Events Calendar
8:30am – 1:30pm
PALS Coffee Cart, Member Hat Handout, and Office Hours
TNH 2.100 (Susman Godfrey Atrium)
TNH 2.100 (Susman Godfrey Atrium)
Come enjoy a latte on PALS and pick up a hat for dues-paying members! Members of the PALS board will also be holding office hours for folks interested in securing a plaintiff-side summer job.
For more information visit – 12:50pm
The 1st Amendment’s Digital Footprint: NetChoice and Social Media Regulation
TNH 2.139 (Wilson Classroom)
TNH 2.139 (Wilson Classroom)
Join the Federalist Society as we explore the 1st Amendment in the digital age in our classic debate format. Central to this debate are the NetChoice cases currently pending. We are honored to host UCLA Professor Eugene Volokh and Professor Stephen Vladeck for this event. Please come, get a free lunch, and ask the hard questions.
For more information visit