April 24, 2015
Starting in 2006 with the opening of the federal government’s T. Don Hutto family immigration detention center in Taylor, Texas, the clinic has engaged in impact litigation as well as individual representation to end family detention practices. Working in collaboration with other groups, the clinic succeeded in ending family detention at Hutto in 2009. The […] -
April 24, 2015
Helping Asylum Seekers The clinic handles asylum cases for immigrants seeking protection based on political, religious, or gender-based violence or other persecution in their home countries. Our asylum clients either are detained in Texas detention centers or are living in the Austin area. In recent years, clinic students handled several cutting-edge asylum claims from Mexico […] -
March 21, 2015
March 19, 2015
The clinic and the EJC put me back in touch with a side of me that had been neglected since I became a law student. When I was an undergrad, I was consistently involved with social/political issues, and always on the “liberal” side, if you will. Law school really killed that, perhaps because I was […] -
March 19, 2015
The Transnational Workers Rights Clinic has definitely improved my understandings of the plight of low wage immigrant workers. Many times I have been standing in line in a bank or store and come across immigrants who cannot cash their checks because bank accounts have been closed or because of insufficient funds. Everyone who sees this […] -
March 19, 2015
As the son of a Mexican immigrant, I am well aware of the opportunity that the US provides for transnational laborers. As a result of this opportunity I grew up in a privileged environment in comparison with my father’s upbringing. I am happy to give back. It has been a fantastic experience, I’m glad I […] -
March 19, 2015
What has been most important to me about the Clinic is that the legal work takes place in the context of a community of values. As a Clinic student, it’s not just about getting back wages for this client, but about this client and myself working together because of a shared vision of what we […] -
March 19, 2015
In talking to the workers, knowing about the international labor situation helps. They are very interested in comparing the U.S. system of protections to other countries. It helps them see they are not the only exploitable workforce…It is very helpful for us as students too, because seeing the global picture makes it easier to separate […]