Events Calendar

Now viewing: October 2018

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
Sunday 30 Monday October 1
  1. 8:00am 2018-10-01T17:00-05:00
    2018 Law CIO Conference

    Host law CIOs from top 15 law schools.

    Full event information:

  2. 8:45am 2018-10-01T09:45-05:00
    Townes Hall Morning Coffee

    Beginning Monday, September 10, the Texas Law Alumni Association will kick off its Townes Hall Morning Coffee for all students every Monday morning! Please bring your favorite travel mug from home (we are going green, so no paper products will be provided) and enjoy FREE coffee every Monday morning to start your week off right on behalf of the Alumni Association. Coffee will be located at one, large stations located near the 1L Classrooms (by TNH 2.140, TNH 2.319) beginning at 8:45am until it's gone, so get there early!

    Full event information:

  3. 11:30am 2018-10-01T13:00-05:00
    Drawing Board Luncheon - David Rabban

    Note: This event’s full details are restricted to Texas Law faculty and staff members only.

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  4. 12:00pm 2018-10-01T13:00-05:00
    RJ 101

    Join us for an open and thought-provoking discussion of what reproductive justice is and why it matters at “RJ 101.” Amanda Williams is Executive Director of The Lilith Fund for Reproductive Equity, a Texas-based abortion fund. She'll present about her work and the ongoing assault on women's reproductive rights in the state of Texas. Bring your questions, your ideas, and your appetite as there will be lunch for all in attendance.

    Full event information:

  5. 3:45pm 2018-10-01T17:45-05:00
    IPST Workshop: Barton Beebe

    Note: This event’s full details are restricted to Texas Law faculty and staff members only.

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  6. 3:45pm 2018-10-01T17:45-05:00
    Business Law Workshop - Edward Fox

    Professor Edward Fox of the University of Michigan School of Law will be the guest speaker in todays Business Law Workshop, hosted by Jens Dammann, Mira Ganor and James Spindler.

    Full event information:

  7. 4:00pm 2018-10-01T18:00-05:00
    Rapoport Colloquium: Law and Inequality

    Rapoport Center Colloquium: Law and the Production of Inequality

    "Trade, Distribution and Development under Supply Chain Capitalism"

    Dan Danielsen, Professor of Law and Faculty Director, Program on the Corporation, Law and Global Society, Northeastern University

    Respondent: Sharmila Rudrappa, Professor of Sociology & Director of the Center for Asian American Studies, University of Texas at Austin

    Our public debates are increasingly centered on the question of socio-economic inequality – its increase, its economic and political consequences, its importance to the present and its likely future. Inequality may well be at the root of many of the human rights violations in the world today. Our Fall 2018 speaker series will explore the role of law (including, perhaps, human rights law) in the production of inequality, and the role of law (including, of course, human rights law) in responding to inequality. The Colloquium presents an interdisciplinary group of scholars who focus their investigations on the ways in which various legal regimes create, reinforce, and/or ameliorate patterns of structural inequality, locally and globally.

    Full event information:

Tuesday October 2
  1. 8:00am 2018-10-02T17:00-05:00
    2018 Law CIO Conference

    Host law CIOs from top 15 law schools.

    Full event information:

  2. 11:30am 2018-10-02T12:45-05:00
    Clinical Program Info Session

    Clinical faculty and staff will be on hand to discuss Texas Law's clinical program. Lunch provided!

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  3. 11:45am 2018-10-02T13:15-05:00
    Power Lunch Series

    Power Lunch Series featuring Juanita Harris, Assistant Vice President and Senior Legal Counsel to Human Resources, AT&T.

    Full event information:

  4. 11:45am 2018-10-02T13:00-05:00
    The resistance of Federal Judges

    Professor Josh Blackman will debate Professor Steve Valdeck.

    Full event information:

  5. 12:00pm 2018-10-02T13:00-05:00
    ACS Voting Rights Event

    Join Texas Law ACS for a panel discussion on recent developments in Voting Rights with James Slattery of the Texas Civil Rights Project and Amanda Gnaedinger of Common Cause! Lunch will be served.

    Full event information:

  6. 3:45pm 2018-10-02T18:30-05:00
    Practicum #2 for Intramural Competition

    The Texas Business Law Society is hosting the Intramural Transactional LawMeet, a transactional “moot court” experience involving drafting and negotiation. A primary method by which students prepare for the competition and learn about transactional law is through the Fall Practicum. After students complete the Practicum and participate in the Intramural Transactional LawMeet, they become eligible to join a traveling competition team in the spring semester.

    Full event information:

Wednesday October 3
  1. 11:30am 2018-10-03T13:30-05:00
    Faculty Lunch

    Note: This event’s full details are restricted to Texas Law faculty and staff members only.

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  2. 11:30am 2018-10-03T13:30-05:00
    TBLS Associate Luncheon

    Texas Business Law Society is proud to present its annual Associate Luncheon, where its members will have the opportunity to have lunch and socialize with associates from a number of firms. Food and drink will be provided.

    Full event information:

  3. 12:00pm 2018-10-03T13:00-05:00
    Immigrant Justice Corps Info Session

    Learn about the Immigrant Justice Corps Postgraduate Fellowship and how you can apply. Immigrant Justice Corps is the country’s first fellowship program dedicated to meeting the need for high-quality legal assistance for immigrants seeking citizenship and fighting deportation.

    Lunch will be served. RSVP by Tuesday, October 2, on Symplicity by selecting the "Events" tab.

    Full event information:

  4. 12:00pm 2018-10-03T13:00-05:00
    Faculty Panel Discussion on Kavanaugh No

    Featuring Professors Steve Vladeck, Jennifer Laurin, Joey Fishkin, and Lisa Eskow.

    Full event information:

  5. 12:00pm 2018-10-03T16:00-05:00
    Flu Shot Clinic

    UHS administers the quadrivalent influenza vaccine. It contains no preservatives (thimerosol). UHS does not administer the high-dose flu vaccine for people over age 65.

    Getting a flu shot is the best way to prevent the flu. The U. S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommend that everyone gets a flu shot every year, unless medical reasons prevent it.

