Events Calendar

Now viewing: Wednesday, February 8, 2023

Christian Legal Society Bible Study

JON 6.207 (Susman Academic Center, The Judge William W. and Margaret R. Kilgarlin Chambers (6.207 / 6.208))

Christian Legal Society will be hosting a Bible study and meeting for anyone interested in learning more about the Bible or the faith. We encourage all people who are curious about Christianity or want to grow in their faith to join. This a good opportunity to build community and learn more about the Bible!

For more information visit
Women's Law Caucus Breakfast

TNH GEORGES-PATIO (George’s Café Patio)

Come grab breakfast with WLC! We will also have t-shirts. Food and t-shirts are provided to members only.

For more information visit
What's Happening in Ukraine: An Update on the Russia-Ukraine War

TNH 2.140 (Wright Classroom)

Professors Jeffrey Kahn and Adam Klein will discuss the current realities of the war in Ukraine.

For more information visit
Emerging Technologies & Privacy: How Privacy Threat Modeling Can Help Manage Privacy Risks

SRH 3.122, LBJ School

On Wednesday, February 8, the Strauss Center hosts Cara Bloom, Senior Cybersecurity and Privacy Scientist at MITRE, for a talk on “Emerging Technologies & Privacy: How Privacy Threat Modeling Can Help Manage Privacy Risks.” This talk will be held at the LBJ School of Public Affairs as part of the Strauss Center’s Brumley Speaker Series.

In her talk, Cara will discuss how preserving privacy is not only a regulatory requirement, but an eth

For more information visit
Colloquium on Comparative Constitutional Law and Politics | Lydia Tiede | University of Houston
(This event’s full information is restricted to Texas Law faculty and staff only.) For more information visit
TJOGEL-KBH Industry Panel

CCJ 2.306 (Eidman Courtroom)

TJOGEL KBH Energy Industry Night: There will be an energy industry panel about in-house practice at energy companies from 5:30-6:30pm. There will be a networking reception to follow from 6:30-7:30pm.

For more information visit
Energy Law School Industry Night

CCJ 2.306 (Eidman Courtroom)

Industry night is a way for UT students to connect with energy law professionals who will share the experiences that helped shape their successful careers in the industry. This event enables students to network with leaders who can provide insight into careers in the industry.

This event has a legal focus but is open to ALL UT students.

For more information visit