills
Students with an interest in social justice, navigating the criminal justice system, and engaging with client records are encouraged to volunteer
To Apply
Register at https://expwork10-18-22.eventbrite.com