Events Calendar

Now viewing: October 16–22, 2016

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
Sunday 16 Monday October 17
  1. 7:30am 2016-10-17T18:00-05:00
    Judges in Residence

    Judges and justices hold court (hearings, trials, general dockets, and oral arguments) in the Eidman Courtroom. Specific judicial proceedings details for Oct 2016 Judges in Residence series TBD.

    Full event information:

  2. 8:45am 2016-10-17T10:45-05:00
    Townes Hall Morning Coffee

    On Monday, September 12, the Texas Law Alumni Association is pleased to announce that it will kick off its Fall 2016 Townes Hall Morning Coffee for all students every Monday morning. Please bring your favorite travel mug from home (we are “going green,” so no paper products will be provided) and enjoy FREE coffee every Monday morning to start off your week on behalf of the Alumni Association. Coffee will be located at one, large station located near the 1L Classrooms (by TNH 2.140, TNH 2.139, etc.) beginning at 8:45 am.

    Full event information:

  3. 10:30am 2016-10-17T14:30-05:00
    Student Bar Association Elections

    The Student Bar Association will host elections in the Atrium for a number of positions. All class years are eligible to vote (depending upon the position) but must have an ID available.

    Full event information:

  4. 10:30am 2016-10-17T13:30-05:00
    TLF Auction Ticket Sales

    Buy tickets for the TLF Auction on Oct. 20th. $20 in advance, $25 at the door. Open Bar with Live and Silent Auction!

    Full event information:

  5. 11:30am 2016-10-17T13:00-05:00
    Drawing Board Lunch - Susan Morse

    Note: This event’s full details are restricted to Texas Law faculty and staff members only.

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  6. 11:45am 2016-10-17T13:00-05:00
    Texas School Finance: From SCOTX to the

    In May 2016, the Supreme Court of Texas ruled that the state's school finance system met minimum state constitutional standards, rejecting a challenge from over half the state's school districts that contended otherwise. Despite calling for "transformational, top-to-bottom reforms," SCOTX decided that it was not the institution to initiate them. That decision punted the problems of Texas's school finance system to the Texas Legislature, where they will be a top priority in the session beginning in January 2017.

    Join ACS for a discussion of one of the most important policy issues that Texas currently faces. Speakers: - Marisa Bono, lead counsel for the Mexican–American Legal Defense and Education Fund (MALDEF) in the school finance litigation; - Gina Hinojosa, Austin ISD Board President and candidate for Texas House District 49 in Central Austin. - Chandra Kling Villanueva, Policy Analyst at the Center for Public Policy Priorities focusing on school finance.

    Full event information:

  7. 3:30pm 2016-10-17T16:30-05:00
    Dean's Meeting; Section 2.4

    Dean Farnsworth invites Section 2.4 for ice cream and conversation.

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  8. 3:45pm 2016-10-17T17:30-05:00
    Law and Economic Seminar -- Jacob Goldin
  9. 4:00pm 2016-10-17T18:00-05:00
    Natural Resources, Rights and Inequality

    The Colloquium on Natural Resource Governance, Inequality & Human Rights will address the human rights issues that arise in the context of natural resource extraction and governance, especially in relation to resources such as fossil fuels, minerals and timbers. Natural resource governance is fundamentally about who can decide which resources can be used by whom and about how decision-making around these questions should be undertaken. The outcomes of such decision-making have profound consequences for the distribution of wealth, power, authority and risk exposure at the local, national and international levels. Lectures will examine how persistent inequalities between and within countries pose additional challenges for the realization of human rights in relation to natural resource extraction.

    Full event information:

Tuesday October 18
  1. 7:30am 2016-10-18T18:00-05:00
    Judges in Residence

    Judges and justices hold court (hearings, trials, general dockets, and oral arguments) in the Eidman Courtroom. Specific judicial proceedings details for Oct 2016 Judges in Residence series TBD.

    Full event information:

  2. 10:30am 2016-10-18T13:30-05:00
    TLF Auction Ticket Sales

    Buy tickets for TLF Auction on Oct. 20th! $20 in advance, $25 at the door. Pay with cash, check or card. Open Bar with Silent and Live Auction!

    Full event information:

  3. 11:45am 2016-10-18T13:15-05:00
    October Power Lunch Series

    The Center for Women in Law, through the October Power Lunch Series, seeks to provide students with possible role models and mentors by exposing them to prominent women lawyers and other public figures from a wide range of career paths. Attending students will have the opportunity to ask questions and discuss their own career goals in an informal and interactive environment.

    Series Line-up: TBD

    Full event information:

  4. 11:45am 2016-10-18T12:45-05:00
    Careers in ADR

    For all students interested in the wide world of Alternative Dispute Resolution, the Board of Advocates kicks off its 2016 Careers in Advocacy Series with Careers in ADR. Come hear from practitioners and educators, and find out how an education in negotiation, mediation, or arbitration can help boost your career. Panelists include Texas Law Professor Jeff Jury; Ken Davison, Lakeside Mediation Center; and Tom Collins.

