Events Calendar

Now viewing: October 2021

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
Sunday 26 Monday 27 Tuesday September 28
  1. 11:45am 2021-09-28T13:00-05:00
    Safety Education Program training

    All registered and sponsored graduate and undergraduate student organizations must complete the Safety Education Program on an annual basis each fall semester. To help our student organization leaders meet this requirement the Student Affairs Office has scheduled a training session to take place in the law school.

    Full event information:

  2. 3:45pm 2021-09-28T16:45-05:00
    1L CSO Orientation & Career Planning

    Please RSVP by Monday, September 27, on Symplicity. Zoom link will then be sent before the event.

    This is a mandatory workshop for 1Ls. Please note that first-year students may receive one-on-one career counseling beginning October 4.

    Full event information:

  3. 7:30pm 2021-09-28T21:00-05:00
    Inter-Affinity Virtual Game Night

    OUTLaw is excited to invite the members of TMLS, CHLSA, APALSA, TLDA, and MLSA for a night of fun! We will be hosting various games in different break-out rooms for people to try! Players at all levels welcome.

    Full event information:

Wednesday September 29
  1. 8:00am 2021-09-29T09:15-05:00

    Join us for our weekly time of Bible study, prayer, and fellowship. Light breakfast will be served.

    In the event of rain, this event will be moved indoors to the Jury Room (CCJ 2.310).

    Full event information:

  2. 10:00am 2021-09-29T15:00-05:00
    Society T-Shirt Day

    Law students are encouraged to support their Society pride by donning their Society shirts. 2Ls/3Ls and faculty who wear their Society shirts can stop by the table in the atrium so we can make sure they are counted as part of our Society games.

    Full event information:

  3. 7:00pm 2021-09-29T20:00-05:00
    Judicial Nominations

    Please join the Texas Federalist Society as we host the Honorable Leslie H. Southwick, Judge of the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit, and Andrew Davis, Chief Counsel to Senator Ted Cruz, for a discussion about past, present, and future judicial nominations.

    The first 20 Texas Law students to register will receive a $10 redemption code for DoorDash to enjoy a meal during the event.

    Registration Link:

    Note: Registration is not required to attend any of the Texas Federalist Society's virtual events this semester; it is only required for each event if you would like to make use of the DoorDash discount.

    Full event information:

Thursday September 30
  1. 11:45am 2021-09-30T13:15-05:00
    Faculty Colloquium - Shirin Sinnar

    Note: This event’s full details are restricted to Texas Law faculty and staff members only.

    Full event information:

  2. 12:00pm 2021-09-30T13:00-05:00
    Law School 201/301

    In advance of Early Registration for Spring 2022, we will go over grad requirements, the Degree Audit, and course selection. We will also preview the bar exam! For 2Ls and 3Ls.

    Full event information:

  3. 5:00pm 2021-09-30T06:00-05:00
    Art/Law zoom chat w/ David Sokolow

    Join the Texas Law Art Association on Zoom while we sit down with Texas Law's own professor David Sokolow to talk about the intersections of art and the law, and how we as aspiring lawyers can engage with and even work within the art world. Q&A with Professor Sokolow will be held at the end!

    Event will be September 30th, 5pm. Join at this link:

    Full event information:

  4. 5:00pm 2021-09-30T18:45-05:00
    TJOGEL Virtual Roundtable

    On Tuesdays and Thursdays in the Fall semester, the Texas Journal of Oil, Gas, and Energy Law hosts a law firm for a roundtable with interested TJOGEL Society members. At the roundtables, partners and associates visiting from the law firms will present on a wide variety of energy law topics for the first part of the event. Then, TJOGEL Society members will have the opportunity to ask questions and network with the visitors from the law firms.

    HaynesBoone will be joining us on the evening of September 30 at 5:00pm to discuss summer clerkships and what it means to be successful as a summer associate.

    To participate in the event, please join the TJOGEL Society by going to the Society's website:

    Full event information:

  5. 6:00pm 2021-09-30T19:00-05:00
    Public Defense Group Internship Workshop

    Join PDG for an internship workshop that will cover how to tailor your resume and cover letter and prepare for interviews at public defense offices. This workshop will prepare 1Ls and 2Ls for the interview process at public defense offices with particular insights from other students' previous interview experiences.

    Full event information:

Friday October 1
  1. CANCELED 2021-10-01T17:00-05:00
    Society Games

    THIS EVENT HAS BEEN CANCELED. If in doubt, verify with the web-based events calendar.

    Annual Society Games at the IM Fields!

    Full event information:

Saturday 2
Sunday 3 Monday October 4
  1. All day
    October "On-Campus" Interviews (Virtual)

    October “On-Campus” Interviews will place on the web-based platform Flo Recruit.

    Employers may recruit 2Ls, 3Ls, domestic and foreign-trained LL.M.s, and recent graduates (up to one year after graduation) for summer clerkships or postgraduate positions.

    Full event information:

  2. 12:00pm 2021-10-04T13:00-05:00
    How to Think: Socratic Method

    Join FGLS in hearing from UT Law alum and first-generation lawyer, Ali Gallagher, on her research on how humans think!

    Ali will be covering how humans learn and how to apply these basic tenets to improve study habits and reduce anxiety in a Socratic learning environment over a series of sessions.

    This second session will focus on the Socratic Method and individual learning.

    Attendance of the first session is not necessary to understand the new material. Feel free to send questions to

    Full event information:

  3. 4:00pm 2021-10-04T18:00-05:00
    Rapoport Center Colloquium

    Speaker Alyssa Battistoni: “Climate Futures and the Future of Work: Rethinking “Green Jobs,” Revaluing Care Work”

    Instructions for joining the zoom meeting: Please note that registration is required for the Zoom webinar:

    You will need to sign in with the same email account that you used to register for the program. If you have difficulty registering, please contact

    If you do not have a Zoom account, you may watch this event on our YouTube channel:

    Full event information:

Tuesday October 5
  1. All day
    October "On-Campus" Interviews (Virtual)

    October “On-Campus” Interviews will place on the web-based platform Flo Recruit.

    Employers may recruit 2Ls, 3Ls, domestic and foreign-trained LL.M.s, and recent graduates (up to one year after graduation) for summer clerkships or postgraduate positions.

    Full event information:

  2. 12:00pm 2021-10-05T13:00-05:00
    TJOGEL Roundtable Luncheon

    On Tuesdays and Thursdays in the Fall semester, the Texas Journal of Oil, Gas, and Energy Law hosts a law firm for a roundtable lunch with interested TJOGEL Society members. At the roundtables, partners and associates visiting from the law firms will present on a wide variety of energy law topics for the first part of the lunch. Then, TJOGEL Society members will have the opportunity to ask questions about the presentation. Finally, at 12:40-12:45pm, we will go from JON 5.257 to the courtyard outside to give out lunches to the lawyers and student attendees. Students and the visiting lawyers can eat lunch and network. We expect to have a variety of both National and Texas-based law firms.

    There is a limited number of spots for each Roundtable Luncheon. To sign up to attend a Roundtable, please sign up for the TJOGEL Society and look for an RSVP form about a week before the Roundtable Luncheon that you want to attend.

    Full event information:

  3. 3:30pm 2021-10-05T16:30-05:00
    Law School 101: Outlining

    Outlining consists of many different strategies for each law student. Come hear about how you should think about outlining and potential methods to use to attack your courses.

    Full event information:

  4. 3:45pm 2021-10-05T17:30-05:00
    Law & Economic - Dr, Corren // HU

    Topic: Law and Economic Seminar - Dr Netta Barak Corren Time: Oct 5, 2021 03:45 PM Central Time (US and Canada)

    Join Zoom Meeting

    Meeting ID: 930 2328 2700

    Full event information:

Wednesday October 6
  1. All day
    October "On-Campus" Interviews (Virtual)

    October “On-Campus” Interviews will place on the web-based platform Flo Recruit.

    Employers may recruit 2Ls, 3Ls, domestic and foreign-trained LL.M.s, and recent graduates (up to one year after graduation) for summer clerkships or postgraduate positions.

