Events Calendar

Now viewing: Tuesday, September 15, 2015

All day
Texas Journal of Women, Gender and the Law Fall Write-On

It's Fall write-on time for the Texas Journal of Women, Gender and the Law! TJWGL is one of the few journals that allows 1Ls to write-on, which often leads to an editorial board position during your 2L and 3L years. We welcome ALL students to apply!

Pick up an application at the Communications Desk in the Atrium. Completed applications should be turned in by Friday, September 18, 2015 at 5:00pm to the TJWGL box at the Communications Center, or

For more information visit
Sheffield Society Community Fellow Lunch

TNH 2.111 (Sheffield-Massey Room)

The Community Fellow for Sheffield Society - Judge Edward Prado - will visit with the first-year students in Sheffield for lunch and conversation.

For more information visit
2L & 3L Ask a CSO Counselor

TNH 2.100 (Susman Godfrey Atrium)

Got a career related question? Drop-in counseling will be available in the Atrium every week this month. Stop on by! Beginning October 15, 2015, 1Ls will be able to meet with counselors.

For more information visit

Tarlton Law Library

Tarlton is throwing open its doors for Texas Law students to discover more about our services and tour the facility. You’ll get to see the hidden collections and chat with different librarians about all of the resources at your disposal. There will be treats and drawings for prizes at different stations. At the end of your visit, you’ll receive a gift and can enter your name for a grand prize drawing.

For more information visit
Applying to Judicial Clerkships for 3Ls

TNH 3.127 (Roberts Classroom)

3Ls: It's not too late to apply for judicial clerkships. This meeting will cover what sort of clerkships are still available and how to begin the process of applying. Lunch will be provided so please RSVP on Symplicity.

For more information visit
Lunch Talk with Earthjustice Presented by the Environmental Law Society

CCJ 2.310 (Jury Room)

Please join the Environmental Law Society for a lunch talk with Earthjustice attorney and UT Law alum, Mary Whittle. The lunch will be very casual and students should feel free to ask career related questions regarding public-interest environmental law and working with Earthjustice.

This event is co-sponsored by the KBH Center, the Environmental Law Clinic, and the Texas Environmental Law Journal.

Earthjustice is a non-profit public interest law organization based in the United States dedicated to environmental issues.

Earthjustice’s work is divided into three major program areas:

Health and Toxics focuses on cases that fight for healthy communities.

Climate and Energy focuses on cases that advance clean energy and promote a stable climate.

The Wild focuses on cases that preserve our wildlife and wild lands.

Mary graduated from Amherst College in 1997 and earned a joint degree from The University of Texas School of Law and The LBJ School of Public Affairs in 2001.

RSVP by Monday, September 14, at by selecting the “Events” tab.

For more information:

Fof event inquiries: please email us at

For more information visit
Big Opportunities in Smaller Firms

TNH 2.137 (Gayle Classroom)

Join Texas Law alums for lunch as they discuss what it is like to practice in a small or midsize firm and find out why working in a smaller firm might be right for you.

RSVP by Monday, September 14, on Symplicity by selecting the "Events" tab.

For more information visit
So You Want to be a Prosecutor or a Criminal Defense Attorney?

TNH 2.114 (Francis Auditorium)

Join AUSAs, ADAs, and Criminal Defense Attorneys to learn about popular career options in criminal law. Whether you are interested in practicing criminal law straight out of law school or after time in the private sector, this panel will provide helpful advice on how to pursue your path of choice. The panel will be moderated by Professors Susan Klein and Chris Roberts and will include a short Q&A after the panel discussion. Pizza will be serve

For more information visit
Women's Law Caucus Welcome Happy Hour

Santa Rita's

Join WLC as we welcome new and returning members at our first happy hour of the semester at Santa Rita's.

For more information visit