Tort Law — The Constitutionalization of Private Law

Date Citation Note
12.06.1992 BAGE 70, 337 Great Senate (GS 1/92) = NJW 1993, 1732 Employer’s right to seek contribution/indemnity from employee who triggered off his liability
Employee’s immunity extended through a reliance on constitutional principles
Art. 2 I, 12 I 2, 20 I, III GG
§§ 249, 254, 276, 611 BGB
§ 45 II 1 ArbGG
14.02.1973 BVerfGE 34, 269 I. Senate (1 BvR 112/65) Soraya -decision = NJW 1973, 1221 Ficticious interview in a newspaper
Violation of personality rights
Claims for damages
Art. 1 I, 2 I, 5 GG
§§ 249, 251 I, 253, 823 I, 847 BGB
24.02.1971 BVerfGE 30, 173
Federal Constitutional Court (First Division)
Freedom of artistic expression
Art. 1 I, 2 I, 5 II, III 1 GG
15.01.1958 BVerfGE 7, 198
I. Senate
(1 BvR 400/51)
Doctrine of 'Drittwirkung'
Freedom of expression
Possible clash between basic rights and private law
Art. 5 I, II GG