    Full event information:

  2. 8:00am 2021-10-06T09:15-05:00

    Join us for our weekly time of Bible study, prayer, and fellowship. Light breakfast will be served.

    In the event of rain, this event will be moved indoors to the Jury Room (CCJ 2.310).

    Full event information:

  3. 12:00pm 2021-10-06T13:00-05:00
    So You Want to Be a Law Professor…

    If you’ve ever thought about becoming a law professor, or simply wanted insight into a career in legal academia, join Professors Henderson and Vladeck for lunch

    You can RSVP for this event using this survey:

    Full event information:

  4. 12:00pm 2021-10-06T13:00-05:00
    Lunch and Lege

    Come join the American Constitution Society at Texas Law and the Texas Journal on Civil Liberties & Civil Rights for a lunchtime discussion with Representative Chris Turner, Chair of the Texas House Democratic Caucus, James Slattery, senior staff attorney at the Texas Civil Rights Project, and Carson White, attorney at Texas Appleseed. Given SB8, redistricting, and the walkout over voting restrictions, this promises to be an interesting discussion.

    Please note: The American Constitution Society is a 501(c)(3) organization and does not endorse any candidate or political message.

    Full event information:

  5. 3:30pm 2021-10-06T16:30-05:00
    Law School 101: Outlining

    Outlining consists of many different strategies for each law student. Come hear about how you should think about outlining and potential methods to use to attack your courses.

    Full event information:

  6. 5:00pm 2021-10-06T19:00-05:00
    Business Law 101: Venture Capital

    Please join the Texas Business Law Society for our first in-person presentation of the year. Brian Dillavou, an Austin-based partner with Wilson Sonini, will discuss representing startups and venture-backed companies.

    TBLS is committed to making the presentation available for those who are unable to join in-person. Please contact for alternative accommodation.

    Full event information:

  7. 6:00pm 2021-10-06T19:30-05:00
    Town-Hall with Lee Merritt

    We are hosting a speaking engagement with Lee Merritt, civil rights lawyer running for Texas AG, on the evening of Wednesday, October 6.

    The plan is for the event to be held at the law school, with a hybrid set-up so people can attend via Zoom, as well. Mimi Marziani of the Texas Civil Rights Project has agreed to moderate, so we imagine the first half hour as a conversation between Lee and Mimi and the second half hour as Q&A with students. We plan to circulate the event among various UT graduate school and undergrad groups who might be interested in joining.

    Full event information:

  8. 6:30pm 2021-10-06T19:30-05:00
    APALSA Internship Panel

    Join us to hear from APALSA 2Ls and 3Ls about their summer experiences with biglaw firms, IP, government agencies, public defense, legal aid, and impact litigation internships!

    Zoom ID: 968 7264 0974

    Full event information:

Thursday October 7
  1. All day
    October "On-Campus" Interviews (Virtual)

    October “On-Campus” Interviews will place on the web-based platform Flo Recruit.

    Employers may recruit 2Ls, 3Ls, domestic and foreign-trained LL.M.s, and recent graduates (up to one year after graduation) for summer clerkships or postgraduate positions.

    Full event information:

  2. 11:30am 2021-10-07T13:00-05:00
    Virtual Clinical Info Session

    Join clinical faculty and staff online to discuss Texas Law's clinical program. Visit us at (EID required)

    Full event information:

  3. 11:45am 2021-10-07T13:15-05:00
    Faculty Colloquium - Katerina Linos

    Note: This event’s full details are restricted to Texas Law faculty and staff members only.

    Full event information:

  4. 12:00pm 2021-10-07T13:00-05:00
    TJOGEL Roundtable Luncheon

    On Tuesdays and Thursdays in the Fall semester, the Texas Journal of Oil, Gas, and Energy Law hosts a law firm for a roundtable lunch with interested TJOGEL Society members. At the roundtables, partners and associates visiting from the law firms will present on a wide variety of energy law topics for the first part of the lunch. Then, TJOGEL Society members will have the opportunity to ask questions about the presentation. Finally, at 12:40-12:45pm, we will go from JON 5.257 to the courtyard outside to give out lunches to the lawyers and student attendees. Students and the visiting lawyers can eat lunch and network. We expect to have a variety of both National and Texas-based law firms.

    There is a limited number of spots for each Roundtable Luncheon. To sign up to attend a Roundtable, please sign up for the TJOGEL Society and look for an RSVP form about a week before the Roundtable Luncheon that you want to attend.

    Full event information:

  5. 12:30pm 2021-10-07T13:30-05:00
    Martinez Society 1L Boxed Lunches

    Norton Rose Fulbright sponsored lunch for 1Ls in Martinez Society.

    Full event information:

  6. 4:30pm 2021-10-07T19:30-05:00
    Virtual Texas Law Day

    Law Day is an open house hosted by the JD Admissions Office. Students can learn about the admissions process, sit in on mock class and here from current students of what law school is like.

    Full event information:

  7. 5:30pm 2021-10-07T18:15-05:00
    A Conversation with Justice Field

    The Texas Law Aggie Society will be hosting a Q&A session with Texas Law alumnus, Justice Scott K. Field. If you are curious about the path to the bench, commercial litigation, appellate advocacy, or trial advocacy, please join us in the Jury Room at 5:30PM. The discussion will be student lead, and soft drinks and Tiff’s Treats will be provided outside after the event!

    Full event information:

  8. 6:00pm 2021-10-07T19:00-05:00
    Big Tech and Section 230: Big Problem?

    Please join the Texas Federalist Society on Oct. 7 at 6pm as we host Professor Eugene Volokh of UCLA Law and Professor Ashutosh Bhagwat of UC Davis School of Law for a discussion about Section 230 (the law that protects online platforms from being held liable for things users say on them) and Big Tech. What's the problem?

    The first 50 Texas Law students to register will receive a $10 redemption code for DoorDash to enjoy a meal during the event.

    Registration Link:

    Note: Registration is not required to attend any of the Texas Federalist Society's virtual events this semester; it is only required for each event if you would like to make use of the DoorDash discount.

    Full event information:

Friday October 8
  1. All day
    October "On-Campus" Interviews (Virtual)

    October “On-Campus” Interviews will place on the web-based platform Flo Recruit.

    Employers may recruit 2Ls, 3Ls, domestic and foreign-trained LL.M.s, and recent graduates (up to one year after graduation) for summer clerkships or postgraduate positions.

    Full event information:

  2. All day
    OUTLaw Photoshoot Fundraiser

    To celebrate National Coming Out Day, OUTLaw is partnering with Shoott to have a photoshoot fundraiser! Come get a new headshot or just have fun!

    How it works: 1. Sign up for a 15 minute photoshoot - the photoshoot is free for you! 2. Show up at the law school courtyard at the time of your shoot on Friday, October 8. 3. Have a great time and get a great new headshot! OUTLaw receives $10 for every completed photoshoot. 4. Pick out some great photos to purchase! $15 for one photo, $10 per photo if you buy 6 or more, or $120 for all of your photos.

    If you cannot make a photoshoot on the 8th, or you would like a longer session, go to to book a session. OUTLaw will receive money if you complete that session.

    Full event information:

  3. 10:00am 2021-10-08T12:00-05:00
    Meeting of Advisory Board for DA Office

    Meeting of the Community Advisory Board on Domestic Violence & Sexual Assault of the Travis County District Attorney’s Office. Estimated attendance 15 persons

    Full event information:

  4. 10:15am 2021-10-08T10:30-05:00
    OUTLaw Group Photo

    Come to the new sign in front of the courtyard facing Dean Keeton to be in a group OUTLaw photo! Wear fun rainbow swag and show off your pride!

    DO NOT BE LATE. We won't be able to wait for you, due to the photographer's commitments and the fact that people have class.

    NOTE: We will be posting this photo on social media. If you do not want to be on OUTLaw's social media, please do not join the photo!

