Events Calendar

Now viewing: May 16–29, 2021

Thursday, May 27

Beyond Inequality: Case Studies (Rapoport Center 2021 Pop-Up Institute: Beyond the Future of Work)

The Rapoport Center and the Harvard Institute for Global Law and Policy have gathered a team of international and interdisciplinary scholars over the past year for a book project rethinking the future of work through methods of racial capitalism, world-systems, and critiques of distribution. This panel highlights case studies from the book about precarity in sites ranging from the Austin construction and Vermont dairy industries in the U.S. to

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Friday, May 28

Capitalism on Edge: A Conversation (Rapoport Center 2021 Pop-Up Institute: Beyond the Future of Work)

Albena Azmanova’s latest book, Capitalism on Edge, provocatively insists: “Capitalism is not on its deathbed, utopia is not in our future, and revolution is not in the cards. And yet, the time is ripe for radical progressive change.” In conversation with Jamie Galbraith, Azmanova discusses these claims and more – from the rise of global precarity to the future of capitalism.

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