    Lunch will be served. RSVP by MONDAY, October 17, on Symplicity by selecting the "Events" tab.

    Full event information:

  5. 11:45am 2016-10-18T13:00-05:00
    Ag-Gag Laws and Animal, Environ. Welfare

    Judith McGreary, attorney and Executive Director of Farm and Ranch Freedom Alliance, will join the Environmental Law Society to discuss the animal welfare and environmental issues associated with industrial agriculture. Judith will be discussing her role with the FARFA and how Ag-Gag and Right to Farm laws impact her members as animal welfare and sustainable agriculture advocates. Judith will also be discussing the severe consequences of industrial agriculture on water quality and quantity and why water issues need to be a top priority for advocates of sustainable agriculture in the 2017 Legislative Session.

    Full event information:

  6. 11:45am 2016-10-18T13:00-05:00
    TMLS Prepared for Practice Series Lunch

    Lunch hosted by Hunton & Williams attorneys for TMLS members.

    Full event information:

  7. 2:15pm 2016-10-18T15:15-05:00
    Dean's Meeting; Section 3.1

    Dean Farnsworth invites Section 3.1 for ice cream and conversation.

    Full event information:

  8. 3:45pm 2016-10-18T16:30-05:00
    Discussion with the DOJ

    RSVP by MONDAY, OCTOBER 17. All Texas Law students are invited to learn more about the U.S. Department of Justice from Michael Dreeben, Deputy Solicitor General of the US DOJ. Refreshments will be served.

    RSVP by Monday, October 17 , on Symplicity by selecting the "Events" tab.

    Full event information:

  9. 5:00pm 2016-10-18T20:30-05:00
    Expunction Work Session

    Students will use court records and information provided at expunction intake clinics to draft petitions and orders for expunction or nondisclosure of criminal records. Expunging records allows people to legally deny offenses and erases records from criminal histories, mitigating future harm stemming from arrests that do not result in a criminal conviction. Orders of nondisclosure direct police departments and other agencies not to disclose criminal records on background checks, and allow a person to not disclose offenses on applications for housing or employment

    Full event information:

Wednesday October 19
  1. 7:30am 2016-10-19T18:00-05:00
    Judges in Residence

    Judges and justices hold court (hearings, trials, general dockets, and oral arguments) in the Eidman Courtroom. Specific judicial proceedings details for Oct 2016 Judges in Residence series TBD.

    Full event information:

  2. 8:30am 2016-10-19T10:30-05:00
    Jackson Walker LLP 2L & 3L Meet & Greet

    Jackson Walker LLP invites all 2L/3L students to join them for breakfast tacos in the Law School Atrium. Attorney and recruiting personnel will be in attendance to answer questions about the firm on Wednesday, October 19, 2016. Please be sure to stop by on your way to class.

    Full event information:

  3. 10:30am 2016-10-19T13:30-05:00
    TLF Auction Ticket Sales

    Buy tickets for TLF Auction on Oct. 20th! $20 in advance, $25 at the door. Pay with cash, check or card. Open Bar with Silent and Live Auction!

    Full event information:

  4. 11:30am 2016-10-19T13:30-05:00
    Faculty Lunch

    Weekly luncheon for Texas Law faculty members

    Full event information:

  5. 11:45am 2016-10-19T12:45-05:00
    V&E Career Panel Lunch

    Attorneys from Vinson & Elkins will speak on the differences between practicing in a litigation group versus practicing in a transactional group.

    Full event information:

  6. 3:30pm 2016-10-19T18:00-05:00
    Baker &

    Attorneys from Baker & McKenzie will present an interactive panel presentation that will provide an overview of the daily responsibilities of a transactional lawyer and how various transactional practice fields intersect with one another. Students will have the opportunity to ask questions and network after the presentation.

    Full event information:

  7. 7:30pm 2016-10-19T22:00-05:00
    Debate Watch Party

    It's the final event!

    Full event information:

Thursday October 20
  1. 7:30am 2016-10-20T18:00-05:00
    Judges in Residence

    Judges and justices hold court (hearings, trials, general dockets, and oral arguments) in the Eidman Courtroom. Specific judicial proceedings details for Oct 2016 Judges in Residence series TBD.

    Full event information:

  2. 8:00am 2016-10-20T12:00-05:00
    Conflict Resolution Day

    The Center for Public Policy Dispute Resolution will be hosting a table in honor of Conflict Resolution Day. There will be information for students, staff and faculty about conflict resolution services available on campus. And donuts! Conflict Resolution Day was created in 2005 by ACR (the Association for Conflict Resolution) to promote awareness of ways that you can resolve conflict. Conflict Resolution Day: • Promotes awareness of mediation, arbitration, conciliation and other creative, peaceful means of resolving conflict; • Promotes the use of conflict resolution in schools, families, businesses, communities, governments and the legal system; • Recognizes the significant contributions of (peaceful) conflict resolvers; and • Obtains national synergy by having celebrations happen across the country and around the world on the same day.

