Parole Packet Representation Team Lead

Students will assist incarcerated individuals with preparation of a parole packet for submission to the Texas Board of Pardons and Parole. Students will work in teams, and one student volunteer on each parole team will be selected to serve as “Team Lead.” In addition to their work helping to craft their team’s parole packet, including interviewing the client and family members, affidavit drafting, research, and writing, the Team Lead also will be responsible for overseeing the team’s administrative responsibilities (i.e., calling team meetings, submitting team travel documents, compiling exhibits for the team’s final parole packet). Team Leads will track their team’s progress and update their Pro Bono Scholar on progress and when additional support is needed. Team Leads work closely with their team, Supervising Attorney, and Pro Bono Scholars and play a key role in keeping their team on track and moving forward. Students with prior work experience or parole project involvement may find this role more manageable, but anyone passionate about getting people out of prison and interested in taking on a leadership role requiring project management is encouraged to apply.


Parole Project, Mithoff Pro Bono Program

The Parole Project is an internal project of the Mithoff Program. Its mission is to prepare parole packets on behalf of incarcerated women in order to provide the Texas Board of Pardons and Parole with information that enables the Board to gain a more holistic, human picture of incarcerated individuals it reviews for parole.

Project Details

Project Start Date

September 2024

Approximate hours of work requested
30-50 hours over the course of the academic year, including training sessions; most packets will be submitted in March or April 2025 with a parole hearing in May or June, but final timing depends on agency timelines and hearings can run into July. Note that any formal obligation to the project terminates with the end of the academic year, but many team members opt to continue to work with their clients through the final hearing, regardless of timing
Thursday, September 12, 4:30pm-5:30pm (TNH 2.139) AND Thursday, September 19, 4:30pm-5:30pm (TNH 2.139)
Skills used
Interviewing; document requests; document review; legal research and writing; team collaboration; project management; professional communication; potential oral advocacy
Project location
Preparation of the parole packet typically involves travel to meet with the client at least one time in-person; drafting the packet can be done at the law school or remotely; training will be held at the law school
727 E. Dean Keeton Street, Austin, TX 78705
Number of student volunteers requested
Class year preference
2L, 3L
Required skills
Preference will be given to returning student volunteers as well as students with prior experience with interviewing and direct client services, but anyone passionate about getting people out of prison and interested in taking on a leadership role is encouraged to apply; applicants’ prior experience with project or case management, if any, also will be considered
To Apply
Complete the 2024-2025 Parole Volunteer Application by Wednesday, September 11 at 12 pm