    The flu shot won't give you the flu. UHS administers the inactivated virus flu vaccine. Viruses in this vaccine have been killed, so you can't get the flu from the shot

    You must bring the following to a clinic to get a flu shot: 1. Your UT ID card or, if you are a retiree, proof that you’ve retired from UT. 2. Your health insurance card or complete insurance information, if you are insured. If on a parent’s/guardian’s insurance policy, you’ll need the policy holder’s birthdate. Insurance isn’t required for students to get the flu shot. 3. RETIREES ONLY: a driver’s license or other documentation showing your birthdate.

    Full event information:

  6. 3:45pm 2018-10-03T17:30-05:00
    Law and Economic Seminar - Manisha Padi
  7. 3:45pm 2018-10-03T17:30-05:00
    Law and Philosophy Workshop -

    Note: This event’s full details are restricted to Texas Law faculty and staff members only.

    Full event information:

Thursday October 4
  1. 10:00am 2018-10-04T12:00-05:00
    Meeting of Texas Deaf Children Policy Co

    Meeting of Texas Deaf Children Policy Conversation Working Group 1. This will be a meeting of students, professors, advocates for the deaf community and sign language interpreters

    Full event information:

  2. 11:30am 2018-10-04T13:00-05:00
    Faculty Colloquium

    Note: This event’s full details are restricted to Texas Law faculty and staff members only.

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  3. 12:00pm 2018-10-04T13:00-05:00
    Law School 101: Outlining

    Outlining consists of many different strategies for each law student. Come hear about how you should think about outlining and potential methods to use to attack your courses.

    Full event information:

Friday October 5
  1. 10:00am 2018-10-05T12:00-05:00
    Meeting of Texas Deaf Children Policy Co

    Meeting of Texas Deaf Children Policy Conversation Working Group 2. This will be a meeting of students, professors, advocates for the deaf community and sign language interpreters.

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  2. 10:30am 2018-10-05T11:30-05:00
    Dean's Meeting Section 2.4

    Dean Farnsworth invites Section 2.4 for bagels, pastries and conversation.

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  3. 1:00pm 2018-10-05T14:00-05:00
    Dean's Meeting Section 4.4

    Dean Farnsworth invites Section 4.4 for a pizza lunch and conversation.

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Saturday 6
Sunday 7 Monday October 8
  1. 8:45am 2018-10-08T09:45-05:00
    Townes Hall Morning Coffee

    Beginning Monday, September 10, the Texas Law Alumni Association will kick off its Townes Hall Morning Coffee for all students every Monday morning! Please bring your favorite travel mug from home (we are going green, so no paper products will be provided) and enjoy FREE coffee every Monday morning to start your week off right on behalf of the Alumni Association. Coffee will be located at one, large stations located near the 1L Classrooms (by TNH 2.140, TNH 2.319) beginning at 8:45am until it's gone, so get there early!

    Full event information:

  2. 11:30am 2018-10-08T13:00-05:00
    Drawing Board Luncheon - Calvin Johnson

    Calvin Johnson

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  3. 11:30am 2018-10-08T13:00-05:00
    Early Registration Advising

    Visit with the SAO staff about your spring course schedule. We'll be in the Atrium all week!

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  4. 1:00pm 2018-10-08T14:00-05:00
    Dean's Meeting Section 1.2

    Dean Farnsworth invites Section 1.2 for an ice cream social and conversation.

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  5. 3:30pm 2018-10-08T16:30-05:00
    Dean's Meeting Section 3.2

    Dean Farnsworth invites Section 3.2 for an ice cream social and conversation.

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  6. 4:30pm 2018-10-08T18:00-05:00
    Capital Punishment Supreme Court Update

    First Monday: Capital Punishment in the U.S. Supreme Court, 2017 and 2018 terms

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Tuesday October 9
  1. 11:45am 2018-10-09T13:15-05:00
    Power Lunch Series

    Power Lunch Series featuring Denise Davis, Partner, Davis Kaufman PLLC

    Full event information:

  2. 11:45am 2018-10-09T12:45-05:00
    Intro to Public Service Law

    Interested in pursuing a career in public service? A panel of 2Ls and 3Ls will share how they are serving the public good and how to acquire an internship working with a government agency, public interest organization, or a public defender.

    Lunch will be served after the program. RSVP by Monday, October 8, on Symplicity by selecting the "Events" tab.

    Full event information:

  3. 11:45am 2018-10-09T13:00-05:00
    The 2nd Amendment's Impact on the 1st

    Professor Nelson Lund will debate Professor Lucas A. Powe Jr.

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  4. 12:00pm 2018-10-09T13:00-05:00
    ACS Family Separation Event

    Join Texas Law ACS for a presentation by Edgar Saldivar from the ACLU of Texas, who will discuss his work on the litigation surrounding the Trump Administration's controversial policy of separating immigrant parents from their children at the US-Mexico border. Lunch will be served. Co-hosted with CHLSA.

    Full event information:

  5. 3:30pm 2018-10-09T16:30-05:00
    Dean's Meeting Section 2.3

    Dean Farnsworth invites Section 2.3 for an ice cream social and conversation.

    Full event information:

Wednesday October 10
  1. 11:30am 2018-10-10T13:30-05:00
    Faculty Lunch

    Note: This event’s full details are restricted to Texas Law faculty and staff members only.

    Full event information:

  2. 11:30am 2018-10-10T13:00-05:00
    Early Registration Advising

    Visit with the SAO staff about your spring course schedule. We'll be in the Atrium all week!

    Full event information:

  3. 11:30am 2018-10-10T13:00-05:00
    Law School Mental Health Day

    We'll have coloring books and crafts available. Come take a mental health break in the Atrium!

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  4. 11:45am 2018-10-10T13:00-05:00
    The Future of Fair Housing

    Join Texas Law ACS for a speaker panel on the future of fair housing featuring Maddie Sloan from Texas Appleseed and Betsy Julian from Inclusive Communities. Students will have the opportunity to write public comments on proposed federal regulations after the event. Lunch will be served.

    Full event information:

  5. 11:45am 2018-10-10T13:00-05:00
    TJOGEL Roundtable Luncheon with Bracewel

    We will host a lunch with Bracewell attorneys for students to gain a better understanding of the practice of energy law.

    Full event information:

  6. 3:45pm 2018-10-10T17:30-05:00
    Law and Economic Seminar - J. Teitelbaum

    Note: This event’s full details are restricted to Texas Law faculty and staff members only.

