Category: Perspectives

  • The Juvenile Justice Clinic was a great experience for me!  It taught me the practical skills of interacting with clients, coming up with legal arguments, and presenting those legal arguments in court.  If you are interested in litigation, I highly recommend taking this clinic.
  • Participating in Texas Law’s Domestic Violence Clinic has been the most valuable experience of my law school career.  The clinic is a place to get many nerve-racking firsts out of the way with the non-judgmental support and guidance of Jeana Lungwitz, our rock star supervising attorney, and with all of the resources we have here […]
  • The UT Domestic Violence Clinic is a refreshing departure from your typical law school experience. It is a great way to get boots-in-the-mud experience working directly with clients and potentially in the courtroom as well.  Working with clients is incredibly meaningful and fulfilling and it seems that every law student should have such an experience […]
  • Participating in the Domestic Violence Clinic has been by far the most enjoyable and rewarding experience I have had while in law school. I would recommend this clinic to anyone interested in gaining invaluable courtroom experience, while under the supervision of a wonderful Professor. The skills and knowledge I have gained through my experiences in […]
  • The Actual Innocence Clinic gave me the chance to do real legal work for people in need. No student should miss the opportunity to do that.
  • My clinic work has defined my law school experience. In the Immigration Clinic, my clinic partner and I successfully represented a client in a gender-based asylum case. I very much enjoyed the many opportunities for collaboration as well as forming a relationship with our client. As part of the Advanced Immigration and Civil Rights Clinics, […]
  • The clinic and the EJC put me back in touch with a side of me that had been neglected since I became a law student. When I was an undergrad, I was consistently involved with social/political issues, and always on the “liberal” side, if you will. Law school really killed that, perhaps because I was […]
  • The Transnational Workers Rights Clinic has definitely improved my understandings of the plight of low wage immigrant workers. Many times I have been standing in line in a bank or store and come across immigrants who cannot cash their checks because bank accounts have been closed or because of insufficient funds. Everyone who sees this […]
  • As the son of a Mexican immigrant, I am well aware of the opportunity that the US provides for transnational laborers. As a result of this opportunity I grew up in a privileged environment in comparison with my father’s upbringing. I am happy to give back. It has been a fantastic experience, I’m glad I […]
  • What has been most important to me about the Clinic is that the legal work takes place in the context of a community of values. As a Clinic student, it’s not just about getting back wages for this client, but about this client and myself working together because of a shared vision of what we […]