Texas Environmental Law Journal

TELJ is an official publication of the Environmental and Natural Resources Law Section of the State Bar of Texas and is published jointly with students of The University of Texas School of Law. Published semiannually, the Journal offers both analysis of the present and future landscapes of environmental law as well as practical information about recent developments in case law, statutes, and regulations. It includes analyses by practitioners and academicians, timely updates on recent developments co-authored by Journal editors and practicing attorneys, and notes written by law students throughout the country. The Journal is the leading environmental law publication in the region and has been cited by both the Supreme Court of Texas and the Supreme Court of the United States. The opinions expressed in the Journal are solely the opinions of the respective authors and are not the opinions of the State Bar of Texas, the Environmental and Natural Resources Law Section of the State Bar of Texas, The University of Texas School of Law, or The University of Texas’ Texas Environmental Law Journal.

Texas Environmental Law Journal cover.

About the Journal

ISBN: 0163-545X

Publication Schedule: Fall, Spring

Year Founded: 1990

Primary Readership: Law, Law Firms, Legal, Libraries, National, Professional, Scholarly, State


The University of Texas School of Law
ATTN: Texas Environmental Law Journal
727 East Dean Keeton Street
Austin, Texas 78705 U.S.A.
Suite: 4.128

Editor’s Phone: (512) 471-0299

Email: texasenvironmentallawjournal@gmail.com

Website: http://www.telj.org/

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