    Full event information:

  5. 11:00am 2021-10-08T13:30-05:00
    1L Society Lunches

    Boxed lunches for 1L members of Society programs: Oct 8 -Hargrave from 11-2 in the Courtyard; Oct 15 -Green from 11-2 in the Courtyard; Oct 22: Sutton from 11-2 in the Courtyard; Nov 5:Cadena from 12:30-2 in the Courtyard

    Full event information:

  6. 1:00pm 2021-10-08T13:30-05:00
    Pro bono trainings

    Note: This event’s full details are restricted to Texas Law faculty and staff members only.

    Full event information:

  7. 6:00pm 2021-10-08T20:00-05:00
    TILJ Welcome Event

    All TILJ members are invited to join us for some good company and great food!

    Full event information:

Saturday 9
Sunday 10 Monday October 11
  1. 10:00am 2021-10-11T14:00-05:00
    Atrium Advising

    Spring 2022 Academic Advising for 2Ls and 3Ls. Stop by our table in the Atrium (or if the weather is good, find us outside!)

    Full event information:

  2. 11:30am 2021-10-11T13:30-05:00
    Wellness Week - Chair Massages

    Texas Law Health & Wellness Week is an annual, week-long event focused on supporting and improving the emotional, physical, mental, and academic wellness of Texas Law students. Relax and de-stress with a chair massage by UT RecSports massage therapists.

    Full event information:

  3. 3:45pm 2021-10-11T17:45-05:00
    Colloquium On Complex Litigation
Tuesday October 12
  1. 8:00am 2021-10-12T09:00-05:00
    Wellness Week - Yoga on the Lawn

    Texas Law Health & Wellness Week is an annual, week-long event focused on supporting and improving the emotional, physical, mental, and academic wellness of Texas Law students. Relax and de-stress with yoga on the lawn (sponsored by SBA + Akin Gump). Start your day off with yoga instructor Robin Pippins, free and healthy breakfast snacks and juices, and raffle giveaways. Please bring your own yoga mat or blanket. Must be present to win raffle prizes.

    Full event information:

  2. 10:00am 2021-10-12T14:00-05:00
    Atrium Advising

    Spring 2022 Academic Advising for 2Ls and 3Ls. Stop by our table in the Atrium (or if the weather is good, find us outside!)

    Full event information:

  3. 11:30am 2021-10-12T13:30-05:00
    Wellness Fair

    Meet representatives from University and other organizations who offer resources to support your wellbeing during law school.

    Full event information:

  4. 11:45am 2021-10-12T12:45-05:00
    Human Rights Internships Info Session

    Join the Rapoport Center for Human Rights and Justice to learn about internship and fellowship opportunities.

    Full event information:

  5. 12:00pm 2021-10-12T13:00-05:00
    TJOGEL Roundtable Luncheon

    On Tuesdays and Thursdays in the Fall semester, the Texas Journal of Oil, Gas, and Energy Law hosts a law firm for a roundtable lunch with interested TJOGEL Society members. At the roundtables, partners and associates visiting from the law firms will present on a wide variety of energy law topics for the first part of the lunch. Then, TJOGEL Society members will have the opportunity to ask questions about the presentation. Finally, at 12:40-12:45pm, we will go from JON 5.257 to the courtyard outside to give out lunches to the lawyers and student attendees. Students and the visiting lawyers can eat lunch and network. We expect to have a variety of both National and Texas-based law firms.

    There is a limited number of spots for each Roundtable Luncheon. To sign up to attend a Roundtable, please sign up for the TJOGEL Society and look for an RSVP form about a week before the Roundtable Luncheon that you want to attend.

    Full event information:

  6. 12:00pm 2021-10-12T13:00-05:00
    TMLS: Vinson & Elkins Professional Dev.

    Join TMLS and Vinson & Elkins for a professional development seminar. Boxed lunches will be served afterwards!

    Full event information:

  7. 3:45pm 2021-10-12T17:45-05:00
    Law and Economic Seminar - Alon Klement

    Abraham Wickelgren is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

    Topic: Law and Economic Seminar - Alon Klement // Tel Aviv Time: Oct 12, 2021 03:45 PM Central Time (US and Canada)

    Join Zoom Meeting

    Meeting ID: 930 2328 2700 One tap mobile +13462487799,,93023282700# US (Houston) +12532158782,,93023282700# US (Tacoma)

    Dial by your location +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston) +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma) +1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose) +1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC) +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago) +1 929 205 6099 US (New York) Meeting ID: 930 2328 2700 Find your local number:

    Join by SIP

    Join by H.323 (US West) (US East) (India Mumbai) (India Hyderabad) (Amsterdam Netherlands) (Germany) (Australia Sydney) (Australia Melbourne) (Hong Kong SAR) (Brazil) (Canada Toronto) (Canada Vancouver) (Japan Tokyo) (Japan Osaka) Meeting ID: 930 2328 2700

    Full event information:

  8. 6:00pm 2021-10-12T19:00-05:00
    OUTLaw General Meeting

    Come to our October meeting where we are having a presentation on Mental Health in honor of Wellness Week! Food will be served after the meeting part of the meeting.

    Full event information:

  9. 6:30pm 2021-10-12T00:00-05:00
    No Way on Prop A

    Join Texas Law Democrats in a conversation with Chas Moore, the Executive Director and Co-Founder of Austin Justice Coalition. Prop A is a ballot measure that will expand the Austin Police Department and require the city of Austin to cut funding for mental health, parks, and other essential services. At this event, we'll discuss the implications of Prop A on our community and the ways we can support those it affects.

    Full event information:

Wednesday October 13
  1. 8:00am 2021-10-13T09:15-05:00

    Join us for our weekly time of Bible study, prayer, and fellowship. Light breakfast will be served.

    In the event of rain, this event will be moved indoors to the Jury Room (CCJ 2.310).

    Full event information:

  2. 10:00am 2021-10-13T14:00-05:00
    Atrium Advising

    Spring 2022 Academic Advising for 2Ls and 3Ls. Stop by our table in the Atrium (or if the weather is good, find us outside!)

    Full event information:

  3. 11:30am 2021-10-13T13:00-05:00
    Pet therapy with Divine Canines

    Our wonderful friends from Divine Canines are back after two long years! Please wear masks for the safety and comfort of our volunteers, even though we will be outside.

    Full event information:

Thursday October 14
  1. 10:00am 2021-10-14T14:00-05:00
    Atrium Advising

    Spring 2022 Academic Advising for 2Ls and 3Ls. Stop by our table in the Atrium (or if the weather is good, find us outside!)

    Full event information:

  2. 11:45am 2021-10-14T13:15-05:00
    Faculty Colloquium - Scott Hemphill

    Note: This event’s full details are restricted to Texas Law faculty and staff members only.

    Full event information:

  3. 12:00pm 2021-10-14T13:00-05:00
    TJOGEL Roundtable Luncheon

    On Tuesdays and Thursdays in the Fall semester, the Texas Journal of Oil, Gas, and Energy Law hosts a law firm for a roundtable lunch with interested TJOGEL Society members. At the roundtables, partners and associates visiting from the law firms will present on a wide variety of energy law topics for the first part of the lunch. Then, TJOGEL Society members will have the opportunity to ask questions about the presentation. Finally, at 12:40-12:45pm, we will go from JON 5.257 to the courtyard outside to give out lunches to the lawyers and student attendees. Students and the visiting lawyers can eat lunch and network. We expect to have a variety of both National and Texas-based law firms.

    There is a limited number of spots for each Roundtable Luncheon. To sign up to attend a Roundtable, please sign up for the TJOGEL Society and look for an RSVP form about a week before the Roundtable Luncheon that you want to attend.

    Full event information:

  4. 12:00pm 2021-10-14T13:00-05:00
    Integrating Intuitive and Mindful Eating

    Integrating Intuitive and Mindful Eating in your Meal Planning with Nutritionist Jennifer Barnoud • Learn how to use the food groups to build a balanced, nutritious meal. • Learn at least one helpful strategy to approach meal planning. • Learn at least one helpful strategy for grocery shopping on a budget. • Learn at least one helpful strategy for learning to prepare meals & snacks at home. 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm (virtual – Join Zoom Meeting: Meeting ID: 987 5595 4320

    Full event information:

  5. 4:30pm 2021-10-14T18:15-05:00
    TJOGEL 1L Career Panel

    TJOGEL will be hosting 5-8 transactional, regulatory, and litigation energy lawyers in a Q&A for 1Ls interested in working at a large law firm, learning about energy law, or potentially having an energy-related practice. Our speakers will cover a variety of practices in the energy law field: upstream, midstream, and downstream oil and gas work; power and regulatory work; as well as renewables and project development work. Attendees will have the opportunity to ask questions at the event as well as network with the attorneys.

