Students in the Housing Clinic represent low-income families in their housing-related legal problems. Many clients are single parents and many are disabled. The primary focus is helping clients (1) avoid homelessness, and (2) gain access to affordable housing. Thus Clinic work often involves representing clients in threatened evictions; in denials of public housing, subsidized housing, and Section 8 housing; and in other aspects of landlord-tenant law. Some opportunity also exists for real-estate-related work on behalf of individuals and community-based nonprofit groups. Students interview clients, investigate cases, research issues, negotiate with opposing parties, draft pleadings and discovery, and represent clients in administrative hearings and in court. Court appearances may be limited due to students successfully settling their cases. The Clinic is based at Texas RioGrande Legal Aid.
The Housing Clinic gave me a window into the precarious lives of many tenants and how the law sometimes undermines and sometimes empowers, their efforts to find safe haven.
Rohan Shetty