Events Calendar

Now viewing: January 17–30, 2016

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
Sunday January 17
  1. All day
    TJCLCR Write-on

    1Ls, 2Ls, 3Ls, and LLMs interested in civil liberties and civil rights should write-on to the Journal by emailing (1) a brief (no more than 1 page) personal statement explaining your interest in the Journal and (2) brief (2-5 pages) legal writing sample (excerpts are acceptable) to by Saturday, January 23 at 11:59pm.

    Full event information:

Monday January 18
  1. All day
    TJCLCR Write-on

    1Ls, 2Ls, 3Ls, and LLMs interested in civil liberties and civil rights should write-on to the Journal by emailing (1) a brief (no more than 1 page) personal statement explaining your interest in the Journal and (2) brief (2-5 pages) legal writing sample (excerpts are acceptable) to by Saturday, January 23 at 11:59pm.

    Full event information:

Tuesday January 19
  1. All day
    TJCLCR Write-on

    1Ls, 2Ls, 3Ls, and LLMs interested in civil liberties and civil rights should write-on to the Journal by emailing (1) a brief (no more than 1 page) personal statement explaining your interest in the Journal and (2) brief (2-5 pages) legal writing sample (excerpts are acceptable) to by Saturday, January 23 at 11:59pm.

    Full event information:

  2. 12:00pm 2016-01-19T12:45-06:00
    1L Session: Grades are in - now what?

    Your first semester grades are in. Now what? Dean Bangs and Brandi Welch will discuss your grades, your reaction and where to go from here. Whether you were satisfied or not, there are a few strategies all law students may attempt to better performance in the Spring. We'll also discuss how to approach professors with questions about exam answers. Pizza lunch will be served!

    Full event information:

Wednesday January 20
  1. All day
    TJCLCR Write-on

    1Ls, 2Ls, 3Ls, and LLMs interested in civil liberties and civil rights should write-on to the Journal by emailing (1) a brief (no more than 1 page) personal statement explaining your interest in the Journal and (2) brief (2-5 pages) legal writing sample (excerpts are acceptable) to by Saturday, January 23 at 11:59pm.

    Full event information:

  2. 9:00am 2016-01-20T17:00-06:00
    Mock Interview Program

    The Mock Interview Program will be held in the Career Services Interview Suite (TNH 3.122). Professional dress is required.

    Mock interviews are 30 minutes in length; i.e., a 20-minute interview with a 10-minute evaluation.

    Full event information:

  3. 11:30am 2016-01-20T13:30-06:00
    Faculty Lunch

    Weekly luncheon for Texas Law faculty members

    Full event information:

Thursday January 21
  1. All day
    TJCLCR Write-on

    1Ls, 2Ls, 3Ls, and LLMs interested in civil liberties and civil rights should write-on to the Journal by emailing (1) a brief (no more than 1 page) personal statement explaining your interest in the Journal and (2) brief (2-5 pages) legal writing sample (excerpts are acceptable) to by Saturday, January 23 at 11:59pm.

    Full event information:

  2. 9:00am 2016-01-21T17:00-06:00
    Mock Interview Program

    The Mock Interview Program will be held in the Career Services Interview Suite (TNH 3.122). Professional dress is required.

    Mock interviews are 30 minutes in length; i.e., a 20-minute interview with a 10-minute evaluation.

    Full event information:

  3. 11:30am 2016-01-21T13:00-06:00
    Faculty Colloquium

    Note: This event’s full details are restricted to Texas Law faculty and staff members only.

    Full event information:

  4. 11:45am 2016-01-21T13:00-06:00
    Professional Development Institute

    The 5th Annual Texas Law Professional Development Institute: Prepared For Practice is taught by industry experts and practicing attorneys, covering facets of new attorney professionalism most sought after by legal employers. It is promoted widely to employers, many of whom contributed to the content of the program.

    Whether you’re a 1L preparing for your first summer clerkship or the fall recruiting season, a 2L working to turn your summer clerkship or fellowship into an offer, or a graduating 3L getting a head start on your legal career, the Texas Law Professional Development Institute (PDI) will help you be a more competitive candidate and a better lawyer.

    Texas Law students may enroll for the Law Firm and/or Public Service Tracks. Registration information for the 2016 PDI will be announced in November.