    There are a limited number of available spots, so please RSVP via a form that will be sent out 1-2 weeks prior to the event to TJOGEL Society Members. To become a TJOGEL Society Member, please follow this link to register and pay dues: If you have any questions, please email

    Full event information:

  6. 6:30pm 2021-10-14T19:30-05:00
    Veterans in Big Law

    Are you a veteran interested in BigLaw? Join the Texas Law Veterans Association for a panel discussion and Q&A with local partners and associates as they discuss how their military experience has impacted their careers.

    Food and reception to follow.

    Full event information:

Friday October 15
  1. 8:00am 2021-10-15T14:00-05:00
    KBH Energy Center 6th Annual Symposium

    For additional information and to RSVP:

    Full event information:

  2. CANCELED 2021-10-15T13:00-05:00
    Scholarship Event

    THIS EVENT HAS BEEN CANCELED. If in doubt, verify with the web-based events calendar.

    Scholarship Event for recipients and supporters to connect

    Full event information:

  3. 11:00am 2021-10-15T12:30-05:00
    1L Society Lunches

    Boxed lunches for 1L members of Society programs: Oct 15 -Green from 11-12:30 in the Courtyard; Oct 22: Sutton from 11-2 in the Courtyard; Nov 5:Cadena from 12:30-2 in the Courtyard

    Full event information:

  4. 12:00pm 2021-10-15T14:00-05:00
    Atrium Advising

    Spring 2022 Academic Advising for 2Ls and 3Ls. Stop by our table in the Atrium (or if the weather is good, find us outside!)

    Full event information:

  5. 12:00pm 2021-10-15T13:00-05:00
    The Future of Reproductive Rights

    Join ACS next Friday, October 15, at 12pm, for a panelist discussion with Leila Abolfazli (Director of Federal Reproductive Rights at the National Women's Law Center), Shayna Medley (Center for Reproductive Rights attorney working on Dobbs v. Jackson Women's Health), and Rosann Mariappuram (Executive Director of Jane's Due Process) to discuss the current status and future of reproductive rights from activist, legal, and policy perspectives.

    RSVP and Food:

    Watch Party Location: TNH 2.140

    Zoom link:

    Full event information:

  6. 12:00pm 2021-10-15T12:30-05:00
    15 Minutes of Calm – A Mindfulness Sessi

    15 Minutes of Calm – A Mindfulness Session with Assistant Director Christopher Sokol • Learn to calm your mind • Focus on your breath • Deal w/ stress and anxiety in a healthy and relaxing way

    Join Zoom Meeting:

    Full event information:

  7. 1:00pm 2021-10-15T15:00-05:00
    Public Service Expo

    Presented each fall by the CSO, the Public Service Expo offers Texas Law students an opportunity to informally meet with government agencies and public interest organizations to learn about the employers and available internship and job opportunities.

    This year's Expo will be held virtually on Flo Recruit from 1:00 p.m.-3:30 p.m. (Central) on Friday, October 15, 2021.

    Full event information:

  8. 1:30pm 2021-10-15T14:30-05:00
    TMLS 1L Academic Session

    TMLS welcomes its 1L members to attend an Academic Session on time Management! Boxed Lunch will be provided afterwards!

    Full event information:

Saturday October 16
  1. All day
    Tailgate 2021

    The Texas Law Alumni Association will hold its 22nd Annual TAILGATE EXTRAVAGANZA on the Law School lawn before the kickoff of Texas vs. Oklahoma State. Time is TBD.

    More info:


    Full event information:

Sunday 17 Monday October 18
  1. 4:00pm 2021-10-18T18:00-05:00
    Rapoport Center Colloquium

    Speaker Alyssa Battistoni: “Climate Futures and the Future of Work: Rethinking “Green Jobs,” Revaluing Care Work”

    Instructions for joining the zoom meeting: Please note that registration is required for the Zoom webinar:

    You will need to sign in with the same email account that you used to register for the program. If you have difficulty registering, please contact

    If you do not have a Zoom account, you may watch this event on our YouTube channel:

    Full event information:

Tuesday October 19
  1. 12:00pm 2021-10-19T13:00-05:00
    TJOGEL Roundtable Luncheon

    On Tuesdays and Thursdays in the Fall semester, the Texas Journal of Oil, Gas, and Energy Law hosts a law firm for a roundtable lunch with interested TJOGEL Society members. At the roundtables, partners and associates visiting from the law firms will present on a wide variety of energy law topics for the first part of the lunch. Then, TJOGEL Society members will have the opportunity to ask questions about the presentation. Finally, at 12:40-12:45pm, we will go from JON 5.257 to the courtyard outside to give out lunches to the lawyers and student attendees. Students and the visiting lawyers can eat lunch and network. We expect to have a variety of both National and Texas-based law firms.

    There is a limited number of spots for each Roundtable Luncheon. To sign up to attend a Roundtable, please sign up for the TJOGEL Society and look for an RSVP form about a week before the Roundtable Luncheon that you want to attend.

    Full event information:

  2. 12:00pm 2021-10-19T13:00-05:00
    Real Estate Issues in Cannabis Law

    Join Texas Real Estate Law Society in Room JON 5.257 on Tuesday, October 19th at 12-1pm for lunch and an interesting discussion on an evolving issue in real estate law!

    TRELS will be hosting their first lunch panel of the year featuring Morris Denton, the owner of Compassionate Cultivation which is a licensed medical cannabis growing company; Professor Rider who teaches Land Use Regulation; and Gail Whitfield who is the Founder of The Whitfield Company, a commercial real estate business. They will speak about the real estate issues that arise in the medical cannabis industry. We hope to see you there!"

    Full event information:

Wednesday October 20
  1. 8:00am 2021-10-20T09:15-05:00

    Join us for our weekly time of Bible study, prayer, and fellowship. Light breakfast will be served.

    In the event of rain, this event will be moved indoors to the Jury Room (CCJ 2.310).

    Full event information:

  2. 10:00am 2021-10-20T14:00-05:00
    Free Pins for International Pronouns Day

    Come to the atrium to get a free pin with your pronouns and learn a little about why pronouns are important!

    Full event information:

  3. 12:00pm 2021-10-20T13:15-05:00
    Innovations in Equality

    The Center for Women in Law will host a Ginsburg Initiative virtual panel discussion, Innovations in Equality: Advancing the Legal Workplace.

    Full event information:

  4. 1:00pm 2021-10-20T14:00-05:00
    Concealed Carry and the Court

    Please join the Texas Federalist Society on Oct. 20 at 1pm as we host veteran Second Amendment litigator Dr. Stephen Halbrook and Professor Joseph Blocher, Co-Director of the Duke Center for Firearms Law, for a debate about the upcoming Supreme Court concealed-carry case N.Y. State Rifle & Pistol Ass'n Inc. v. Bruen. Dr. Halbrook. and Prof. Blocher will analyze the issue presented in Bruen in light of District of Columbia v. Heller and post-Heller Second Amendment jurisprudence in the lower courts.

    The first 50 Texas Law students to register will receive a $10 redemption code for DoorDash to enjoy a meal during the event.

    Registration Link:

    Note: Registration is not required to attend any of the Texas Federalist Society's virtual events this semester; it is only required for each event if you would like to make use of the DoorDash discount.

    Full event information:

Thursday October 21
  1. 11:45am 2021-10-21T13:15-05:00
    Faculty Colloquium - Margo Kaminski

    Note: This event’s full details are restricted to Texas Law faculty and staff members only.

