Conseil d'Etat — General Part — State liability — Strict liability

Date Citation Note
16.11.1998 Lebon 1998, p. 418
Case M. Sille
Damages flowing from a legal administrative decision can only be compensated for on a strict liability basis where the plaintiff suffers a "special and abnormal" harm. This is not the case where the plaintiff was fully aware of the possibility that the contested decision might be taken.
30.03.1966 Rec., 257 Case Compagnie générale d'énergie radio-électrique International treaties
Strict liability
Equality in respect of public obligations
14.01.1938 Rec., 25 Case Sociéte anonyme des produits laitiers "La Fleurette" Liability for the consequences of statutes
Strict liability
30.11.1923 Rec., 789 Case Couitéas Strict liability
Breach of equality in respect of public obligations
21.06.1895 D. 1896, III, 65 Case Cames The State incurs strict liability for damages caused to his permanent collaborators.