    Full event information:

Thursday October 11
  1. 11:00am 2018-10-11T13:00-05:00
    Early Registration Advising

    Visit with the SAO staff about your spring course schedule. We'll be in the Atrium all week!

    Full event information:

  2. 11:30am 2018-10-11T13:00-05:00
    Faculty Colloquium - Amy Kapczynski

    Note: This event’s full details are restricted to Texas Law faculty and staff members only.

    Full event information:

  3. 11:30am 2018-10-11T13:00-05:00
    TJOGEL Roundtable Luncheon

    Roundtable Luncheons provide students the opportunity to network with attorneys practicing in the energy industry.

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  4. 11:45am 2018-10-11T12:45-05:00
    Judicial Internships for the Summer

    Texas Law 2Ls will discuss their summer judicial internship experiences and how they secured their positions. Learn about judicial internships, the courts that have them, and how to apply. Panelists TBD.

    There are hundreds of summer judicial internship opportunities available with municipal, state, and federal courts nationwide. Early December is a good time to send out applications and academic credit is available through the Judicial Internship Program for summer internships with eligible courts. This is a great opportunity for 1Ls and 2Ls alike!

    Lunch will be served after the program. RSVP by Wednesday, October 10 on Symplicity by selecting the "Events" tab.

    Full event information:

  5. 11:45am 2018-10-11T13:00-05:00
    Green Society Community Fellow Lunch

    Green Society is invited to join Community Fellow Arleas Kea ('79, '82) for lunch and conversation.

    Full event information:

  6. 11:45am 2018-10-11T12:45-05:00
    U.S. Coast Guard JAG Info Session

    Learn about attorney positions with the U.S. Coast Guard JAG as well as opportunities for student internships/externships and application procedures. Mike Leath, 2L, will share his 10 years of experience with the Coast Guard.

    Lunch will be served. RSVP by Wednesday, October 10 on Symplicity be selecting the “Events” tab.

    Full event information:

  7. 12:00pm 2018-10-11T13:00-05:00
    First Gen' Student Soc: Academic Success

    Please join a panel featuring upper-level first generation law students on a frank discussion of academic success. Free pizza!

    While primarily geared towards 1L, 2Ls and 3Ls are just as welcome!

    Full event information:

  8. 3:30pm 2018-10-11T16:30-05:00
    Dean's Meeting Section 4.2

    Dean Farnsworth invites Section 4.2 for a pizza lunch and conversation.

    Full event information:

  9. 3:45pm 2018-10-11T16:45-05:00
    Public Defender Service Info Session

    Learn about summer, term-time, and postgraduate opportunities at the Public Defender Service of Washington, D.C. (PDS). PDS provides and promotes quality legal representation to indigent adults and children facing a loss of liberty in the District of Columbia, thereby protecting society's interest in the fair administration of justice. PDS provides its exceptional legal service through seven legal divisions: Trial, Appellate, Mental Health, Special Litigation, Parole, Civil Legal Services, and Community Defender.

    One-on-one meetings with Jennifer Thomas will be held prior to the program in the Career Services Interview Suite. Sign up on Symplicity .

    Lunch will be served. RSVP by Wednesday, October 10, on Symplicity by selecting the "Events" tab.

    Full event information:

  10. 4:30pm 2018-10-11T18:30-05:00
    TJOGEL 1L Career Panel

    The 1L Law Firm Career Panel is a great opportunity for law students to learn more about law firm life in the energy field. The panelists (listed below) have extensive experience in both litigation and transactional law and will be able to answer specific questions as students consider careers in energy law.

    Panelists include: John B. Connally IV, Vinson & Elkins Wilson B. Albright, Jackson Walker Olga Kobzar, Scott Douglass McConnico Richard B. Hemingway, Jr., Thompson & Knight J.J. McAnelly, Bracewell Tom Hillebrand, Kirkland & Ellis

    Full event information:

  11. 4:30pm 2018-10-11T18:30-05:00
    TJOGEL 1L Career Panel

    TJOGEL will be hosting a panel of practitioners to provide 1Ls with information about being a litigator or transactional attorney in the energy industry. This event will also give 1Ls prospective on law firm life, and help them determine what firms are looking for in a candidate for summer associate positions.

    Full event information:

Friday October 12
  1. 10:00am 2018-10-12T11:00-05:00
    Early Registration Advising

    Visit with the SAO staff about your spring course schedule. We'll be in the Atrium all week!

    Full event information:

  2. 11:00am 2018-10-12T16:00-05:00
    AAEC Meeting


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  3. 5:00pm
    Spring Clinic Application Deadline

    First Round applications for clinics are due at the end of early registration, October 12, at 5:00 pm. After early registration, applications may be considered on a rolling basis, only if space remains.

    Applications are submitted online, and the instructions are on the clinical program website ( Questions about the application process should be directed to Sonja Hartley, Clinical Program Coordinator, at

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  4. 6:00pm 2018-10-12T21:00-05:00
    Alumni Awards Dinner

    Alumni Awards Dinner Friday, October 12, 2018 6:00 p.m.

    This event is by invitation only. For more information, contact

    Full event information:

Saturday 13
Sunday 14 Monday October 15
  1. 8:45am 2018-10-15T09:45-05:00
    Townes Hall Morning Coffee

    Beginning Monday, September 10, the Texas Law Alumni Association will kick off its Townes Hall Morning Coffee for all students every Monday morning! Please bring your favorite travel mug from home (we are going green, so no paper products will be provided) and enjoy FREE coffee every Monday morning to start your week off right on behalf of the Alumni Association. Coffee will be located at one, large stations located near the 1L Classrooms (by TNH 2.140, TNH 2.319) beginning at 8:45am until it's gone, so get there early!

    Full event information:

  2. 11:45am 2018-10-15T13:00-05:00
    Police Accountability

    Clark Neily of the Cato Institute will debate Professor Laurin

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  3. 1:00pm 2018-10-15T14:00-05:00
    Dean's Meeting Section 1.3

    Dean Farnsworth invites Section 1.3 for an ice cream social and conversation.

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  4. 3:45pm 2018-10-15T17:45-05:00
    IPST Workshop: Jessica Silbey

    Note: This event’s full details are restricted to Texas Law faculty and staff members only.

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  5. 3:45pm 2018-10-15T17:45-05:00
    Business Law Seminar - Marc Steinberg

    Professor Marc Steinberg of SMU will be the guest speaker in today's Business Law Workshop, hosted by Jens Dammann, Mira Ganor and James Spindler.

