Tag: Capital Punishment Clinic

  • Ramiro Gonzales
    Capital Punishment Clinic client Ramiro Gonzales was sentenced to death in 2006 for the 2001 murder of Bridget Townsend. Clinical Professors Raoul Schonemann and Thea Posel have worked on Ramiro’s case since he was first scheduled for execution in 2016. For more information: https://law.utexas.edu/clinics/ramiro-gonzales/
  • Ramiro Gonzales
    On June 20, 2022, Professor Raoul Schonemann and Professor Thea Posel joined with outside counsel Michael C. Gross to file a clemency petition at the Texas Board of Pardons and Paroles on behalf of Ramiro Gonzales. Mr. Gonzales is scheduled to be executed on July 13, 2022. The clemency petition is pending. Counsel for Mr. […]
  • Ashley Steele
    I work at the Office of Capital and Forensic Writs as a Post-Conviction Attorney on death penalty cases.  Taking the Capital Punishment Clinic in my 2L year in 2012-13 was the best thing I did in law school.  It provided some of the most practical preparation and training in my chosen field that I received […]
  • Participating in the Capital Punishment Clinic was a life-altering experience.  It changed my perspective about our criminal justice system and the role of an attorney as a client advocate.  Professor Marcus and the other members of the Clinic are not only fantastic attorneys who are passionate about their work; they are dedicated to helping students […]
  • As a Clinic student, I became part of a team representing clients on Texas’s death row, and I had the chance to help save our clients from execution. Clinical students are exposed to a wide array of work. Students go to death row, go on an investigation trip to interview witnesses, research and write about […]
  • The Capital Punishment Clinic was the best experience of my entire law degree.  I spent one semester in the Clinic whilst on exchange from the University of Sydney. Academically, I was able to learn and understand procedural and substantive capital punishment law due to the first-class faculty members in the Clinic.  Practical experiences included interviewing […]