Tag: Environmental Clinic

  • Katie Jeffress profile Picture
    The Environmental Clinic provides an opportunity to learn real-life lawyering skills, work on meaningful projects, and meet environmental lawyers across the state. I participated in the clinic as a 2L and again as a 3L, and both semesters I walked away from the experience with new skills and a better understanding of environmental law in […]
  • Matt Frederick profile picture
    I thought participating in the Environmental Clinic at UT Law would teach me the basics about the area of law in which I plan to practice, which it did in spades.  But, maybe more importantly, by connecting me with and giving me the chance to work for Texas residents who suffer the ill effects of […]
  • Stephen Snow profile picture
    My time in the Environmental Clinic was characterized by an incredible diversity of experience. Projects ranged from community presentations of direct factual research to memos dealing with purely legal theories of environmental standing. Regardless of your ultimate career path, the Environmental Clinic will provide you with invaluable practical experience that makes a real difference in the […]
  • The Environmental Law Clinic was one of the most valuable experiences I had during law school. I was able to get firsthand experience dealing with major federal environmental laws like Superfund and Clean Air Act citizen suits that my classes only covered in theory. The clinic helps put in perspective why we are attending law […]
  • Photo of Brian Downs
    If you’re looking for the opportunity to work on impactful projects and learn from experts in environmental law, you should work in the Environmental Clinic.  Students get substantive legal research and writing experience and meet the people and organizations who put the law into action
  • Due to the ubiquity of concrete batch plants, many communities throughout Texas are suffering from the pollution caused by concrete batch plants. Neighbors report particulate emissions coating their homes and cars and causing respiratory problems. They also object to the diesel trucks that cut through their communities and emit toxic air pollutants while idling outside […]
  • If you are interested in understanding how environmental statutes affect the people of Texas and gaining experience with administrative law, take the Environmental Clinic. If you do, you may find, as I have, that you have become an expert on a particular corner of the law that has a profound impact on people’s lives.
  • The majority of public water systems in Texas are in compliance with contaminant standards and reporting requirements. However, hundreds of public water systems are supplying their customers with water containing unsafe levels of contaminants and have been for years. These systems are frequently, though not always, small systems in rural areas of the state. This […]