October 24, 2009
United Nations: Disputes among minority groups: UN Independent Expert on Minority Issues
The United Nations Independent Expert on Minority Issues asked the Clinic to prepare a brief on the dispute between two minority groups. The Clinic researched the historical background of the dispute, the legal arguments and current situation. The document contains an analysis of the dispute based on the human rights framework and proposes different courses […] -
October 24, 2009
Regional: Choosing a forum for the Protection of Women’s Rights
Clinic students collaborated with the International Women’s Rights Action Watch Asia Pacific (IWRAW AP) in the production of a manual intended to help women’s rights advocacy groups choose the most effective international forum to bring their claims. The student researched the case law of various UN bodies as well as the Inter-American, European, and African […] -
September 25, 2009
The Clinic worked with the International Center of Transitional Justice (ICTJ) to compose a series of memoranda to address the experiences of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights to secure collective reparations for human rights abuses. The ICTJ used the memoranda in its work with the Extraordinary Chambers in the Court of Cambodia (ECCC) to […] -
April 25, 2009
Honduras: Supporting litigation of Garífunas lands claims at the IACHR
The Clinic has worked with the attorney representing the Organización Fraternal Negra Hondureña (the Fraternal Black Honduran Organization, or OFRANEH) in support of their case against Honduras pending in front of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights. The Garífunas Communities have suffered through the State’s failure to protect their traditional lands, and now the very […] -
April 24, 2009
Clinic students worked with the Observatorio de Discriminación Racial (Racial Discrimination Observatory) from the University of Los Andes (Colombia) in order to prepare briefing and advocacy papers supporting the adoption and improvement of the current draft the “Inter-American Convention against Racism and All Forms of Discrimination and Intolerance.” The product analyzed problematic aspects of the […] -
April 24, 2009
United Nations: Background Paper for the UN Independent Expert on Minority Issues
At the request of the United Nations Independent Expert on Minority Issues, the Clinic prepared a paper to facilitate one of her country’s missions. This issue was complicated by several issues, including the fact that it dealt with the rights of people from one minority group living within lands granted by treaty to another minority […] -
March 20, 2009
This article was written by Jerry de Jaager and first published in the Fall 2007 issue of UT Law magazine. Taylor, Texas, about thirty miles from Austin, advertises itself as a “a vibrant, growing community of . . . friendly people living the good life.” The community newspaper announces a farmers market, a fajita cook-off, […] -
October 25, 2008
Brazil: Protecting collective rights of the Quilombo community and challenging racial discrimination
Students supported NGOs working on a petition filed with the Inter-American Commission of Human Rights. The Clinic concentrated on land rights and racial discrimination issues for the Quilombo community of Marambaia. The community, which was formed between 1532 and 1888 by runaway slaves, has been subject to a number of increasingly strict restrictions imposed by […] -
October 25, 2008
Students worked with the Ecuadorian Truth Commission and with the National Security Archives to obtain the release of classified U.S. documents on Ecuador. These documents informed the Ecuadorian Truth Commission while they investigated alleged human rights abuses over three decades, particularly during the administration of Ecuadorian President Leon Febres Cordero. Students also researched the pursuit […] -
October 25, 2008
Students prepared a report to address the fact that rural employers are often not disciplined for not complying with legally-binding court orders in Guatemala. While the labor courts have vindicated the majority of rural workers’ claims against employers, their decisions are not enforced and frivolous appeals are not dismissed. The findings of the report were […]