    Full event information:

  2. 12:00pm 2021-10-21T13:00-05:00
    TJOGEL Roundtable Luncheon

    On Tuesdays and Thursdays in the Fall semester, the Texas Journal of Oil, Gas, and Energy Law hosts a law firm for a roundtable lunch with interested TJOGEL Society members. At the roundtables, partners and associates visiting from the law firms will present on a wide variety of energy law topics for the first part of the lunch. Then, TJOGEL Society members will have the opportunity to ask questions about the presentation. Finally, at 12:40-12:45pm, we will go from JON 5.257 to the courtyard outside to give out lunches to the lawyers and student attendees. Students and the visiting lawyers can eat lunch and network. We expect to have a variety of both National and Texas-based law firms.

    There is a limited number of spots for each Roundtable Luncheon. To sign up to attend a Roundtable, please sign up for the TJOGEL Society and look for an RSVP form about a week before the Roundtable Luncheon that you want to attend.

    Full event information:

  3. 12:00pm 2021-10-21T14:00-05:00
    TLAA Mini Pumpkin Painting

    Take a break from school and come paint mini pumpkins with TLAA! Paint and mini pumpkins to be provided!

    Full event information:

  4. 3:00pm 2021-10-21T15:45-05:00
    Law School 101: Stress Management

    Law school stress is unique. We all need strategies to handle all that needs to be done, learned, and demonstrated in the course of a semester. Along with Dr. Maria Timm, SAO staff will discuss the unique pressures on law students and how to manage them.

    Full event information:

  5. 6:00pm 2021-10-21T20:00-05:00
    TJOGEL Fall Law Firm Happy Hour

    TJOGEL's first in-person social event will be the Fall Happy Hour on Thursday, October 21 from 6pm-8pm at the historic and beautiful Hotel Ella. Beverages and Hors d'Oeuvres will be served, and we will be inviting lawyers from many different firms and companies to attend the event. Since the law school does not allow us to pay for more than 2 drinks per student, you will only receive two drink tickets when you check in, but there will be a cash bar to purchase more beverages. Attire is business casual. Dues must be paid to RSVP.

    For more information, please email our Society Director, Lyle Paul, at

    Full event information:

  6. 6:30pm 2021-10-21T21:00-05:00
    Texas Law Fellowships Fall Auction

    Join us at Hotel Vegas for TLF's annual Fall Auction! Bring your friends and bid on experiences with your favorite professor. All money raised will help to fund summer fellowships for our Texas Law students who chose to take unpaid public service internships.

    Full event information:

Friday October 22
  1. 11:00am 2021-10-22T12:30-05:00
    1L Society Lunches

    Boxed lunches for 1L members of Society programs: Oct 15 -Green from 11-12:30 in the Courtyard; Oct 22: Sutton from 11-2 in the Courtyard; Nov 5:Cadena from 12:30-2 in the Courtyard

    Full event information:

  2. 12:00pm 2021-10-22T13:00-05:00
    Academic Freedom and the First Amendment

    Join us for a discussion with Professors Laura Weinrib (Harvard Law) and David Rabban (Texas Law) regarding conflicting views about academic freedom and its relationship to the First Amendment.

    Moderated by Professor Steven Collis (Texas Law), director of the Bech-Loughlin First Amendment Center.

    To register for this event:

    Full event information:

  3. 12:45pm 2021-10-22T13:45-05:00
    Alternative Curriculum Ses.2: Contracts

    We wanted to introduce a series of events that LS4BL hosts in partnership with ACS called our Alternative Curriculum Racial Justice Series. This series was created especially for 1Ls, and it's one filled with professor networking, lively discussions, and fun prizes.

    These are hour-long discussions attempting to integrate principles of racial justice into the 1L core curriculum. The discussions seek not only to shed light on the extent of the permeation of racial inequalities in every aspect of the law, but to equip law students with the necessary tools to speak up in class, ponder hard topics, and work to change the culture of our law school curriculum at large.

    Each discussion is centered on one of the six 1L courses and is facilitated by a professor who is both knowledgeable in the subject and demonstrates a commitment to racial justice. Note: Every attendee will be entered into a drawing to receive a free LS4BL t-shirt and gift card! The more sessions you attend, the more entries you receive for the drawing!

    Full event information:

  4. 1:00pm 2021-10-22T14:00-05:00
    How to Apply to Big Law

    Please RSVP by Thursday, October 21, on Symplicity. Zoom link will sent before the event.

    1Ls: Learn about the recruitment and application process for summer opportunities at large law firms (aka BigLaw). Denyse Demel, Law Firms Career Counselor, will provide an overview of BigLaw, share strategies, and offer advice for obtaining clerkship positions.

    Full event information:

Saturday 23
Sunday 24 Monday October 25
  1. 9:00am 2021-10-25T15:00-05:00
    CHLSA's Fajita Fiesta

    CHLSA's bi-annual fajita grilling fundraiser! Come hungry and join us right outside the atrium for a fajita feast! Food will be served from 11:45 AM until sold out.

    Full event information:

  2. 9:00am 2021-10-25T10:00-05:00
    Ace Your Legal Interviews | Virtual

    Open to 1Ls. Please RSVP by Sunday, October 24, on Symplicity. The Zoom link will be sent before the event.

    Join us for this interactive workshop designed to prepare you to ace your upcoming legal interviews. You will hear common legal interview questions and have the opportunity to practice your interview messaging and skills in this small-group setting. You will leave the program with the tools and the confidence to help you prepare for and nail your interviews.

    Full event information:

  3. 3:30pm 2021-10-25T16:30-05:00
    Ace Your Legal Interviews | In-Person

    Please RSVP by Sunday, October 24, on Symplicity.

    Join us for this interactive workshop designed to prepare you to ace your upcoming legal interviews. You will hear common legal interview questions and have the opportunity to practice your interview messaging and skills in this small-group setting. You will leave the program with the tools and the confidence to help you prepare for and nail your interviews.

    Full event information:

Tuesday October 26
  1. 10:30am 2021-10-26T11:30-05:00
    Ace Your Legal Interviews | In-Person

    Open to 1Ls. Please RSVP by Monday, October 25, on Symplicity.

    Join us for this interactive workshop designed to prepare you to ace your upcoming legal interviews. You will hear common legal interview questions and have the opportunity to practice your interview messaging and skills in this small-group setting. You will leave the program with the tools and the confidence to help you prepare for and nail your interviews.

    Full event information:

  2. 12:00pm 2021-10-26T13:00-05:00
    Clinical Faculty Zoom Lunch

    Note: This event’s full details are restricted to Texas Law faculty and staff members only.

    Full event information:

  3. 12:00pm 2021-10-26T13:00-05:00
    Workshop with the Peggy Brown Fund

    Please RSVP on Symplicity.

    The Peggy Browning Fund, whose mission is to educate and inspire the next generation of law students to become advocates for workplace justice, is conducting a regional workshop about labor law and the career paths available. Panelists may include union lawyers, labor law firm attorneys, labor law professors, Peggy Browning Fellowship Alumni and attorneys from the U.S. Department of Labor and the National Labor Relations Board.

    Full event information:

  4. 1:00pm 2021-10-26T14:00-05:00
    Ace Your Legal Interviews | In-Person

    Open to 1Ls. Please RSVP by Monday, October 25, on Symplicity.

    Join us for this interactive workshop designed to prepare you to ace your upcoming legal interviews. You will hear common legal interview questions and have the opportunity to practice your interview messaging and skills in this small-group setting. You will leave the program with the tools and the confidence to help you prepare for and nail your interviews.

    Full event information:

  5. 3:30pm 2021-10-26T16:30-05:00
    Ace Your Legal Interviews | In-Person

    Open to 1Ls. Please RSVP by Monday, October 25, on Symplicity.

    Join us for this interactive workshop designed to prepare you to ace your upcoming legal interviews. You will hear common legal interview questions and have the opportunity to practice your interview messaging and skills in this small-group setting. You will leave the program with the tools and the confidence to help you prepare for and nail your interviews.