    Full event information:

  6. 4:00pm 2018-10-15T18:00-05:00
    Economic Inequality and Human Rights

    Rapoport Center Colloquium: Law and the Production of Inequality

    Our public debates are increasingly centered on the question of socio-economic inequality – its increase, its economic and political consequences, its importance to the present and its likely future. Inequality may well be at the root of many of the human rights violations in the world today. Our Fall 2018 speaker series will explore the role of law (including, perhaps, human rights law) in the production of inequality, and the role of law (including, of course, human rights law) in responding to inequality. The Colloquium presents an interdisciplinary group of scholars who focus their investigations on the ways in which various legal regimes create, reinforce, and/or ameliorate patterns of structural inequality, locally and globally.

    Full event information:

Tuesday October 16
  1. 11:30am 2018-10-16T13:30-05:00
    Norton Rose Fulbright IPLS Lunch

    Norton Rose will come to give a presentation about IP law and the firm to IPLS students

    Full event information:

  2. 11:45am 2018-10-16T13:15-05:00
    Power Lunch Series

    Power Lunch Series featuring Mandy Price, Co-Founder and CEO of Kanarys, Inc.

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  3. 11:45am 2018-10-16T12:45-05:00
    Exploring Government Career Paths

    Practicing attorneys will share valuable advice, along with exciting experiences, they have gained through work in the government sector.

    Panelists include Dan Guess, ’93, Assistant U.S. Attorney, Supervising Attorney for the Austin Division of the U.S. Attorney's Office for the Western District of Texas; Caroline Webster, ’94, Assistant City Attorney, Open Government / Ethics & Compliance Division, City of Austin; Daniel Walker, ’09, Assistant Attorney General, Civil Medicaid Fraud Division, Office of the Texas Attorney General; and Meghan Kempf, Policy Counsel, Texas Health and Human Services Commission Legal Services. Moderated by Clinical Professor Lucy Wood, Director of Government Internship Program at Texas Law.

    Lunch will be served. RSVP by Monday, October 15, on Symplicity by selecting the "Events" tab.

    Full event information:

  4. 12:00pm 2018-10-16T13:00-05:00
    DACA Litigation in Texas

    Join Texas Law ACS and CHLSA for an overview on the current state of DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals) litigation with MALDEF attorney Alejandra Avila. Lunch will be served.

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  5. 5:00pm 2018-10-16T20:30-05:00
    Expunction Work Session I

    Students will work on expunction files.

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Wednesday October 17
  1. 8:30am 2018-10-17T17:00-05:00
    NCJFCJ Training

    This training will include NCJFCJ trainers and judges from around the country. 14 total

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  2. 11:00am 2018-10-17T13:30-05:00
    Fajita Fiesta

    CHLSA's Annual Fajita Fiesta

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  3. 11:30am 2018-10-17T13:30-05:00
    Faculty Lunch

    Note: This event’s full details are restricted to Texas Law faculty and staff members only.

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  4. 3:30pm 2018-10-17T16:30-05:00
    Dean's Meeting Section 1.4

    Dean Farnsworth invites Section 1.4 for an ice cream social and conversation.

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  5. 6:00pm 2018-10-17T19:30-05:00
    Pro Bono in January Info Session I

    Come learn about the different projects that students will participate in during Pro Bono in January 2019.

    Full event information:

Thursday October 18
  1. 8:00am 2018-10-18T17:00-05:00
    NCJFCJ Training

    This meeting will include NCJFCJ trainers and judges from around the country.

    Full event information:

  2. 10:00am 2018-10-18T11:00-05:00
    U.S. Air Force JAG Info Interviews

    Sign up for a one-on-one informational interview with a United States Air Force JAG Representative to learn more about the program and its application procedure.

    RSVP by Wednesday, October 17, on Symplicity by selecting the "Events" tab.

    Full event information:

  3. 11:30am 2018-10-18T13:00-05:00
    Faculty Colloquium - Michael Vandenbergh

    Note: This event’s full details are restricted to Texas Law faculty and staff members only.

    Full event information:

  4. 11:30am 2018-10-18T13:00-05:00
    Public Service Expo

    Representatives from dozens of public interest organizations and government agencies will be on hand to answer questions about what they do. Find out about volunteer opportunities, summer internships, and paid positions with a variety of nonprofits, legal services providers, and government agencies. All Texas Law students are encouraged to attend.

    Full event information:

  5. 11:30am 2018-10-18T13:15-05:00
    TJOGEL Roundtable with King & Spalding

    This lunch is a chance for students to meet with energy lawyers.

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  6. 12:00pm 2018-10-18T13:00-05:00
    Law School 101: Stress Management

    Don't let stress get the better of you. Come hear about stress management techniques and suggestions for continuing to thrive in your 1L year. Joint effort of the Student Affairs Office and the UT Counseling and Mental Health Center.

    Lunch provided by Bracewell LLP!

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  7. 5:00pm 2018-10-18T18:30-05:00
    Clinic Reception with NCJFCJ

    Reception with Domestic Violence and Immigration Clinics and the NCJFCJ Continuing Judicial Skills Training

    Full event information:

Friday October 19
  1. All day
    NCJFCJ Continuing Judicial Skills Traini

    NCJFCJ Continuing Judicial Skills Training Family Law & Immigration. This meeting will include NCJFCJ trainers and judges from around the country. DVC and Immigration Clinic faculty will participate.

    Full event information:

  2. 12:00pm 2018-10-19T13:45-05:00
    UT Opportunity Forum Presents: Uprooted

    A new report by UT researchers has identified a wave of gentrification sweeping through Austin neighborhoods, hitting low-income African-American and Hispanic renters the hardest. Come learn about three case studies the researchers developed to help inform what it will take for Austin to address these disturbing trends. The presenters will share information about anti-displacement policies utilized in Columbia Heights in Washington, D.C., Inner North/Northeast neighborhoods in Portland, Oregon, and Guadalupe neighborhood in Austin—along with key takeaways for Austin. Lunch will be included.


