Jonathan Pratter
- Lecturer
- Foreign And International Law Librarian

Jonathan Pratter is the foreign and international law librarian in Tarlton Law Library’s Jamail Center for Legal Research. As a lecturer, he teaches advanced legal research and international law.
Featured Work
Jonathan Pratter is the International & Foreign Law Librarian in Tarlton Law Library, Jamail Center for Legal Research. He teaches Advanced Legal Research, International & Foreign Law. He holds a B.A. from Indiana University-Bloomington, a J.D. from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, and an M.S.L.I.S. from the University of Illinois-Urbana-Champaign. He is proficient in French, Spanish, and German.
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Book Review
The Assault on International Law
Jonathan Pratter, The Assault on International Law, by Jens David Ohlin, 108 Law Library Journal 298 (2016). -
Der Welfenschatz-Fall: ein Nachtrag zur Zuständigkeitsfrage
Jonathan Pratter, Der Welfenschatz-Fall: ein Nachtrag zur Zuständigkeitsfrage, 18 KUR—Kunst und Recht 19 (2016). -
Research Guide to Mexican Law
Jonathan Pratter, Research Guide to Mexican Law, 35 Legal Reference Services Quarterly 18 (2016) (with Bianca Anderson et al.).
Arbitrage – Arbitrage d’investissement – Accord bilatéral d’investissement Argentine/Royaume-Uni – Exigence procédurale – Appréciation de l’arbitre – Contrôle judiciaire restraint de la sentence – Cour Suprême des États-Unis
Jonathan Pratter, Arbitrage – Arbitrage d’investissement – Accord bilatéral d’investissement Argentine/Royaume-Uni – Exigence procédurale – Appréciation de l’arbitre – Contrôle judiciaire restraint de la sentence – Cour Suprême des États-Unis, 5 mars 2014, 104 Revue Critique de Droit International Privé 632 (2015).
Die neuen Publikationsformate und die juristische Methodenlehre: Ein Nachtrag zur Lage der Dinge in den Vereinigten Staaten
Jonathan Pratter, Die neuen Publikationsformate und die juristische Methodenlehre: Ein Nachtrag zur Lage der Dinge in den Vereinigten Staaten, 45 Recht Bibliothek Dokumentation 40 (2015). -
Harry Pratter's Wisdom
Jonathan Pratter, Harry Pratter's Wisdom, 91 Indiana Law Journal Supplement 1 (2015). -
Update: À la Recherche des Travaux Préparatoires: An Approach to Researching the Drafting History of International Agreements
Jonathan Pratter, Update: À la Recherche des Travaux Préparatoires: An Approach to Researching the Drafting History of International Agreements, GlobaLex (April/May 2015), -
Other Publication
Remembering Ray Robertson
Jonathan Pratter, Letter to the Editor, Remembering Ray Robertson, The Carmi Times, March 13, 2015.
Book Review
International Law in the U.S. Legal System
Jonathan Pratter, International Law in the U.S. Legal System, 106 Law Library Journal 103 (2014) (reviewing International Law in the U.S. Legal System, by Curtis A. Bradley).
Book Review
Human Rights and the Protection of Privacy in Tort Law: A Comparison Between English and German Law, by Hans-Joachim Cremer
Jonathan Pratter, Human Rights and the Protection of Privacy in Tort Law: A Comparison Between English and German Law, by Hans-Joachim Cremer, 40 International Journal of Legal Information 600 (2012).
Book Review
The Inter-American Court of Human Rights: Case Law and Commentary, by Laurence Burgorgue-Larsen and Amaya Úbeda de Torres
Jonathan Pratter, The Inter-American Court of Human Rights: Case Law and Commentary, by Laurence Burgorgue-Larsen and Amaya Úbeda de Torres, 39 International Journal of Legal Information 392 (2011). -
Book Review
International Commercial Arbitration in Sweden, by Kaj Hobér
Jonathan Pratter, International Commercial Arbitration in Sweden, by Kaj Hobér, 39 International Journal of Legal Information 390 (2011).
A Instituição Inclusiva: O Papel da Biblioteca na Era Digital
Jonathan Pratter, A Instituição Inclusiva: O Papel da Biblioteca na Era Digital [Brasilia, Brazil], 6 Senatus 61 (2008).
Comparative Observations on Doing Legal Research in Australia and the United States
Jonathan Pratter, Comparative Observations on Doing Legal Research in Australia and the United States, 7 Australian Law Librarian 175 (1999) (with Roy M. Mersky).
The Inter-American Human Rights System: Documents, Publications and Internet Resources
Jonathan Pratter, The Inter-American Human Rights System: Documents, Publications and Internet Resources, 25 International Journal of Legal Information 112 (1997) (with Roy M. Mersky).
fall 2025
- Legal Research, Advanced: Foreign and International Law