Tag: Supreme Court Clinic

  • Question Presented: Do states retain the power to permit traditional state-law claims for abuses of process relating to bankruptcy proceedings, as the Texas Supreme Court and the Third Circuit have held, or does the federal Bankruptcy Code preempt the field of state-law tort actions that rely in part on misconduct in a bankruptcy proceeding, as […]
  • Question Presented: Should the Feres v. United States, 340 U.S. 135 (1950), doctrine be overruled, in whole or in part, on the ground that the Federal Tort Claims Act should not be construed to include a non-textual exception barring claims for injuries arising out of activity incident to service or, if there is such an […]
  • Question Presented: Does the use of nonjury juvenile adjudications to enhance a sentence beyond the otherwise applicable statutory maximum violate the Sixth Amendment right to a trial by jury?
  • Question Presented: Whether the doctrine of laches is applicable to a disparagement petition filed pursuant to 1064(3) of the Lanham Act despite the statutory language stating that such a petition may be filed “at any time.”
  • Question Presented: Does unauthorized use of a vehicle constitute a “crime of violence,” as the Fifth Circuit has repeatedly held, or does that offense fall outside the 18 U.S.C. § 16 definition, as the Tenth Circuit has held?
  • Question Presented: Does a public employer violate its employees’ Fifth Amendment rights by punishing them for their refusal to provide potentially incriminating testimony in an internal investigation when it did not provide notice that the testimony could not be used against them in criminal proceedings and that they would therefore be subject to administrative discipline […]
  • Question Presented: Under the “public disclosure bar” of the False Claims Act, 31 U.S.C. § 3730(e)(4)(A), a court generally may not hear a qui tam action based on “the public disclosure of allegations or transactions . . . in a congressional, administrative, or [GAO] report, hearing, audit, or investigation.”  Does the phrase “administrative . . . report, […]
  • Questions Presented: Whether the filing of a motion to reopen removal proceedings automatically tolls the period within which an alien must depart the United States under an order granting voluntary departure.  And, whether an alien who has been granted voluntary departure and has filed a timely motion to reopen should be permitted to withdraw the […]
  • Questions Presented: (1) Is a sentence of 30 years without possibility of parole constitutionally disproportionate as applied to a 12-year-old child?  (2) Are the mitigating qualities of youth relevant to whether a 12-year-old’s non-capital sentence is constitutionally disproportionate?  (3) Does the Eighth Amendment prohibit the imposition of a sentence of 30 years without possibility of […]
  • Kassandra Gonzalez profile picture
    The Supreme Court Clinic was the best experience I had at Texas Law. I worked on cases at the highest level with some of the finest UT Law faculty. Every research assignment, brief section draft, and strategy session with professors and practitioners mattered. I also traveled to the U.S. Supreme Court to see oral arguments […]