Category: Cases and Projects

  • La negación del paradero de personas detenidas como práctica de desaparición forzada en Venezuela En Venezuela han aumentado las desapariciones forzadas e involuntarias como una práctica del Estado que no informa sobre el paradero de personas detenidas, ya sea por períodos cortos, largos, o durante traslados posteriores a la detención oficial. El Centro de Derechos […]
  • The Clinic is co-counseling with the Texas Civil Rights Project to represent the mother of Danarian Hawkins, a Houston man who died by hanging in the Harris County Jail. Plaintiff brings a claim under the Americans with Disabilities Act in this federal court lawsuit filed in Houston. Hawkins had a psychiatric disability, and the lawsuit […]
  • The Clinic is co-counseling with the Law Office of Don Tittle, P.C. to help represent individuals who were arrested as a result of being present in the area of a motorcycle club meeting in Waco, after a scuffle broke out in which nine people were shot and killed. Plaintiffs bring claims of false arrest against […]
  • The Clinic is co-counseling with Disability Rights Texas-Austin to help represent a woman with deafness who was denied access to an employment application on the basis of her disability. Students are reviewing document discovery, drafting discovery requests, and investigating the case. In a separate matter, the Clinic is also partnering with DRT to investigate potential […]
  • The Clinic is co-counseling with Texas Rio Grande Legal Aid and The Law Office of Javier Maldonado P.C. to represent a father, daughter and friend who were falsely arrested and subjected to excessive force during a warrantless entry by police into their San Antonio home. Plaintiffs bring claims of false arrest and excessive force in […]
  • The Clinic is co-counseling with Brian McGiverin of Deitz, Lawrence and McGiverin to represent the adult children of Robert Mosley, who died of internal bleeding after a hip fracture suffered while in custody at Bexar County Jail. Plaintiffs bring claims of inadequate medical treatment, as well as a claim of discrimination under the Americans with […]
  • Images of a detention center with barbed wire
    This report is prepared on behalf of approximately 80 African immigrants who were held in the custody of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) at the West Texas Detention Facility (WTDF) in Sierra Blanca, Texas, from approximately February 23, 2018, to March 2, 2018. The WTDF is a large detention facility currently operated under a federal government contract with LaSalle […]
  • The Formosa plastics plant illegally discharged plastic pellets and residue into local streams and bays for over a decade. Clinic students worked with Texas RioGrande Legal Aid on a Clean Water Act (CWA) enforcement action challenging the illegal discharge of such pellets on behalf of clients, including Texas Injured Workers and Commercial Oystermen of Texas. […]
  • The Clinic worked with Earthjustice, the City of Houston, and the Harris County District Attorney’s office to draft amicus briefs to the Fifth Circuit supporting the district court’s finding of violations in an enforcement action for illegal air emissions, including emissions of hazardous air pollutants, at a Houston area petrochemical plant.
  • The Clinic filed an amicus brief on behalf of the Turtle Island Restoration Network supporting the authority of Texas cities to enact single-use plastic bag bans.