    Full event information:

  6. 3:45pm 2021-10-26T17:45-05:00
    Law and Economics Seminar - Alan Schwart
  7. 7:00pm 2021-10-26T20:00-05:00
    Elections 101 with The Austin Common

    It's election time, again! Austinites have many important constitutional amendments and local propositions on the ballot. Join the Graduate Student Agency and The Austin Common's Amy Stanfield to discuss all things elections-related! We'll be introducing students to their ballots and give a run-down of Props A & B so that everyone can feel prepared for the Nov. 2 election! This is a nonpartisan event, so come prepared with any and all questions!

    Get the zoom link for this event here:

    Full event information:

Wednesday October 27
  1. All day
    Trustees Meeting Fall 2021

    Foundation board meetings

    Full event information:

  2. 8:00am 2021-10-27T09:15-05:00

    Join us for our weekly time of Bible study, prayer, and fellowship. Light breakfast will be served.

    In the event of rain, this event will be moved indoors to the Jury Room (CCJ 2.310).

    Full event information:

  3. 12:00pm 2021-10-27T12:45-05:00
    Affirmative Action and the Court

    Please join the Texas Federalist Society on Oct. 27 at 12pm in TNH 2.140 as we host affirmative action experts Cory Liu of the Ashcroft Law Firm and Professor Theodore M. Shaw of UNC School of Law for a debate and discussion about the Students for Fair Admissions Inc. v. President & Fellows of Harvard College case.

    Chick-fil-a sandwiches will be provided after the event!

    If you're unable to attend in person, you're welcome to join the webinar at

    Full event information:

  4. 4:30pm 2021-10-27T17:30-05:00
    Doing Well and Doing Good

    Large law firms continue to increase their pro bono commitments, delivering more than 5 million hours of free legal services annually, while profits and revenue continue to grow as well. How is this possible? Steven Schulman, Pro Bono Partner at Akin Gump, will discuss why he believes that the culture, structure and economics of large firms is uniquely situated to allow pro bono to thrive. Steven has been the Pro Bono Partner for Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld since 2006. He manages the firm’s world-wide pro bono practice, which devotes more than 100,000 hours annually to a range of clients, from non-profit organizations to individuals in need of protection.

    Full event information:

  5. 4:45pm 2021-10-27T17:45-05:00
    Ace Your Legal Interviews | Virtual

    Open to 1Ls. Please RSVP by Tuesday, October 26, on Symplicity. The Zoom link will be sent before the event.

    Join us for this interactive workshop designed to prepare you to ace your upcoming legal interviews. You will hear common legal interview questions and have the opportunity to practice your interview messaging and skills in this small-group setting. You will leave the program with the tools and the confidence to help you prepare for and nail your interviews.

    Full event information:

Thursday October 28
  1. All day
    Trustees Meeting Fall 2021

    Foundation board meetings

    Full event information:

  2. 12:00pm 2021-10-28T13:00-05:00
    TJOGEL Roundtable Luncheon

    On Tuesdays and Thursdays in the Fall semester, the Texas Journal of Oil, Gas, and Energy Law hosts a law firm for a roundtable lunch with interested TJOGEL Society members. At the roundtables, partners and associates visiting from the law firms will present on a wide variety of energy law topics for the first part of the lunch. Then, TJOGEL Society members will have the opportunity to ask questions about the presentation. Finally, at 12:40-12:45pm, we will go from JON 5.257 to the courtyard outside to give out lunches to the lawyers and student attendees. Students and the visiting lawyers can eat lunch and network. We expect to have a variety of both National and Texas-based law firms.

    There is a limited number of spots for each Roundtable Luncheon. To sign up to attend a Roundtable, please sign up for the TJOGEL Society and look for an RSVP form about a week before the Roundtable Luncheon that you want to attend.

    Full event information:

  3. CANCELED 2021-10-28T13:00-05:00
    TMLS - Porter Hedges Seminar

    THIS EVENT HAS BEEN CANCELED. If in doubt, verify with the web-based events calendar.

    Join Porter Hedges and TMLS for a discussion on picking your practice group. Boxed lunches will be served afterwards!

    Full event information:

  4. 3:30pm 2021-10-28T16:30-05:00
    Ace Your Legal Interviews | In-Person

    Open to 1Ls. Please RSVP by Wednesday, October 27, on Symplicity.

    Join us for this interactive workshop designed to prepare you to ace your upcoming legal interviews. You will hear common legal interview questions and have the opportunity to practice your interview messaging and skills in this small-group setting. You will leave the program with the tools and the confidence to help you prepare for and nail your interviews.

    Full event information:

  5. 4:45pm 2021-10-28T17:45-05:00
    Ace Your Legal Interviews | Virtual

    Open to 1Ls. Please RSVP by Wednesday, October 27, on Symplicity. Zoom link will be sent before the event

    Join us for this interactive workshop designed to prepare you to ace your upcoming legal interviews. You will hear common legal interview questions and have the opportunity to practice your interview messaging and skills in this small-group setting. You will leave the program with the tools and the confidence to help you prepare for and nail your interviews.

    Full event information:

  6. CANCELED 2021-10-28T21:00-05:00
    Farenthold Endowed Lecture

    THIS EVENT HAS BEEN CANCELED. If in doubt, verify with the web-based events calendar.

    To ensure the continuation of Sissy Farenthold’s legacy, this lecture series — in line with Sissy’s own history of exposing and responding to injustices and inequality as both a public servant and citizen — brings to Austin and Houston internationally renowned scholars and activists to inspire their audiences to think and act creatively to respond to some of the greatest challenges of the 21st century. The lecture is co-presented by, and alternates between, the Rapoport Center at UT-Austin and the Rothko Chapel in Houston. This year's lecture will take place at UT-Austin. More information coming soon!

    Full event information:

Friday October 29
  1. All day
    Trustees Meeting Fall 2021

    Foundation board meetings

    Full event information:

  2. 9:00am 2021-10-29T10:00-05:00
    Ace Your Legal Interviews | Virtual

    Open to 1Ls. Please RSVP by Thursday, October 28, on Symplicity. Zoom link will be sent before the event.

    Join us for this interactive workshop designed to prepare you to ace your upcoming legal interviews. You will hear common legal interview questions and have the opportunity to practice your interview messaging and skills in this small-group setting. You will leave the program with the tools and the confidence to help you prepare for and nail your interviews.

    Full event information:

  3. 9:15am 2021-10-29T10:45-05:00
    Sheffield Society 1L Breakfast

    NRF sponsored breakfast for 1Ls in Sheffield Society

    Full event information:

  4. 11:00am 2021-10-29T12:30-05:00
    1L Society Lunches

    Boxed lunches for 1L members of Society programs: Oct 15 -Green from 11-12:30 in the Courtyard; Oct 22: Sutton from 11-2 in the Courtyard; Nov 5:Cadena from 12:30-2 in the Courtyard

    Full event information:

  5. 12:30pm 2021-10-29T14:00-05:00
    Celebrate Pro Bono Week and Change it Up

    On the lawn on the south side of Susman Godfrey Atrium

    Join us for a lunch celebrating National Pro Bono Week and Change It Up! 2021

    Box lunches will be available from 12:30 to 2 pm. Faculty, staff and student hosts will reprise the Change It Up! breakout rooms in-person, outside from 1-1:30.

    Bring a blanket to spread out on the lawn. Come picnic or visit “breakout room” tables, or both!

    Please RSVP by October 20th at noon:

    Hosted by the William Wayne Justice Center for Public Interest Law and the Mithoff Pro Bono Program

    Full event information:

  6. 1:30pm 2021-10-29T14:30-05:00
    Ace Your Legal Interviews | In-Person

    Open to 1Ls. Please RSVP by Thursday, October 28, on Symplicity.

    Join us for this interactive workshop designed to prepare you to ace your upcoming legal interviews. You will hear common legal interview questions and have the opportunity to practice your interview messaging and skills in this small-group setting. You will leave the program with the tools and the confidence to help you prepare for and nail your interviews.

    Full event information:

  7. 2:30pm 2021-10-29T15:30-05:00
    Ace Your Legal Interviews | In-Person

    Open to 1Ls. Please RSVP by Thursday, October 28, on Symplicity.

    Join us for this interactive workshop designed to prepare you to ace your upcoming legal interviews. You will hear common legal interview questions and have the opportunity to practice your interview messaging and skills in this small-group setting. You will leave the program with the tools and the confidence to help you prepare for and nail your interviews.

    Full event information:

  8. 3:30pm 2021-10-29T16:30-05:00
    Ace Your Legal Interviews | In-Person

    Open to 1Ls. Please RSVP by Thursday, October 28, on Symplicity.

    Join us for this interactive workshop designed to prepare you to ace your upcoming legal interviews. You will hear common legal interview questions and have the opportunity to practice your interview messaging and skills in this small-group setting. You will leave the program with the tools and the confidence to help you prepare for and nail your interviews.

    Full event information:

Saturday October 30
  1. 2:00pm 2021-10-30T16:00-05:00
    TTSC Happy Hour

    This happy hour will follow the virtual program (the Texas Transactional Skills Competition). Student members of the Texas Business Law Society will have the opportunity to meet in person and network with attorneys from Big Law firms who helped judge the event. At this happy hour, we will also announce the winners of the competition, thank the firm sponsors for joining us, and briefly hear from Dean Farnsworth.

    Full event information:

Sunday 31 Monday November 1
  1. 9:00am 2021-11-01T10:00-05:00
    Ace Your Legal Interviews | Virtual

    Open to 1Ls. Please RSVP by Sunday, October 31, on Symplicity. Zoom link will be sent before the event.

    Join us for this interactive workshop designed to prepare you to ace your upcoming legal interviews. You will hear common legal interview questions and have the opportunity to practice your interview messaging and skills in this small-group setting. You will leave the program with the tools and the confidence to help you prepare for and nail your interviews.

    Full event information:

  2. 11:45am 2021-11-01T13:00-05:00
    1L Mentoring Program Orientation

    1L students who are participating in the Alumni Mentoring Program are encouraged to attend one orientation meeting, either 11/1 or 11/3. If you are unavailable or have strong concerns about attending this event, please contact

    Full event information:

  3. 11:45am 2021-11-01T12:45-05:00
    Drawing Board Luncheon

    Note: This event’s full details are restricted to Texas Law faculty and staff members only.

    Full event information:

  4. 12:00pm 2021-11-01T13:00-05:00
    JOLTT Lecture: Blockchain + Antitrust

    JOLTT will welcome Professor Schrepel (VU Amsterdam/Stanford) to give a talk on Zoom about his book, "Blockchain + Antitrust." It explores the relationship between blockchain and antitrust, highlights the mutual benefits that stem from cooperation between the two, and provides a unique perspective on how law and technology could cooperate. Professor Schrepel will also explore the anticompetitive practices that may arise in the ecosystem and will cover enforcement issues before showcasing the potential of blockchain and antitrust to complement one another.

    Full event information:

  5. 12:00pm 2021-11-01T13:00-05:00
    Previewing Dobbs

    The upcoming Dobbs case and the Supreme Court’s recent decision to grant cert in the Texas abortion cases have many wondering about the future of Roe. If you’re wondering too, join the Texas Federalist Society on Monday November 1st from 12pm-1pm in TNH 2.140 (lunch will be served after the event). We’ll be hosting a debate between Teresa S. Collett and Neal Devins on the constitutionality of Roe and the implications of the upcoming Supreme Court cases.

    Can’t join us in person? Join us on Zoom (meeting ID: 811 518 21111)

    Full event information:

  6. 3:30pm 2021-11-01T16:30-05:00
    Ace Your Legal Interviews | In-Person

    Open to 1Ls. Please RSVP by Sunday, October 31, on Symplicity.

    Join us for this interactive workshop designed to prepare you to ace your upcoming legal interviews. You will hear common legal interview questions and have the opportunity to practice your interview messaging and skills in this small-group setting. You will leave the program with the tools and the confidence to help you prepare for and nail your interviews.

    Full event information:

Tuesday November 2
  1. All day
    1L/2L Headshots

    Take a headshot for inclusion in the printed class directories.

    Full event information:

  2. 10:30am 2021-11-02T11:30-05:00
    Ace Your Legal Interviews | In-Person

    Open to 1Ls. Please RSVP by Monday, November 1, on Symplicity.

    Join us for this interactive workshop designed to prepare you to ace your upcoming legal interviews. You will hear common legal interview questions and have the opportunity to practice your interview messaging and skills in this small-group setting. You will leave the program with the tools and the confidence to help you prepare for and nail your interviews.

    Full event information:

  3. 12:00pm 2021-11-02T13:00-05:00
    Law School 101: Exam Prep and Taking

    In our last 101 session of the semester, we'll focus on how to prepare for exams. Keeping in mind that your study methods can/will change based on the course and professor, we'll discuss study strategies and how to approach preparing for exams.

    Full event information:

  4. 12:00pm 2021-11-02T13:00-05:00
    TJOGEL Roundtable Luncheon

    On Tuesdays and Thursdays in the Fall semester, the Texas Journal of Oil, Gas, and Energy Law hosts a law firm for a roundtable lunch with interested TJOGEL Society members. At the roundtables, partners and associates visiting from the law firms will present on a wide variety of energy law topics for the first part of the lunch. Then, TJOGEL Society members will have the opportunity to ask questions about the presentation. Finally, at 12:40-12:45pm, we will go from JON 5.257 to the courtyard outside to give out lunches to the lawyers and student attendees. Students and the visiting lawyers can eat lunch and network. We expect to have a variety of both National and Texas-based law firms.

    There is a limited number of spots for each Roundtable Luncheon. To sign up to attend a Roundtable, please sign up for the TJOGEL Society and look for an RSVP form about a week before the Roundtable Luncheon that you want to attend.

    Full event information:

  5. 12:00pm 2021-11-02T13:15-05:00
    A Conversation with Erin Nealy Cox

    The Center for Women in Law will host a Susan L. Blount Power Lunch Series Lecture, A Conversation with Erin Nealy Cox, former U.S. Attorney and partner at Kirkland & Ellis. She will be interview by Angela Styles, '94, partner at Akin Gump and former Administrator of the Office of Federal Procurement Policy. During this conversation, they will explore Ms. Nealy Cox’s career journey, and the two will discuss the practical challenges and opportunities of navigating public service and private practice. They will address adding value to clients and maintaining ethical standards. The discussion will also address political appointments and apolitical job duties and the ethical questions posed by these roles, especially prosecutorial independence and the impact of political appearance on reputations and careers. This event will be held on Zoom. Approved for 1.25 hours ethics CLE. Register here:

    Full event information:

  6. 1:00pm 2021-11-02T14:00-05:00
    Ace Your Legal Interviews | In-Person

    Open to 1Ls. Please RSVP by Monday, November 1, on Symplicity.

    Join us for this interactive workshop designed to prepare you to ace your upcoming legal interviews. You will hear common legal interview questions and have the opportunity to practice your interview messaging and skills in this small-group setting. You will leave the program with the tools and the confidence to help you prepare for and nail your interviews.

    Full event information:

  7. 2:00pm 2021-11-02T17:00-05:00
    GSR IP Law Moot Court Tryouts

    Tryouts for the Competition will be held November 2 and 4, 2021, from 2:00–5:00 pm. All tryouts will be recorded and distributed to the coaches. If you cannot make it on one of the scheduled dates, please contact Peter McCabe at to schedule a makeup date.

    Full event information:

  8. 3:30pm 2021-11-02T16:30-05:00
    Ace Your Legal Interviews | In-Person

    Open to 1Ls. Please RSVP by Monday, November 1, on Symplicity.

    Join us for this interactive workshop designed to prepare you to ace your upcoming legal interviews. You will hear common legal interview questions and have the opportunity to practice your interview messaging and skills in this small-group setting. You will leave the program with the tools and the confidence to help you prepare for and nail your interviews.

    Full event information:

  9. 3:45pm 2021-11-02T17:30-05:00
    Law and Economic Seminar - Irena Hutton

    Note: This event’s full details are restricted to Texas Law faculty and staff members only.

    Full event information:

Wednesday November 3
  1. All day
    1L/2L Headshots

    Take a headshot for inclusion in the printed class directories.