    Full event information:

  3. 10:30am 2016-10-20T13:30-05:00
    TLF Auction Ticket Sales

    Buy tickets for TLF Auction on Oct. 20th! $20 in advance, $25 at the door. Pay with cash, check or card. Open Bar with Silent and Live Auction!

    Full event information:

  4. 11:30am 2016-10-20T13:00-05:00
    Faculty Colloquium -- Frederick Vars

    Note: This event’s full details are restricted to Texas Law faculty and staff members only.

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  5. 11:30am 2016-10-20T14:30-05:00
    Fajita Fiesta

    The Chicano/Hispanic Law Students' Association will host its semi-annual FAJITA FIESTA to fund member scholarships. We'll be selling plates of beef/chicken/veggie fajitas - grilled on site - with all the fixings in the Atrium. We usually sell out so come out, enjoy delicious food, and support this great cause! Cash and credit accepted! Atrium 11:30am-2:30pm

    Full event information:

  6. 11:45am 2016-10-20T12:45-05:00
    Judicial Internships

    Texas Law students will discuss their summer judicial internship experiences and how they secured their positions. Learn what judicial internships are, what courts have them, and how to apply.

    Summer judicial internships are open to all students, including 1Ls. There are hundreds of summer judicial internship opportunities available throughout the nation and early December is a good time to begin sending out your applications. Three hours of academic credit may be available through the Judicial Internship Program for summer internships with federal district, federal appellate, and state appellate judges.

    Please RSVP by Wednesday, October 19, on Symplicity by selecting the 'Events' tab.

    Full event information:

  7. 11:45am 2016-10-20T13:00-05:00
    Debate: The Election & the Supreme Court

    The Texas Federalist Society hosts a lunch-hour debate on how the upcoming election will impact the Supreme Court. The event will feature Professor Josh Blackman of South Texas Law and Professor Stephen Vladeck of Texas Law. FREE FAJITAS PROVIDED BY CHLSA!

    Full event information:

  8. 12:00pm 2016-10-20T12:45-05:00
    Coffee & Conversation

    HRLS will be hosting its first coffee and conversation event of this semester is with Amanda Woog, JD, of The Texas Justice Initiative. The Initiative seeks to build narratives around who is dying in the Texas criminal justice system, bring attention to the lives that have been lost, and provide a foundation for research toward solutions that will save lives. Amanda is currently researching and tracking officer-involved shootings and custodial deaths in Texas, and will lead us in a discussion on the intersections of gender and criminal justice.

    Free coffee and snacks will be provided!

    Date: Thursday, October 20, 2016 Time: 12:00pm Location: TNH 2.124

    Full event information:

  9. 1:30pm 2016-10-20T14:30-05:00
    Popcorn Break

    The Texas Law Alumni Association and Student Affairs Office are excited to announce the return of Popcorn Break in Fall 2016! Starting September 8, 2016, Popcorn Break will be every Thursday afternoon from 1:30 – 2:30 pm. The popcorn will be located in the Tom Clark Lounge. We look forward to seeing you there!

    Full event information:

  10. 4:30pm 2016-10-20T17:30-05:00
    Austin Steering Committee Meeting

    Austin Steering Committee Meeting Sheffield-Massey Room, The University of Texas Law School 4:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.

    Full event information:

  11. 5:30pm 2016-10-20T19:30-05:00
    Hyder Collection tour and reception

    Hyder Collection tour and reception Susman Godfrey Atrium, The University of Texas Law School 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.

    Full event information:

Friday October 21
  1. 7:30am 2016-10-21T18:00-05:00
    Judges in Residence

    Judges and justices hold court (hearings, trials, general dockets, and oral arguments) in the Eidman Courtroom. Specific judicial proceedings details for Oct 2016 Judges in Residence series TBD.

    Full event information:

  2. 11:30am 2016-10-21T13:00-05:00
    October Clinical Faculty Lunch

    Meeting of the clinical faculty.

    Full event information:

  3. 2:00pm 2016-10-21T15:00-05:00
    Judicial Clerkship Workshop: Resumes

    The Judicial Clerkship Program will hold a workshop each Friday afternoon from October 21-November 11. The workshops are for students to come and receive instruction and personalized feedback on how to craft the most effective resume and cover letters for their judicial clerkship applications. The October 21 and November 4 dates will focus on resumes. The October 28 and November 11 dates will focus on cover letters. The workshops are open to all 2Ls and 3Ls. Students should bring their laptops.

    Full event information:

Saturday October 22
  1. 1:00pm 2016-10-22T17:00-05:00
    TMLS Exam-Taking Workshop

    This 4-hour workshop is led by Professor Lisa Tilton-McCarthy, who is a BarBri lecturer. It is designed to teach students how to successfully complete essay and multiple-choice exams. Thanks to V&E for their support of this event.

    Full event information: