Events Calendar

Now viewing: Monday, April 4, 2011

ACS Lunch with Rob Owen - Skinner at SCOTUS

The American Constitution Society is hosting a lunch with Professor Rob Owen on April 4 at 11:30am in the Fleming Room, down by George's Cafe. Free lunch will be provided.

Professor Rob Owen will discuss the Capital Punishment Clinic's recent victory in the Supreme Court in Skinner v. Switzer. The Supreme Court held: a postconviction procedural due process claim for DNA testing is properly pursued in a §1983 action. Professor Owen will discuss what this ruling means for his client, Hank Skinner, his reactions to the ruling, and what it means for the future of DNA testing in the courts.

For more information visit
Federalist Society Lunch Featuring Former UT Law Professor Ernest Young Discussing "A New Federalism Revival?"

TNH 3.126 (Ratliff Classroom)

Former UT Law Professor Ernest Young returns to give a talk entitled, "A New Federalism Revival?" Young posits that just as Rehnquist's court-led federalist revival may be petering out, public controversies (healthcare, immigration, gay rights, state debt, etc.) have forced federalism back onto the national agenda. Lunch will be served at the event, which is Monday, 4/4 at 11:30am in room 3.126.

For more information visit
Law School Colloquium on Justice Breyer's "Making Our Democracy Work"

CCJ 2.306 (Eidman Courtroom)

Law School Colloquium on Justice Breyer's "Making Our Democracy Work", with Mitch Berman, Lynn Blais, and Sandy Levinson acting as commentators, Eidman Courtroom

For more information visit