We are pleased to announce that the Texas Low Income Housing Information Service has named Kelly Haragan (Director of the Environmental Clinic), Erin Gaines ’13 (attorney with Texas RioGrande Legal Aid Attorney), and the Citizens Alliance for Fairness and Progress as co-recipients of one of this year’s Texas Houser Awards for their groundbreaking work together on the Corpus Christi Civil Rights Agreement.
The award was presenting during TLIHIS’s annual awards luncheon on November 9, 2016. For more information about the Agreement, please visit: http://povertylaw.org/clearinghouse/stories (see, Using Civil Rights Laws For Environmental Justice Along the Texas Gulf Coast (May 2, 2015)). For more information about the Houser Awards please visit: https://texashousers.net/2016/10/20/announcing-the-2016-texas-houser-awards/.