Tag: Environmental Clinic

  • My time in the clinic was an incredible experience. I was able to learn how to do research in new areas of law, sharpen my writing skills, and contribute in a meaningful way to helping our clients. I would absolutely recommend participating in the Environmental Clinic.
  • The Environmental Clinic was a highlight of my law school experience. My partner and I worked on a civil rights complaint about air pollution. I loved talking to residents who were directly impacted by pollution and working to address their concerns. Participating in a project that had a real world resolution, and receiving advice from […]
  • The Formosa plastics plant illegally discharged plastic pellets and residue into local streams and bays for over a decade. Clinic students worked with Texas RioGrande Legal Aid on a Clean Water Act (CWA) enforcement action challenging the illegal discharge of such pellets on behalf of clients, including Texas Injured Workers and Commercial Oystermen of Texas. […]
  • The Clinic worked with Earthjustice, the City of Houston, and the Harris County District Attorney’s office to draft amicus briefs to the Fifth Circuit supporting the district court’s finding of violations in an enforcement action for illegal air emissions, including emissions of hazardous air pollutants, at a Houston area petrochemical plant.
  • The Clinic filed an amicus brief on behalf of the Turtle Island Restoration Network supporting the authority of Texas cities to enact single-use plastic bag bans.
  • The Clinic drafted a memo for a local government exploring the use of riparian corridors to prevent flooding and protect water quality.  Students reviewed riparian corridor ordinances in cities across the country, identified best practices, and researched potential legal claims against cities that have created such corridors.
  • Client makes an announcement in a church
    The Clinic co-counseled with Texas RioGrande Legal Aid on a Civil Rights Act Title VI complaint challenging the construction of a new highway through a low-income neighborhood already burdened with pollution sources. Clinic student conducted legal research and drafted the complaint.  A settlement was reached that provides a voluntary relocation program for up to 450 […]
  • Surface water in Texas is allocated to users through a permit system.  As part of obtaining a permit, Texas wholesale water providers are required to submit a water conservation plan and the means for implementing and enforcing that plan. Wholesale providers must also ensure that their contracts with customers require those customers to develop and […]
  • The Clinic co-counseled with a local law firm to represent Galveston Baykeeper in its challenge to the filling of wetlands by a Houston area developer without a permit.  Clinic students sent the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers a request for a jurisdictional determination, drafted a Clean Water Act notice of intent to sue, and provided […]