    Full event information:

  2. 8:00am 2021-11-03T09:15-05:00

    Join us for our weekly time of Bible study, prayer, and fellowship. Light breakfast will be served.

    In the event of rain, this event will be moved indoors to the Jury Room (CCJ 2.310).

    Full event information:

  3. 11:45am 2021-11-03T13:00-05:00
    1L Mentoring Program Orientation

    1L students who are participating in the Alumni Mentoring Program are encouraged to attend one orientation meeting, either 11/1 or 11/3. If you are unavailable or have strong concerns about attending this event, please contact

    Full event information:

  4. 12:15pm 2021-11-03T13:15-05:00
    Being a Progressive Lawyer in BigLaw

    A panel of 3Ls and 2Ls who are BigLaw-bound will have a candid discussion with 1Ls and other fellow law students about how folks can live their progressive values while still going into BigLaw. Firm pro bono, considerations when comparing firms, and the realities of firm work/clients will be discussed and there will be time for questions at the end.

    Full event information:

  5. 3:30pm 2021-11-03T16:30-05:00
    Law School 101:Exam Prep and Taking

    In our last 101 session of the semester, we'll focus on how to prepare for exams. Keeping in mind that your study methods can/will change based on the course and professor, we'll discuss study strategies and how to approach preparing for exams.

    Full event information:

  6. 4:45pm 2021-11-03T17:45-05:00
    Ace Your Legal Interviews | Virtual

    Open to 1Ls. Please RSVP by Tuesday, November 2, on Symplicity. Zoom link will be sent before the event.

    Join us for this interactive workshop designed to prepare you to ace your upcoming legal interviews. You will hear common legal interview questions and have the opportunity to practice your interview messaging and skills in this small-group setting. You will leave the program with the tools and the confidence to help you prepare for and nail your interviews.

    Full event information:

Thursday November 4
  1. 8:00am 2021-11-04T09:00-05:00
    TJOGEL Coffee and Conversation

    TJOGEL Society members can stop by from 8:00am-9:00am to talk with lawyer representatives from a law firm and for some coffee and breakfast. The lawyers will be available to discuss their practice areas and firm.

    This event is only open to TJOGEL Society members who have paid their dues. Please contact the TJOGEL Managing Editor, Bradley Potts, at for more information on how to join the TJOGEL Society.

    Full event information:

  2. 11:30am 2021-11-04T13:15-05:00
    Faculty Colloquium - Katie Young

    Note: This event’s full details are restricted to Texas Law faculty and staff members only.

    Full event information:

  3. 12:00pm 2021-11-04T13:00-05:00
    TJOGEL Roundtable Luncheon

    On Tuesdays and Thursdays in the Fall semester, the Texas Journal of Oil, Gas, and Energy Law hosts a law firm for a roundtable lunch with interested TJOGEL Society members. At the roundtables, partners and associates visiting from the law firms will present on a wide variety of energy law topics for the first part of the lunch. Then, TJOGEL Society members will have the opportunity to ask questions about the presentation. Finally, at 12:40-12:45pm, we will go from JON 5.257 to the courtyard outside to give out lunches to the lawyers and student attendees. Students and the visiting lawyers can eat lunch and network. We expect to have a variety of both National and Texas-based law firms.

    There is a limited number of spots for each Roundtable Luncheon. To sign up to attend a Roundtable, please sign up for the TJOGEL Society and look for an RSVP form about a week before the Roundtable Luncheon that you want to attend.

    Full event information:

  4. 12:00pm 2021-11-04T13:00-05:00
    TMLS: Norton Rose Fulbright - Interview

    Join TMLS and Norton Rose Fulbright for a panel on how to succeed in your interviews. Boxed lunches will be provided afterwards!

    Full event information:

  5. 2:00pm 2021-11-04T17:00-05:00
    GSR IP Law Moot Court Tryouts

    Tryouts for the Competition will be held November 2 and 4, 2021, from 2:00–5:00 pm. All tryouts will be recorded and distributed to the coaches. If you cannot make it on one of the scheduled dates, please contact Peter McCabe at to schedule a makeup date.

    Full event information:

  6. 3:30pm 2021-11-04T16:30-05:00
    Ace Your Legal Interviews | In-Person

    Open to 1Ls. Please RSVP by Wednesday, November 3, on Symplicity.

    Join us for this interactive workshop designed to prepare you to ace your upcoming legal interviews. You will hear common legal interview questions and have the opportunity to practice your interview messaging and skills in this small-group setting. You will leave the program with the tools and the confidence to help you prepare for and nail your interviews.

    Full event information:

  7. 4:00pm 2021-11-04T18:00-05:00
    Rapoport Center Colloquium

    Speaker Alyssa Battistoni: “Climate Futures and the Future of Work: Rethinking “Green Jobs,” Revaluing Care Work”

    Instructions for joining the zoom meeting: Please note that registration is required for the Zoom webinar:

    You will need to sign in with the same email account that you used to register for the program. If you have difficulty registering, please contact

    If you do not have a Zoom account, you may watch this event on our YouTube channel:

    Full event information:

  8. 4:45pm 2021-11-04T17:45-05:00
    Ace Your Legal Interviews | Virtual

    Open to 1Ls. Please RSVP by Wednesday, November 3, on Symplicity. Zoom link will be sent before the event.

    Join us for this interactive workshop designed to prepare you to ace your upcoming legal interviews. You will hear common legal interview questions and have the opportunity to practice your interview messaging and skills in this small-group setting. You will leave the program with the tools and the confidence to help you prepare for and nail your interviews.

    Full event information:

Friday November 5
  1. 9:00am 2021-11-05T10:00-05:00
    Ace Your Legal Interviews | Virtual

    Open to 1Ls. Please RSVP by Thursday, November 4, on Symplicity. Zoom link will be sent after the event.

    Join us for this interactive workshop designed to prepare you to ace your upcoming legal interviews. You will hear common legal interview questions and have the opportunity to practice your interview messaging and skills in this small-group setting. You will leave the program with the tools and the confidence to help you prepare for and nail your interviews.

    Full event information:

  2. 12:30pm 2021-11-05T13:00-05:00
    1L Society Lunches

    Boxed lunches for 1L members of Society programs: Nov 5:Cadena from 12:30-1:00 in the Courtyard

    Full event information:

  3. 1:00pm 2021-11-05T14:00-05:00
    Movement Lawyering and Radicalism

    Join LS4BL and renowned scholar Carlton E Williams as we parse through the relationship between movement lawyering, radicalism, and racial justice. We will also unpack the philosophy of what it truly means to be "radical," misconceptions/problems with the term, and how movement lawyering and radicalism may further the cause of Black liberation.

    Full event information:

  4. 1:30pm 2021-11-05T14:30-05:00
    Ace Your Legal Interviews | In-Person

    Open to 1Ls. Please RSVP by Thursday, November 4, on Symplicity.

    Join us for this interactive workshop designed to prepare you to ace your upcoming legal interviews. You will hear common legal interview questions and have the opportunity to practice your interview messaging and skills in this small-group setting. You will leave the program with the tools and the confidence to help you prepare for and nail your interviews.

    Full event information:

  5. 2:30pm 2021-11-05T15:30-05:00
    Ace Your Legal Interviews | In-Person

    Open to 1Ls. Please RSVP by Thursday, November 4, on Symplicity.

    Join us for this interactive workshop designed to prepare you to ace your upcoming legal interviews. You will hear common legal interview questions and have the opportunity to practice your interview messaging and skills in this small-group setting. You will leave the program with the tools and the confidence to help you prepare for and nail your interviews.

    Full event information:

  6. 3:30pm 2021-11-05T16:30-05:00
    Ace Your Legal Interviews | In-Person

    Open to 1Ls. Please RSVP by Thursday, November 4, on Symplicity.

    Join us for this interactive workshop designed to prepare you to ace your upcoming legal interviews. You will hear common legal interview questions and have the opportunity to practice your interview messaging and skills in this small-group setting. You will leave the program with the tools and the confidence to help you prepare for and nail your interviews.

    Full event information:

Saturday 6