    Heather K. Way, Clinical Professor The University of Texas School of Law

    Nicholas Armstrong, Graduate Student Community and Regional Planning Program, The University of Texas at Austin

    Benjamin Martin, Graduate Student Community and Regional Planning Program, The University of Texas at Austin


    Jake Wegmann, Assistant Professor Community and Regional Planning Program, The University of Texas at Austin

    Lunch Series Co-Sponsors:

    The Institute for Urban Policy Research & Analysis

    RGK Center for Philanthropy & Community Service, LBJ School of Public Affairs

    The Longhorn Center for Community Engagement

    The Graduate Program in Community & Regional Planning

    School of Nursing Center for Transdisciplinary Collaborative Research in Self-Management Science

    Full event information:

  3. 10:00pm 2018-10-19T02:00-05:00
    Ex Parte

    An annual law school event hosted by the Student Bar Association. Students can purchase tickets the week before the event in the Atrium. The purpose of Ex Parte is to encourage community and friendship among the student body.

    Full event information:

Saturday October 20
  1. 11:30am 2018-10-20T18:30-05:00
    Intramural Transactional Competition

    The Intramural Transactional LawMeet Competition is a transactional “moot court” experience involving drafting and negotiation between students. Attorneys will act as 'judges' during the competition and a reception will follow announcing winners.

    Full event information:

Sunday 21 Monday October 22
  1. 8:45am 2018-10-22T09:45-05:00
    Townes Hall Morning Coffee

    Beginning Monday, September 10, the Texas Law Alumni Association will kick off its Townes Hall Morning Coffee for all students every Monday morning! Please bring your favorite travel mug from home (we are going green, so no paper products will be provided) and enjoy FREE coffee every Monday morning to start your week off right on behalf of the Alumni Association. Coffee will be located at one, large stations located near the 1L Classrooms (by TNH 2.140, TNH 2.319) beginning at 8:45am until it's gone, so get there early!

    Full event information:

  2. 11:30am 2018-10-22T13:30-05:00
    1L Orientation for the Mentoring Program

    Introduce the value of the Mentoring Program to all new 1L students. Provide insight from mentors who have been a part of the Mentoring Program and all the incredible lessons and experiences it has to offer to a 1L student.

    Full event information:

  3. 11:30am 2018-10-22T13:00-05:00
    Drawing Board Luncheon - Larry Sager

    Larry Sager, "An Upside Down Masterpiece"

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  4. 12:00pm 2018-10-22T13:00-05:00
    Northwestern Tax Law LLM Info Session

    Professor Postlewaite, a tax scholar at Northwestern Pritzker School of Law, will explain the benefits of pursuing a LLM Tax degree after earning a juris doctor and how it can assist you with building a tax law career. Lunch will be served. RSVP by Friday, October 19, on Symplicity by selecting the "Events" tab.

    Full event information:

  5. 3:45pm 2018-10-22T17:45-05:00
    IPST Workshop: Jeanne Fromer

    Note: This event’s full details are restricted to Texas Law faculty and staff members only.

    Full event information:

  6. 6:00pm 2018-10-22T19:30-05:00
    Pro Bono in January Info Session I

    Come learn about the projects students will participate in during Pro Bono in January 2019.

    Full event information:

Tuesday October 23
  1. 8:00am 2018-10-23T18:00-05:00
    Cybersecurity Bootcamp 2.0 -- Day 1

    On October 23rd and 24th, the Strauss Center will host its second cybersecurity training session for legal and policy professionals. The event is a customized workshop led by Professor Matt Tait, introducing an array of core technical concepts for non-technical professionals interested in cybersecurity issues. This event is by invitation only.

    Full event information:

  2. 8:30am 2018-10-23T10:30-05:00
    Jackson Walker LLP Meet & Greet

    Jackson Walker LLP invites all 2L and 3L students to join them for breakfast tacos in the Law School Atrium. Attorney and recruiting personnel will be in attendance to answer questions about the firm on Tuesday, October 23, 2018. Be sure to stop by on your way to class.

    Full event information:

  3. 11:00am 2018-10-23T14:00-05:00
    Celebrate Pro Bono Week Tabling

    Pro Bono Scholars and PB in J Leadership Team members will be available to talk about how to get involved in pro bono at Texas Law and answers all your questions about the 2019 Pro Bono in January Winter Service Trip.

    Full event information:

  4. 11:45am 2018-10-23T13:15-05:00
    Power Lunch Series

    Power Lunch Series featuring Karen Popp, Partner and Global Co-Chair, White Collar & Compliance Group at Sidley Austin LLP.

    Full event information:

  5. 11:45am 2018-10-23T12:45-05:00
    Workshop with the Peggy Browning Fund

    The Peggy Browning Fund, whose mission is to educate and inspire the next generation of law students to become advocates for workplace justice, is conducting a regional workshop about labor law and the career paths available. Moderated by Bill Beardall from the Equal Justice Center and Texas Law Clinical Professor and Director. Panelists include Sophie Elsner, PBF '15, Texas RioGrande Legal Aid; Phillip Melton, PBF '18; Jacqueline Odum, PBF '18; and Glenda Pittman, Glenda Pittman & Associates, P.C.

    Lunch will be served. RSVP by Monday, October 22, on Symplicity by selecting the "Events" tab.

    Full event information:

  6. 11:45am 2018-10-23T13:00-05:00
    5th Circuit Panel

    Evan Young, Professor Vladeck, Jane Webre, and Scott Keller will discuss the 5th Circuit

    Full event information:

  7. 3:30pm 2018-10-23T16:30-05:00
    Dean's Meeting Section 4.1

    Dean Farnsworth invites Section 4.1 for an ice cream social and conversation.

    Full event information:

Wednesday October 24
  1. 8:00am 2018-10-24T18:00-05:00
    Cybersecurity Bootcamp 2.0 -- Day 2

    On October 23rd and 24th, the Strauss Center will host its second cybersecurity training session for legal and policy professionals. The event is a customized workshop led by Professor Matt Tait, introducing an array of core technical concepts for non-technical professionals interested in cybersecurity issues. This event is by invitation only.

    Full event information:

  2. 11:30am 2018-10-24T13:30-05:00
    Faculty Lunch

    Note: This event’s full details are restricted to Texas Law faculty and staff members only.

    Full event information:

  3. 11:30am 2018-10-24T13:00-05:00
    V&E Litigation or Transactional Panel

    One of the principal career decisions law students face is choosing between a career in litigation or transactional law. Law school academia often leans toward litigation, so V&E practitioners in litigation and transactional practices will provide substantive overviews of the two broad areas of practice. The panel discussion will include insights on the nature of work involved, pros and cons associated with a career in each area of law, and advice on steps students can take to determine which path is right for them.

    RSVP to Amber Carter at by Friday, October 19th Please include your full name, email address and expected graduation year.

    Full event information:

  4. 11:45am 2018-10-24T13:00-05:00
    Turning Outrage Into Action

    The U.S. government separated more than 2,000 migrant children from their parents in the spring and summer of 2018. Millions of Americans were outraged. Thousands of lawyers from diverse practice backgrounds have turned that outrage into action, delivering pro bono legal services to separated parents and children. Learn about how the Austin legal community responded to the family separation crisis at the Mithoff Program’s annual Pro Bono Luncheon. • Elizabeth Pearsall Lippincott ‘94, Senior Strategist, Vianovo • Kate Lincoln-Goldfinch ‘08, Founder, Lincoln-Goldfinch Law • Whitney Drake ’14, Staff Attorney, American Gateways

    Full event information:

  5. 11:45am 2018-10-24T13:00-05:00
    Transactional v. Litigation Panel

    One of the principal career decisions law students face is choosing between a career in litigation or transactional law. Law school academia often leans toward litigation, so V&E practitioners in litigation and transactional practices will provide substantive overviews of the two broad areas of practice.The panel discussion will include insights on the nature of work involved, pros and cons associated with a career in each area of law, and advice on steps students can take to determine which path is right for them.

    Co-hosted by the Thurgood Marshall Legal Society. All 1Ls welcome. RSVP to Amber Carter at Please include your full name, email address and expected graduation year.

    Full event information:

  6. 3:45pm 2018-10-24T17:30-05:00
    Law and Economic Seminar - L. Kornhauser
  7. 3:45pm 2018-10-24T17:30-05:00
    Law and Philosophy Workshop

    Note: This event’s full details are restricted to Texas Law faculty and staff members only.

    Full event information:

  8. 4:00pm 2018-10-24T17:30-05:00
    Mock Networking Reception

    The student-run Action Committee for Career Services will be hosting a Mock Networking Reception for Texas Law students to practice the art of networking. This fun and informal event will simulate an actual networking reception in order to best prepare you for real-world scenarios such as the upcoming Texas Talks: Careers in Law, employer receptions and open houses during the Winter Break, and more. You will have the chance to practice your networking skills with your fellow students and asks questions of faculty, career counselors, and upperclassman about reception etiquette, networking tips, and more. Space is limited!

    Refreshments will be served. RSVP by Tuesday, October 23, on Symplicity by selecting the "Events" tab.

    Full event information:

  9. 4:00pm 2018-10-24T17:30-05:00
    Mock Networking Reception
  10. 5:45pm 2018-10-24T20:00-05:00
    TMLS General Body Meeting

    TMLS Bi-Weekly General Body Meeting

    Full event information:

Thursday October 25
  1. 8:30am 2018-10-25T10:00-05:00
    WLC Breakfast

    WLC members are invited to join together and socialize over breakfast. This is a casual, come-and-go event; no speakers will be in attendance.

    Full event information:

  2. 11:30am 2018-10-25T13:00-05:00
    October Clinical Faculty Lunch

    meeting of the clinical faculty

    Full event information:

  3. 11:30am 2018-10-25T13:30-05:00
    1L Orientation for the Mentoring Program

    Introduce the value of the Mentoring Program to all new 1L students. Provide insight from mentors who have been a part of the Mentoring Program and all the incredible lessons and experiences it has to offer to a 1L student.

    Full event information:

  4. 11:30am 2018-10-25T13:00-05:00
    Job Talk

    Note: This event’s full details are restricted to Texas Law faculty and staff members only.

    Full event information:

  5. 11:30am 2018-10-25T13:30-05:00
    Thompson & Knight LLP Meet & Greet

    Thompson & Knight LLP invites all 2L & 3L students to join them for a lunch snack in the Law School Atrium. Attorney and recruiting personnel will be in attendance to answer questions about the firm on Thursday, October 25, 2018. Be sure to stop by on your way to class.

    Full event information:

  6. 11:30am 2018-10-25T13:00-05:00
    TJOGEL Roundtable Luncheon

    Students will have the opportunity to meet with attorneys from Shearman & Sterling

    Full event information:

  7. 3:30pm 2018-10-25T16:30-05:00
    Dean's Meeting Section 3.4

    Dean Farnsworth invites Section 3.4 for an ice cream social and conversation.

    Full event information:

  8. 7:00pm 2018-10-25T22:00-05:00
    TLF Fall Auction

    Texas Law Fellowships will be hosting it's annual Fall Auction on Thursday, October 25th. The Auction will have both a live auction and a silent auction, featuring items and experiences donated by Texas Law faculty and staff, as well as by community organizations and businesses. TLF is a student-run 501(c)3 non-profit organization housed at the law school. TLF engages in fundraising activities throughout the year in support of the fellowships to be awarded to Texas Law students that will be spending their summers in unpaid public interest jobs.

    Full event information:

Friday October 26
  1. 8:30am 2018-10-26T12:00-05:00
    Understanding & Managing Conflict Dynami

    We experience conflict every day, whether at work, home or interacting with the public. This class will provide an opportunity to reflect on and better understand your own personal conflict style, as well as how to recognize conflict dynamics in others. Effectively managing your conflict dynamics, and understanding the responses of others, can help maintain productive relationships, shorten the length of the conflict, and reduce stress associated with the conflict.

    Full event information:

  2. 10:45am 2018-10-26T13:45-05:00
    Wind Law Master Class

    On October 26, 2018, Roderick Wetsel, a recognized leader in energy law and a former adjunct professor at The University of Texas at Austin School of Law, will teach a master class on global perspectives on wind law. Mr. Wetsel is a founding partner at the firm of Wetsel, Carmichael & Allen, L.L.P. in Sweetwater, Texas, where he has practiced law for 36 years. He received his J.D. from The University of Texas at Austin School of Law in 1977. Mr. Wetsel taught Wind Law at The University of Texas at Austin School of Law, where he served as as adjunct professor from 2012-2018. In 2011, Mr. Wetsel co-authored the first treatise on Texas Wind Law with Professor Ernest Smith, Steven DeWolf, and Becky Diffen. He is a frequent speaker on wind energy issues throughout the United States.

