Events Calendar
8:00am – 9:00am
Christian Legal Society Bible Study
JON 6.207 (Susman Academic Center, The Judge William W. and Margaret R. Kilgarlin Chambers (6.207 / 6.208))
JON 6.207 (Susman Academic Center, The Judge William W. and Margaret R. Kilgarlin Chambers (6.207 / 6.208))
Bible study
For more information visit – 1:15pm
Faculty lunch
(This event’s full information is restricted to Texas Law faculty and staff only.) For more information visit
12:00pm – 12:45pm
Law School 101 - Outlining
TNH 2.114 (Francis Auditorium)
TNH 2.114 (Francis Auditorium)
Meg Clifford will talk about different types of Outlining and provide examples. This is a great opportunity to eat a good lunch and get your questions answered about outlining.
For more information visit