Events Calendar

Now viewing: Monday, November 7, 2016

Lucie E. White and William E. Forbath: "Using Ghana’s Oil Wealth to Promote Social Rights: A Vanishing Dream?"

TNH 2.111 (Sheffield-Massey Room)

The Colloquium on Natural Resource Governance, Inequality & Human Rights will address the human rights issues that arise in the context of natural resource extraction and governance, especially in relation to resources such as fossil fuels, minerals and timbers. Natural resource governance is fundamentally about who can decide which resources can be used by whom and about how decision-making around these questions should be undertaken. The outcomes of such decision-making have profound consequences for the distribution of wealth, power, authority and risk exposure at the local, national and international levels. Lectures will examine how persistent inequalities between and within countries pose additional challenges for the realization of human rights in relation to natural resource extraction.

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