    Attendance is limited to students at The University of Texas at Austin.

    RSVP required. RSVP link coming soon.

    Schedule 10:45 am-12:00 pm: Session 1 12:00-12:30 pm: Break for lunch 12:30-1:45 pm: Session 2

    Lunch will be served.

    Full event information:

  3. 11:00am 2018-10-26T13:00-05:00
    Protective Order Best Practices Mtg

    Meeting of the State Bar Family Law Task Force Protective Order Best Practices Committee

    Full event information:

  4. 11:30am 2018-10-26T13:00-05:00
    Faculty Colloquium - Justin Driver

    Note: This event’s full details are restricted to Texas Law faculty and staff members only.

    Full event information:

  5. 12:00pm 2018-10-26T13:30-05:00
    The Planet Texas 2050 Grand Challenge

    Texas' population could nearly double by the year 2050. In the context of extreme weather events, which will bring more floods, more droughts, and more heat, how do we prepare? How do we ensure our state’s resources can support the demands for urbanization, water, transportation options, energy? More importantly, how do we do so equitably and effectively, and ensuring respect for our ecosystem services? Our grand challenge is to make room for academic research that is informed by real world needs, and for real world solutions informed by academic research. Join us for a conversation on these questions and more, as we discuss how to build resilient and equitable communities over the next 30 years.

    PANELISTS: · Michael H. Young, PhD, Senior Research Scientist and Associate Director for Environment Division, Bureau of Economic Geology, Jackson School of Geosciences · Nicole Joslin, AIA, LEED AP, Executive Director, Austin Design and Development Center · Marla Torrado, PhD, Program Coordinator, Austin Design and Development Center · Marc Coudert, Environmental Program Manager, City of Austin Office of Sustainability · Celine Rendon, Summer 2018 Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Fellow, City of Austin Office of Sustainability and UT Student in the Environmental Science - Geography MODERATOR: Lourdes J Rodríguez , DrPH, Director, Center for Place-Based Initiatives Associate Professor, Department of Population Health, Dell Medical School

    Full event information:

  6. 1:00pm 2018-10-26T14:00-05:00
    Dean's Meeting Section 3.3

    Dean Farnsworth invites Section 3.3 for a pizza lunch and conversation.

    Full event information:

  7. 7:00pm 2018-10-26T22:00-05:00
    Jewish Legal Society Shabbat Dinner

    Join the Jewish Legal Society for an evening of free & delicious (kosher) food with fellow Jewish law students, grad students, and some of your favorite Jewish professors. All are welcome, but you we need to you to RSVP!

    Full event information:

Saturday October 27
  1. 8:00am 2018-10-27T13:00-05:00
    Family Weekend 2018

    Parents of current law students are invited to get a taste of their children's experience!

    Full event information:

  2. 1:00pm 2018-10-27T20:00-05:00
    Duberstein Moot Court Team Selection

    The judges for the Duberstein Moot Court Competition team will hear oral arguments from students trying out for the team.

    Full event information:

Sunday 28 Monday October 29
  1. 8:30am 2018-10-29T17:00-05:00
    St. Gallen University
  2. 8:45am 2018-10-29T09:45-05:00
    Townes Hall Morning Coffee

    Beginning Monday, September 10, the Texas Law Alumni Association will kick off its Townes Hall Morning Coffee for all students every Monday morning! Please bring your favorite travel mug from home (we are going green, so no paper products will be provided) and enjoy FREE coffee every Monday morning to start your week off right on behalf of the Alumni Association. Coffee will be located at one, large stations located near the 1L Classrooms (by TNH 2.140, TNH 2.319) beginning at 8:45am until it's gone, so get there early!

    Full event information:

  3. 11:30am 2018-10-29T13:00-05:00
    Job Talk

    Note: This event’s full details are restricted to Texas Law faculty and staff members only.

    Full event information:

  4. 3:45pm 2018-10-29T17:45-05:00
    Business Law Seminar - Davidoff Solomon

    Professor Davidoff Solomon of Berkeley Law will be the guest speaker in today's Business Law Workshop, hosted by Jens Dammann, Mira Ganor and James Spindler.

    Full event information:

  5. 4:00pm 2018-10-29T18:00-05:00
    Inequality & Elite Origins of Democracy

    Rapoport Center Colloquium: Law and the Production of Inequality - Michael Albertus presents "Inequality and the Elite Origins of Democracy"

    Our public debates are increasingly centered on the question of socio-economic inequality – its increase, its economic and political consequences, its importance to the present and its likely future. Inequality may well be at the root of many of the human rights violations in the world today. Our Fall 2018 speaker series will explore the role of law (including, perhaps, human rights law) in the production of inequality, and the role of law (including, of course, human rights law) in responding to inequality. The Colloquium presents an interdisciplinary group of scholars who focus their investigations on the ways in which various legal regimes create, reinforce, and/or ameliorate patterns of structural inequality, locally and globally.

    Full event information:

  6. 6:00pm 2018-10-29T19:30-05:00
    St. Gallen's Dean's Reception
  7. 6:00pm 2018-10-29T21:00-05:00
    First Generation Student Soc Dinner

    An evening with first generation lawyers from in and out of town, including dinner, presentations, and opportunity for small group conversations.

    Full line-up to be confirmed, present speakers include Cary Hyden, a partner in Latham Watkins' OC office, proud UT alum and a First Gen Professional.

    Event co-sponsored by Latham Watkins. Room tbc shortly.

    All students, faculty, and alumni are invited. As places are limited, pease RSVP by Oct 22 by emailing Cassidy Hall (at Thank you.

    Full event information:

  8. 6:00pm 2018-10-29T21:00-05:00
    First-Generation Dinner & Networking

    First-Generation Law Students will be hosting a dinner and networking event for Texas Law students who are the first in their families to attend law school. The event, sponsored by Latham & Watkins, will feature partner Cary Hyden, a first-generation attorney and Texas Law alum, as keynote speaker. Before, during, and after the dinner, students will have the opportunity to connect with local area first-generation attorneys.

    Full event information:

Tuesday October 30
  1. 8:30am 2018-10-30T17:00-05:00
    St. Gallen University
  2. 11:45am 2018-10-30T13:45-05:00
    Power Lunch Series

    Power Lunch Series featuring Judge Elsa Alcala, Texas Court of Appeals.

    Full event information:

  3. 12:00pm 2018-10-30T13:00-05:00
    Distinguished Lecture

    The Institute for Transnational Law invites you to attend a distinguished lecture by two alums of the Law School’s LL.M. Program.

    Roberto Aguirre Luzi (LL.M. ’03) specializes in counseling multinational corporations on complex arbitration. A partner in King & Spalding’s International Arbitration practice, Roberto is experienced in administrative and civil law, government contracts, oil and gas contracts, public utilities, and power and infrastructure projects. Roberto represents clients in complex arbitrations before the World Bank Group’s International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes and UN Commission on International Trade Law, as well as in arbitration under the International Centre for Dispute Resolution and International Chamber of Commerce rules. Roberto also has extensive experience in civil and administrative law, government contracts, oil and gas contracts, public utilities, and power and infrastructure projects.

    Humberto Padilla González (LL.M. ’06) is a partner in Morgan Lewis’s Houston office. He represents clients in a broad range of cross-border matters including mergers and acquisitions, joint ventures, international commercial finance transactions, and contractual and simple operational matters throughout Latin America. Further, he often assists clients with respect to internal compliance investigations under the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA), as well as data privacy issues. Humberto is also part of a cross-practice Global Workforce team providing integrated cross-border advice, counseling, and strategic planning on labor, employment, benefits, and immigration issues in Latin America.

    Lunch will be served.

    RSVP required. RSVP link coming soon.

    Full event information:

  4. 12:00pm 2018-10-30T13:00-05:00
    Carter Phillips Lunch Talk

    Join Texas Law ACS for a discussion with Carter Phillips, partner at Sidley Austin and Supreme Court practitioner. Lunch will be provided.

    Full event information:

Wednesday October 31
  1. 8:30am 2018-10-31T17:00-05:00
    St. Gallen University
  2. 11:30am 2018-10-31T13:30-05:00
    Faculty Lunch

    Note: This event’s full details are restricted to Texas Law faculty and staff members only.

    Full event information:

  3. 11:30am 2018-10-31T13:00-05:00
    Halloween Party

    Celebrate Halloween with a study break in the Atrium!

    Full event information:

  4. 11:30am 2018-10-31T14:00-05:00
    Legal Legends Induction - Jim Harrington

    At 12:15PM on October 31, 2018, the Litigation Section of the State Bar of Texas will induct James C. Harrington as a Texas Legal Legend in the Eidman Courtroom at the University of Texas School of Law. Reception style lunch will be served beforehand (11:30 a.m.) in the Jamail Pavilion. Students are welcome and encouraged to attend.

    Texas Legal Legends is a project of the Litigation Section of the State Bar of Texas. Its purpose is to memorialize the stories of many legendary lawyers who have practiced in Texas, and to use those stories to enhance the public’s understanding of the historical importance of law students and lawyers making a difference – not just a living. Legends like Jim Harrington are prime examples of lawyers who have spent their professional careers serving others and taking on challenges that are much bigger than themselves.

    Full event information:

  5. 11:45am 2018-10-31T12:45-05:00
    Working Together Towards Justice

    The University of Texas is proud to host Travis County District Attorney Margaret Moore, APD’s Chief Brian Manley, and Director of the Travis County DA's Office Civil Rights Unit Dexter Gilford for an open discussion on the unique relationship between police officers and prosecutors.

    The DA’s office, the police, and civil rights advocates must strike a delicate balance between enacting justice in complicated situations, maintaining good relationships between these organizations and the public, and handling significant media attention. This is a moderated Q&A event, with the opportunity for the student body to ask these experts how they manage such complicated concerns.

    Free food will be provided to attendees.

    Full event information:

  6. 12:00pm 2018-10-31T13:00-05:00
    The Mueller Investigation

    Join Texas Law ACS for a conversation with Professor Steve Vladeck on the Mueller investigation, Rod Rosenstein, and the future implications of recent events. Lunch will be served.

    Full event information:

  7. 3:45pm 2018-10-31T17:30-05:00
    Law and Economic Seminar - John Hatfield

    Collusion in Markets with Syndication

    Full event information:

Thursday November 1
  1. 8:30am 2018-11-01T17:00-05:00
    St. Gallen University
  2. 10:30am 2018-11-01T13:00-05:00
    TJOGEL Roundtable with Baker Botts

    Students will have the opportunity to network with attorneys from Baker Botts.

    Full event information:

  3. 11:30am 2018-11-01T13:00-05:00
    Faculty Colloquium - Bob Ellickson

    Note: This event’s full details are restricted to Texas Law faculty and staff members only.

    Full event information:

  4. 11:30am 2018-11-01T13:15-05:00
    Intro to Public Service Debt Management

    Program to inform new 1L students about how to manage financial obligations with a career in public service

    Full event information:

  5. 11:45am 2018-11-01T13:00-05:00
    Court Packing: A Weponization of Judicia

    Ian Samuel will debate a to-be-determined speaker

    Full event information:

  6. 11:45am 2018-11-01T12:45-05:00
    City of Chicago Law Dept. Info Session

    Join a panel of attorneys currently working for he City of Chicago to learn more about the exciting internship and postgraduate opportunities offered by the City of Chicago Department of Law.

    Lunch will be served. RSVP by Wednesday, October 31 on Symplicity be selecting the “Events” tab.

    Full event information:

Friday November 2
  1. 8:15am 2018-11-02T11:30-05:00
    SBA Tacos & Coffee

    Break in the finals season with Torchy's Tacos and Houndstooth Coffee! Food is provided courtesy of Sidley Austin LLP.

    Full event information:

  2. 8:30am 2018-11-02T17:00-05:00
    St. Gallen University
  3. 1:00pm 2018-11-02T14:30-05:00
    First Mondays

    Join Dan Epps and Ian Samuel for a live recording of their podcast about the Supreme Court. More at and @FirstMondaysFM.

    Full event information:

  4. 2:30pm 2018-11-02T15:30-05:00
    A Conversation with Judge Bennett

    Please join Judicial Clerkships in a conversation with Judge Bennett of the Southern District of Texas. RSVPs will open around mid-October on Symplicity by selecting the Events tab.

    Full event information:

Saturday November 3
  1. 8:00am 2018-11-03T13:00-05:00
    St. Gallen University