    Full event information:

  5. 1:30pm 2016-01-21T14:30-06:00
    Popcorn Break

    The Texas Law Alumni Association and Student Affairs Office are excited to announce the return of Popcorn Break in Spring 2016! Starting January 21, 2016, Popcorn Break will be every Thursday afternoon from 1:30 – 2:30 pm. The popcorn will be located in the Tom Clark Lounge. We look forward to seeing you there!

    Full event information:

  6. 5:00pm 2016-01-21T21:00-06:00
    Federalism Conference

    January conference that is sparked, but not necessarily “about" Professor Sanford Levinson's forthcoming book An Argument Open to All: Reading The Federalist in the 21st Century.

    Thursday, January 21, 2016 Keynote speaker will feature at 5:30. A lecture by Noah Feldman drawn from a forthcoming intellectual biography of James Madison.

    Friday, January 22, 2016 Panel One: Federalism. Panel Two: The United States and the international political/military system. Lunch featuring discussion as Noah Feldman and Jack Rakove will review An Argument Open to All Panel Three: Representation Panel Four: Executive Power

    Saturday, January 23 Discussion on "What, if anything, can/should be learned from Publius by foreign readers in the 21st century?"

    Full event information:

  7. 5:00pm 2016-01-21T18:00-06:00
    1L Alumni Mentoring Program Kickoff Rece

    All 1Ls and their alumni mentors are invited to come meet each other in person and informally mingle to mark the official kickoff of the mentoring program.

    Full event information:

  8. 6:00pm 2016-01-21T19:30-06:00
    Austin Alumni Reception

    Please join us for a Texas Law Austin Alumni Reception

    Thursday, January 21, 2016

    6:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.

    JW Marriott, 110 E 2nd St, Austin, TX

    Register at

    Full event information:

Friday January 22
  1. All day
    TJCLCR Write-on

    1Ls, 2Ls, 3Ls, and LLMs interested in civil liberties and civil rights should write-on to the Journal by emailing (1) a brief (no more than 1 page) personal statement explaining your interest in the Journal and (2) brief (2-5 pages) legal writing sample (excerpts are acceptable) to by Saturday, January 23 at 11:59pm.

    Full event information:

  2. 8:00am 2016-01-22T17:00-06:00
    Federalist in the 21st Century Conferenc

    Conference that is sparked, but not necessarily “about" Professor Sanford Levinson's forthcoming book An Argument Open to All: Reading The Federalist in the 21st Century.

    Thursday, January 21, 2016 Keynote speaker will feature at 5:30. A lecture by Noah Feldman drawn from a forthcoming intellectual biography of James Madison.

    Friday, January 22, 2016 Panel One: Federalism. Panel Two: The United States and the international political/military system. Lunch featuring discussion as Noah Feldman and Jack Rakove will review An Argument Open to All Panel Three: Representation Panel Four: Executive Power

    Saturday, January 23 Discussion on "What, if anything, can/should be learned from Publius by foreign readers in the 21st century?"

    Full event information:

  3. 9:00am 2016-01-22T17:00-06:00
    Mock Interview Program

    The Mock Interview Program will be held in the Career Services Interview Suite (TNH 3.122). Professional dress is required.

    Mock interviews are 30 minutes in length; i.e., a 20-minute interview with a 10-minute evaluation.

    Full event information:

  4. 11:30am 2016-01-22T13:30-06:00
    King & Spalding Meet & Greet

    King & Spalding invites all 1L students to join them for lunch in the Law School Atrium. Attorney and recruiting personnel will be in attendance to answer questions about the firm on Friday, January 22, 2016. Please be sure to stop by on your way to class.

    Full event information:

  5. 6:30pm 2016-01-22T20:30-06:00
    LLM Class Reunion

    LLM Class Reunion

    Full event information:

Saturday January 23
  1. All day
    TJCLCR Write-on

    1Ls, 2Ls, 3Ls, and LLMs interested in civil liberties and civil rights should write-on to the Journal by emailing (1) a brief (no more than 1 page) personal statement explaining your interest in the Journal and (2) brief (2-5 pages) legal writing sample (excerpts are acceptable) to by Saturday, January 23 at 11:59pm.

    Full event information:

  2. 8:00am 2016-01-23T12:00-06:00
    Federalist in the 21st Century Conferenc

    A conference that is sparked, but not necessarily “about" Professor Sanford Levinson's forthcoming book An Argument Open to All: Reading The Federalist in the 21st Century.

    Thursday, January 21, 2016 Keynote speaker will feature at 5:30. A lecture by Noah Feldman drawn from a forthcoming intellectual biography of James Madison.

    Friday, January 22, 2016 Panel One: Federalism. Panel Two: The United States and the international political/military system. Lunch featuring discussion as Noah Feldman and Jack Rakove will review An Argument Open to All Panel Three: Executive Power. Panel Four: Representation.

    Saturday, January 23 Discussion on "What, if anything, can/should be learned from Publius by foreign readers in the 21st century?"

    Full event information:

  3. 8:00am 2016-01-23T17:00-06:00
    Texas State Bar Committee Meeting

    The monthly meeting of the "Texas State Bar Committee Meeting on Jury Charges - Criminal," hosted by UT Law Prof. George Dix (232-1328).

    Full event information:

Sunday 24 Monday January 25
  1. All day
    AJCL Spring Write-On (1Ls & 2Ls)

    1L and 2L students interested in criminal law can apply to join the Journal without completing the write-on process. Submit a resume with your GPA (with grades, if available) and statement of interest (500 word max) to by 2:00 PM on Friday 2/4.

    The Journal will place significant weight on a demonstrated interest in criminal law.

    Full event information:

  2. 9:00am 2016-01-25T17:00-06:00
    Mock Interview Program

    The Mock Interview Program will be held in the Career Services Interview Suite (TNH 3.122). Professional dress is required.

    Mock interviews are 30 minutes in length; i.e., a 20-minute interview with a 10-minute evaluation.

    Full event information:

  3. 11:45am 2016-01-25T12:45-06:00
    PSCF & Interview Tips

    Join the Public Interest Law Association to discuss the Public Service Career Fair, interviews generally, and tips for successful interviews. Attendees will be able to ask for advice from more experienced students.

    Full event information:

  4. 12:00pm 2016-01-25T00:00-06:00
    Spring OCI - Bidding Period Opens

    First, second- and third-year students and alumni up to one year after graduation are eligible to participate in Spring On-Campus Interviews per employer requests. Online bidding opens at noon on January 25 and closes at noon on February 1, 2016 via Symplicity.

    Full event information:

Tuesday January 26
  1. All day
    AJCL Spring Write-On (1Ls & 2Ls)

    1L and 2L students interested in criminal law can apply to join the Journal without completing the write-on process. Submit a resume with your GPA (with grades, if available) and statement of interest (500 word max) to by 2:00 PM on Friday 2/4.

    The Journal will place significant weight on a demonstrated interest in criminal law.

    Full event information:

  2. 9:00am 2016-01-26T17:00-06:00
    Mock Interview Program

    The Mock Interview Program will be held in the Career Services Interview Suite (TNH 3.122). Professional dress is required.

    Mock interviews are 30 minutes in length; i.e., a 20-minute interview with a 10-minute evaluation.

    Full event information:

  3. 11:00am 2016-01-26T13:30-06:00
    TWRC Orientation

    TWRC Orientation

    Full event information:

  4. 11:30am 2016-01-26T13:00-06:00
    Clinical Faculty Lunch - January

    Monthly meeting of the clinical faculty

    Full event information:

  5. 11:30am 2016-01-26T12:45-06:00
    SROC Spring Training

    Note: This event’s full details are restricted to Texas Law faculty and staff members only.

    Full event information:

  6. 11:45am 2016-01-26T13:00-06:00
    Student Steering Committee Meeting

    The Student Steering Committee will hold its first meeting of the Spring 2016 Semester from 11:45 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Tuesday, January 26th in the Sheffield-Massey Room. Lunch will be provided to all Committee members. Agenda and more details to follow via email to Committee members prior to the meeting.

    Full event information:

  7. 11:45am 2016-01-26T13:00-06:00
    The Decline of the American Trial

    ***FREE CHICK-FIL-A***

    Judge Jennifer Elrod, U.S. Court of Appeals for the 5th Cir., discusses the effects of arbitration and administrative agency adjudication on the decline of the american trial.

    Full event information:

  8. 12:00pm 2016-01-26T13:00-06:00
    Akin Gump Pro Bono Scholar

    Please join Steven Schulman, Akin Gump Pro Bono Partner, to learn about pro bono at large law firms and Akin Gump’s 2016 Pro Bono Scholars Program.

    Afterwards, Mr. Schulman will be conducting 15-minute, one-on-one Q&A sessions with students in the Career Services Interview Suite from 1:30-4:00 p.m. To sign up, please contact Sarah Sedgwick at

    The Akin Gump Summer Pro Bono Scholars Program provides top first-year law students interested in law firm practice the opportunity to develop an early expertise in public interest law. The skills acquired during this program build a foundation for pro bono work and billable practice that will serve participants throughout their careers. The program spans two summers, with the Pro Bono Scholars working both at the firm and at a public interest organization during the first summer as rising 2Ls. The next summer as a rising 3L, the Pro Bono Scholars join the firm as participants in the firm’s general summer associate program. In 2016, the Pro Bono Scholars Program will be offered in our Dallas, Houston, Los Angeles, New York, and Washington, D.C. offices. For more information, including how to apply, please visit

    Lunch will be served.


    From Texas Law student Jack Polisini (2015 Houston Pro Bono Scholar/2016 Houston 2L Summer Associate): You would be hard pressed to find a better summer program out there than the Akin Gump Pro Bono Scholars Program. Thanks to Akin Gump, I had the unique opportunity to work for a large law firm, perform public interest work and work in-house directly under the General Counsel at a great organization. All in one summer! In my time at the firm’s Houston office, I was immersed in a variety of pro bono projects with a family of attorneys whose shared enthusiasm for pro bono work is unparalleled. Next, at the KIPP Foundation in San Francisco, I was able to pursue my interest in narrowing the education gap nationwide while working directly with the General Counsel. My work was hands on, substantive, and extremely gratifying. Akin Gump’s extensive pro bono connections introduced me to an organization that I will be closely involved with for the entirety of my legal career. My summer with Akin Gump dramatically exceeded my expectations and the legal experience I received was unmatched by any other summer program. I cannot wait to return to Akin Gump next year.

    RSVP by Monday, January 25 , on Symplicity by selecting the "Events" tab.

    Full event information:

  9. 12:00pm 2016-01-26T14:00-06:00
    Bar Application Notary Clinic

    Staff members will be available to notarize bar exam applications.

    Full event information:

Wednesday January 27
  1. All day
    AJCL Spring Write-On (1Ls & 2Ls)

    1L and 2L students interested in criminal law can apply to join the Journal without completing the write-on process. Submit a resume with your GPA (with grades, if available) and statement of interest (500 word max) to by 2:00 PM on Friday 2/4.

    The Journal will place significant weight on a demonstrated interest in criminal law.

    Full event information:

  2. 8:30am 2016-01-27T10:30-06:00
    Andrews Kurth Meet & Greet

    Andrews Kurth invites all 1L students to join them for breakfast in the Law School Atrium. Attorney and recruiting personnel will be in attendance to answer questions about the firm on Wednesday, January 27, 2016. Please be sure to stop by on your way to class.

    Full event information:

  3. 11:30am 2016-01-27T13:30-06:00
    Faculty Lunch

    Weekly luncheon for Texas Law faculty members

    Full event information:

  4. 5:30pm 2016-01-27T19:00-06:00
    San Antonio Alumni Reception

    Please join us for a Texas Law Alumni Reception

    Wednesday, January 27, 2016

    5:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.

    Hotel Valencia Riverwalk, 150 E. Houston St., San Antonio, TX

    Please register at

    Full event information:

Thursday January 28
  1. All day
    Public Service Career Fair (Day I)

    Hosted annually by the Texas Law Career Services Office, Public Service Career Fair (PSCF) is the largest public service job fair for law students in Texas. During both days of PSCF, which will be held January 28-29, 2016, public interest and government employers will conduct on-campus interviews for paid and unpaid summer and permanent positions in the Career Services Interview Suite. On Thursday, January 28, certain employers will also host informational tables in the Law School's Susman Godfrey Atrium from 11 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.

    Full event information:

  2. All day
    AJCL Spring Write-On (1Ls & 2Ls)

    1L and 2L students interested in criminal law can apply to join the Journal without completing the write-on process. Submit a resume with your GPA (with grades, if available) and statement of interest (500 word max) to by 2:00 PM on Friday 2/4.

    The Journal will place significant weight on a demonstrated interest in criminal law.

    Full event information:

  3. 8:00am 2016-01-28T17:00-06:00
    11th Annual TJOGEL Symposium

    The two-day event will feature dynamic speakers and leaders from various sectors of the energy industry. The Symposium will take place in the Etter-Harbin Alumni Center, located on the University of Texas campus, at 2110 San Jacinto Boulevard, Austin, Texas 78712. Please see the attached program for details.

    Pending approval from UT CLE, the Symposium will provide 13.5 CLE credits, including 2.0 hours of ethics. If you have any questions, please email the Symposium Director, Cody Dreibelbis, at

    The Journal looks forward to seeing you in January 2016!

    For more information, please contact our Symposium Director at

    Full event information:

  4. 10:30am 2016-01-28T14:00-06:00
    UT Law CLE – AL16 Planning Meeting

    Note: This event’s full details are restricted to Texas Law faculty and staff members only.

    Full event information:

  5. 11:00am 2016-01-28T13:30-06:00
    Public Service Career Fair Table Talk

    During the first day of Public Service Career Fair (PSCF), representatives from public interest organizations, as well as federal, state and local government agencies will host informational tables, which provide an excellent opportunity for students to network and find out about current volunteer opportunities, summer internships and postgraduate positions. All Texas Law students are encouraged to stop by. Please be sure to bring a copy of your resume for employers participating in Table Talk as they may request a copy.

    Full event information:

  6. 11:30am 2016-01-28T13:00-06:00
    Faculty Colloquium

    Note: This event’s full details are restricted to Texas Law faculty and staff members only.

    Full event information:

  7. 11:45am 2016-01-28T13:00-06:00
    Professional Development Institute

    The 5th Annual Texas Law Professional Development Institute: Prepared For Practice is taught by industry experts and practicing attorneys, covering facets of new attorney professionalism most sought after by legal employers. It is promoted widely to employers, many of whom contributed to the content of the program.

    Whether you’re a 1L preparing for your first summer clerkship or the fall recruiting season, a 2L working to turn your summer clerkship or fellowship into an offer, or a graduating 3L getting a head start on your legal career, the Texas Law Professional Development Institute (PDI) will help you be a more competitive candidate and a better lawyer.

    Texas Law students may enroll for the Law Firm and/or Public Service Tracks. Registration information for the 2016 PDI will be announced in November.

    Full event information:

  8. 12:00pm 2016-01-28T15:00-06:00
    Bar Application Notary Clnic

    Staff members will be available to notarize bar exam applications.

    Full event information:

  9. 1:30pm 2016-01-28T14:30-06:00
    Popcorn Break

    The Texas Law Alumni Association and Student Affairs Office are excited to announce the return of Popcorn Break in Spring 2016! Starting January 21, 2016, Popcorn Break will be every Thursday afternoon from 1:30 – 2:30 pm. The popcorn will be located in the Tom Clark Lounge. We look forward to seeing you there!

    Full event information:

  10. 6:00pm 2016-01-28T00:00-06:00
    Rob Nixon event CANCELLED

    Please join us for the first event in the Rapoport Center's spring Human Rights Speaker Series. Rob Nixon, Thomas A. and Currie C. Barron Family Professor in Humanities and Environment at Princeton University, will present "Environmental Justice and the Anthropocene." The talk is co-sponsored with the Texas Institute for Literary & Textual Studies and the Department of American Studies.

    Full event information:

Friday January 29
  1. All day
    Public Service Career Fair (Day II)

    Hosted annually by the Texas Law Career Services Office, Public Service Career Fair (PSCF) is the largest public service job fair for law students in Texas. During both days of PSCF, which will be held January 28-29, 2016, public interest and government employers will conduct on-campus interviews for paid and unpaid summer and permanent positions in the Career Services Interview Suite.

    Full event information:

  2. All day
    AJCL Spring Write-On (1Ls & 2Ls)

    1L and 2L students interested in criminal law can apply to join the Journal without completing the write-on process. Submit a resume with your GPA (with grades, if available) and statement of interest (500 word max) to by 2:00 PM on Friday 2/4.

    The Journal will place significant weight on a demonstrated interest in criminal law.

    Full event information:

  3. 8:00am 2016-01-29T18:00-06:00
    Texas Law Review Symposium

    The Texas Law Review at the University of Texas in Austin will be hosting a symposium January 28–30, 2016, Thursday evening to Saturday luncheon, tentatively titled “The Constitution and Economic Inequality.” While the general topic of economic inequality has recently attracted a huge wave of popular and scholarly attention, legal scholars are only now beginning to explore the problem’s constitutional dimensions. This Symposium will change that. We will examine the emerging, many-sided problem of economic inequality in constitutional theory, history, and political economy.

    The Texas Law Review is working with Professors Joseph Fishkin and William Forbath to design this event, which will bring together a high-powered group of legal scholars, historians, and other academics to focus on the relationship between the Constitution and our political economy, including arguments that the Constitution depends on preventing oligarchy and preserving a broad, accessible middle class. We are inviting scholars to think about inequality and unequal opportunity in a variety of substantive areas. The proceedings of the symposium will be published in the Texas Law Review.

    Full event information:

  4. 8:00am 2016-01-29T14:00-06:00
    11th Annual TJOGEL Symposium

    The two-day event will feature dynamic speakers and leaders from various sectors of the energy industry. The Symposium will take place in the Etter-Harbin Alumni Center, located on the University of Texas campus, at 2110 San Jacinto Boulevard, Austin, Texas 78712. Please see the attached program for details.

    Pending approval from UT CLE, the Symposium will provide 13.5 CLE credits, including 2.0 hours of ethics. If you have any questions, please email the Symposium Director, Cody Dreibelbis, at

    The Journal looks forward to seeing you in January 2016!

    For more information, please contact our Symposium Director at

    Full event information:

  5. 9:00am 2016-01-29T17:00-06:00
    YMCA TX Youth & Govt State Conference

    YMCA Youth and Government allows middle and high school students to experience the excitement of our state government in action.

    Full event information:

  6. 11:00am 2016-01-29T12:30-06:00
    Rob Nixon workshop CANCELLED

    Please join us for a workshop with Rob Nixon, Thomas A. and Currie C. Barron Family Professor in Humanities and Environment at Princeton University:

    "The Anthropocene: The Promise and Pitfalls of an Epochal Idea"

    Respondent: Neville Hoad, Associate Professor of English, UT Austin

    Co-sponsored with the Texas Institute for Literary & Textual Studies and the Department of American Studies

    Attendees are encourage to read Nixon's paper beforehand:

    Full event information:

  7. 12:00pm 2016-01-29T13:15-06:00
    Heather Jarvis: Public Service Loan Forg

    On Friday, January 29, Heather Jarvis will be speaking about "Public Service Loan Forgiveness in Five Easy Steps" during lunch from noon-1:15 p.m. as part of the Public Service Career Fair. Many government and nonprofit professionals stand to gain tens of thousands of dollars of student debt relief from the Public Service Loan Forgiveness program established by the College Cost Reduction and Access Act. But the program requirements can be confusing. Heather knows how to break it down step-by-step so it makes sense once and for all. She'll also be discussing the Pay As You Earn Repayment Plan.

    Lunch will be served. RSVP online.

    Full event information:

Saturday January 30
  1. 8:00am 2016-01-30T16:00-06:00
    TROLP - Finance 101

    Texas Review of Law & Politics (TROLP)'s annual Finance 101 Event will be Saturday, January 30th from 8am - 4pm. Our guest speaker, Jimmy Kull, will address the new and returning members of the journal on a variety of topics dealing with personal finance and money management.

    Full event information:

  2. 8:15am 2016-01-30T13:00-06:00
    Texas Law Review Symposium

    The Texas Law Review at the University of Texas in Austin will be hosting a symposium January 28–30, 2016, Thursday evening to Saturday luncheon, tentatively titled “The Constitution and Economic Inequality.” While the general topic of economic inequality has recently attracted a huge wave of popular and scholarly attention, legal scholars are only now beginning to explore the problem’s constitutional dimensions. This Symposium will change that. We will examine the emerging, many-sided problem of economic inequality in constitutional theory, history, and political economy.

    The Texas Law Review is working with Professors Joseph Fishkin and William Forbath to design this event, which will bring together a high-powered group of legal scholars, historians, and other academics to focus on the relationship between the Constitution and our political economy, including arguments that the Constitution depends on preventing oligarchy and preserving a broad, accessible middle class. We are inviting scholars to think about inequality and unequal opportunity in a variety of substantive areas. The proceedings of the symposium will be published in the Texas Law Review.

    Full event information:

  3. 9:00am 2016-01-30T17:00-06:00
    YMCA TX Youth & Govt State Conference

    YMCA Youth and Government allows middle and high school students to experience the excitement of our state government in action.

    Full event information: