Events Calendar

Now viewing: January 16–29, 2022

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
Sunday 16 Monday 17 Tuesday 18 Wednesday 19 Thursday January 20
  1. 8:00am 2022-01-20T09:00-06:00
    TLWCF Fellowship & Bible Study

    Join us virtually for our weekly time of Bible study, prayer, and fellowship. Click here to join our Zoom meeting.

    Full event information:

  2. 12:00pm 2022-01-20T13:15-06:00
    A Discussion With Linda Greenhouse

    The Center for Women in Law welcomes Linda Greenhouse, Pulitzer prize-winning journalist and Senior Researcher in Law at Yale Law School, to discuss her new book, Justice on the Brink: The Death of Ruth Bader Ginsburg, the Rise of Amy Coney Barrett, and Twelve Months That Transformed the Supreme Court. Professor Steve Vladeck, Charles Alan Wright Chair in Federal Courts at the University of Texas School of Law, will host the conversation.

    Approved for 1.25 hours of CLE Credit.

    Full event information:

Friday 21 Saturday January 22
  1. 8:30am 2022-01-22T19:00-06:00
    Cyber 9/12 Competition

    Day 1 of the Cyber 9/12 Competition. Information on the competition can be found on the Strauss Center Events Website

    Full event information:

Sunday January 23
  1. All day
    TELJ Spring Cite-On

    Texas Environmental Law Journal (TELJ) will be holding their Spring Cite-On event from Monday, January 23rd through Sunday, January 30th at noon. TELJ is a biannual journal with articles, student notes, and developments in environmental and natural-resource law. Members of TELJ have the opportunity to connect with the environmental legal community, refine their bluebook skills, and get to know fellow law students who are interested in environmental law.

    If you are interested in participating in Cite-On, please go to or send a request for an application via email to

    Full event information:

  2. 9:00am 2022-01-23T15:00-06:00
    Cyber 9/12 Competition

    Day 1 of the Cyber 9/12 Competition. Information on the competition can be found on the Strauss Center Events Website

    Full event information:

Monday January 24
  1. All day
    TELJ Spring Cite-On

    Texas Environmental Law Journal (TELJ) will be holding their Spring Cite-On event from Monday, January 23rd through Sunday, January 30th at noon. TELJ is a biannual journal with articles, student notes, and developments in environmental and natural-resource law. Members of TELJ have the opportunity to connect with the environmental legal community, refine their bluebook skills, and get to know fellow law students who are interested in environmental law.

    If you are interested in participating in Cite-On, please go to or send a request for an application via email to

    Full event information:

  2. 11:45am 2022-01-24T12:45-06:00
    Drawing Board

    Note: This event’s full details are restricted to Texas Law faculty and staff members only.

    Full event information:

  3. 3:30pm 2022-01-24T16:30-06:00
    Law School 101: What's Next?

    Dean Bangs and Christopher Sokol will talk about making sense of your first set of grades, how to talk to your fall faculty about your exams, and how you might approach the spring semester. This session is designed for all students, whether you did better than expected or not as well as you hoped.

    January 24th (Monday) - 3:30 PM


    Full event information:

Tuesday January 25
  1. All day
    TELJ Spring Cite-On

    Texas Environmental Law Journal (TELJ) will be holding their Spring Cite-On event from Monday, January 23rd through Sunday, January 30th at noon. TELJ is a biannual journal with articles, student notes, and developments in environmental and natural-resource law. Members of TELJ have the opportunity to connect with the environmental legal community, refine their bluebook skills, and get to know fellow law students who are interested in environmental law.

    If you are interested in participating in Cite-On, please go to or send a request for an application via email to

    Full event information:

  2. 12:00pm 2022-01-25T13:00-06:00
    2Ls: Clerkships – it’s not too late!

    Join the Judicial Clerkship Program to learn about the application process and how to get ready to apply by summer. It's not too late!

    RSVP by Monday, January 24, on Symplicity by selecting the Events tab.

    Full event information:

Wednesday January 26
  1. All day
    TELJ Spring Cite-On

    Texas Environmental Law Journal (TELJ) will be holding their Spring Cite-On event from Monday, January 23rd through Sunday, January 30th at noon. TELJ is a biannual journal with articles, student notes, and developments in environmental and natural-resource law. Members of TELJ have the opportunity to connect with the environmental legal community, refine their bluebook skills, and get to know fellow law students who are interested in environmental law.

    If you are interested in participating in Cite-On, please go to or send a request for an application via email to

    Full event information:

  2. 5:00pm 2022-01-26T18:00-06:00
    TMLS - General Body Meeting

    Join us for our first General Body Meeting of the semester! Zoom ID: 974 5575 2207

    Full event information:

Thursday January 27
  1. All day
    TELJ Spring Cite-On

    Texas Environmental Law Journal (TELJ) will be holding their Spring Cite-On event from Monday, January 23rd through Sunday, January 30th at noon. TELJ is a biannual journal with articles, student notes, and developments in environmental and natural-resource law. Members of TELJ have the opportunity to connect with the environmental legal community, refine their bluebook skills, and get to know fellow law students who are interested in environmental law.

    If you are interested in participating in Cite-On, please go to or send a request for an application via email to

    Full event information:

  2. 8:00am 2022-01-27T09:00-06:00
    TLWCF Fellowship & Bible Study

    Join us virtually for our weekly time of Bible study, prayer, and fellowship. Click here to join our Zoom meeting.

    Full event information:

Friday January 28
  1. All day
    TELJ Spring Cite-On

    Texas Environmental Law Journal (TELJ) will be holding their Spring Cite-On event from Monday, January 23rd through Sunday, January 30th at noon. TELJ is a biannual journal with articles, student notes, and developments in environmental and natural-resource law. Members of TELJ have the opportunity to connect with the environmental legal community, refine their bluebook skills, and get to know fellow law students who are interested in environmental law.

    If you are interested in participating in Cite-On, please go to or send a request for an application via email to

    Full event information:

  2. 9:00am 2022-01-28T13:30-06:00
    FDA at 20

    The Past: A roundtable conversation about public defense in Texas before passage of the FDA, how the act was passed, and early progress after adoption of the law.

    The Present: A series of 5-minute presentations highlighting current issues in public defense including: Urban and Rural Public Defender Offices, Managed Assigned Counsel Systems, Mentoring, Counsel at First Appearance, Immigration Representation, Oversight of Public Defense, Public Defense Funding, Community Engagement

    The Future: A panel discussion about the future of public defense defense in Texas.

    Registration for the event is now open! Register at

    Full event information:

Saturday January 29
  1. All day
    TELJ Spring Cite-On

    Texas Environmental Law Journal (TELJ) will be holding their Spring Cite-On event from Monday, January 23rd through Sunday, January 30th at noon. TELJ is a biannual journal with articles, student notes, and developments in environmental and natural-resource law. Members of TELJ have the opportunity to connect with the environmental legal community, refine their bluebook skills, and get to know fellow law students who are interested in environmental law.

    If you are interested in participating in Cite-On, please go to or send a request for an application via email to

    Full event information: